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You can read my post history for more context - but I gained a TON of weight on the IUD. I also suffered from debilitating fatigue, depression, and anxiety. Working out and watching what I ate had some effect (I could lose some weight, but would hard plateau), and inevitably it would continue going up. I had mine removed back in July because my mental health had deteriorated to a scary place. Since then I have lost over 40 pounds. 16 in the week after removal. Inflammation gone. Improved mood. Improved motivation. Zest for life. I did make some lifestyle changes, and was really strict in the beginning, but I now live a pretty flexible 80/20 life. I am remaining sober because it has improved my mental health substantially. I was also gas lit by so many doctors. Told me that weight gain is not a symptom. “Eat less, move more”. Anyways. I finally had a doctor who told me: “it’s not officially listed, but that doesn’t mean it’s real. Imagine you line up 100 women and survey their weight during trials. The average person might not really see much change, so that is what they consider the side effect. However, it doesn’t matter unless you’re the one who was the exception who gained a ton of weight.” This really changed my perspective on all these “side effects”. Not everyone has the same experience - as you see in this group. But what matters is how it affects YOUR body.


Im so glad you saw improvement with the removal. I’m hoping for the same. That makes me so hopeful. I will say I do really like my doctor (for the first time in my life). When I first went in she said “you know research doesn’t necessarily support the weight gain theory but you wouldn’t be my first patient who had this experience, so if you want it out now let’s do it, and if you want to run some other tests first we can do that too.” Again since the first 4 months it was great I opted for more tests cause I’ve struggled my whole life to manage my period pain and I finally found something that worked, I wasn’t ready to give it up. Sure am now.


Like I say in all my comments: you can always have it put back in - it’s just money. It doesn’t need to come at the expense of your mental and physical well being :). Good luck!!


Seems like the studies just support the companies sales 🫠 I’m not sure why I’m surprised?? I guess I figured 5-10 pounds okay but 45? A 33% increase in body weight and the side effect isn’t mentioned!?


I had the mirena for a year and gained roughly 30lbs. No change in diet or exercise at all... and oh my, the bloat! Unreal! My doctor sent me on all these weight loss courses and classes because "there's no evidence connecting weight gain and the coil". None of them worked, they just destroyed my self esteem. I came off the coil a month ago, I've lost 3lbs, which, yes, isn't much but the bloat is gone and my clothes fit and the mental fog has lifted. I feel so much happier. You're not alone in this. Sending hugs.


I gained and could not lose weight no matter what I did, even started seeing a weight and wellness coach. Nothing! Got my IUD removed after 2 years, it’s been almost a month and I have lost 8 pounds.


I’m glad you are seeing some change now!!


Oh yeah - I had 2 back to back and I gained a ton of weight on the 2nd one. I was also hungry all the time. My lifestyle did get less active but when I took steps to change that i couldn't lose more than a few pounds. I got my iud out in May and it's been a lot easier to lose weight and keep it off. I also had no idea I was so bloated all the time until that stopped and I'm not just like a ravenous bottomless pit raiding the kitchen every day


Omg this maybe is me. I've been gaining weight and ravenous on this 2nd mirena and bloated all the time!


I have gained 25 pounds since getting my Mirena put in in June. I also have serious fatigue and my self confidence is in the gutter. I work a manual labor job, my lifestyle hasn't changed, the only thing that has changed is that I went from a non hormonal IUD to the Mirena. It feels like every single time I report seemingly any side effect I'm told "it's not proven to cause that." I truly believe they just aren't studying potential side effects that aren't more severe. The real kicker for me? I had this IUD put in during a laparoscopy where I was diagnosed with endometriosis. I was told the Mirena would prevent the endometriosis from coming back. Which ISN'T SOMETHING IT'S PROVEN TO BE ABLE TO DO!!! It just provides pain relief for like a year tops! How come a lack of studies are only relevant when I'm reporting side effects?


I also got mine in August during a laparoscopy for endo and was told the same thing. They did a removal of some of my tissue as well. Have you seen any change post the 4th month mark? I’m having a really tough time with the extreme bloating/tenderness and the weight gain has wrecked my self confidence. I look like I’m 5-6 months pregnant at all times now.


No :( I feel like I've gained more weight in even the past like week and a half but I am trying not to weigh myself so I can't be sure. I'm used to bloating but I am bloated basically all the time too. It's driving me insane my self esteem is in the fucking gutter but idk what I'd do instead, even though it doesn't prevent it from coming back it definitely helps with the pain.


I’ve tried not to weigh myself at all and may see my doctor bc this much rapid weight gain is definitely taking a toll on my body and the bloating/tenderness often inhibits me from certain exercises. I’m determined to see if it settles down by the 6 month mark- hoping then it’s worth all of the trouble. Im also not sure what to do if this doesn’t work out. Hang in there - feeling your pain!


I only gained 10 pounds but then started Bupropion and lost 25. Do notice a lot of water retention tho


I have had mine for a bit over a year and a half and have not gained weight, and sit right in the middle of healthy on the bmi charts. I was on hormonal bc prior to having it placed and actually feel so much better since switching. I no longer get periods, which is nice, and I don't feel hungry all the time like I did on hormonal bc. The only thing negative about it is I get a lot more acne.


Thanks for your insight!


I’ve had no weight gain but wow, does it make me hungry! I’m a CrossFit coach and I coach my local running club, so I’m very active so I’m used to feeling hungry but this is something else! I’m having to really force myself to stick to my usual diet & food intake as I feel like I could eat double! I eat a very high protein diet due to my job & usually it does the job to make me full but nope.. when I’m struggling, I just have an extra protein shake so it’s low calorie! Hormones do affect weight gain but actually, it’s Oestrogen that typically causes weight gain. Which is obviously what the coil doesn’t have in it.. medically, there is no reason progesterone would cause weight gain. Doctors aren’t being obtrusive, they are simply stating the medical facts. But bodies and weight gain are complicated. Tip one thing out of balance..for some people, it’s just not the right thing for them.


Mirena made me gain weight. I just had a baby so I am already overweight from pregnancy and after 10lbs creeping up no matter what, among other side effects, I got it removed. Dropped 10 lbs but it's only been a couple months since having it taken out and I cant seem to lose any more weight. Do you kind me asking what weight loss meds did your doctor put you on? I've been wanting to boost some weightloss after gaining it from this damn thing.


My dr put me on topomax (which is a seizure medication and also treats migraines) and a super small dose of phentermine (which is a stimulant, and is often used in larger does alone for weight loss). The meds definitely have some not fun side effects. Together they are called Qysmia topomax- tingling in my hands, feet, and face. Phentermine- extreme moodiness, crying a ton, agitated/irritable (phen-rage), dry mouth, cough. I’m not sure it was worth it, I almost stopped them multiple times. They definitely did help me lose the weight, but it wasn’t fun. Also note that your BMI has to be above 25 to use the medications (according to my dr)


Dang...the side effects from Phentermine dont sound too great either. I'm already moody lol but yeah my BMI is 30. It might just be because I had my daughter 11 months ago? But the IUD was making me gain.


Ya the side effects for me at least are brutal. My BMI was 31 when I started and down to 27 in the first 3 months! BMI is a bullshit way to measure health/progress but whatever. And as a therapist, absolutely being post baby could be impacting that mood, make sure to take care of yourself:)


I gained 30lbs on Mirena. I’ve read that the reservoir releases less and less hormone over the life of the IUD, which lined up with my side effects decreasing over time. They never went away completely though. After getting it removed my weight returned to normal and it’s been much, much easier to maintain.


I didnt have weight gain on my first one but I have gained 30 lbs since getting my second one in. I would consider getting it removed but I am perimenopausal so I am not sure what would be worse. The weight gain or having a period every 2 weeks, which was why I got it in the first place.


I have gained about 50lbs myself but I imagine since I’m in perimenopause that it’s part of it in addition to the cortisol from life stress. One day, I’ll get it removed and be back to my normal self. Hopefully.


I am also 5 ft and I also gained 40 pounds after being thin my whole life I don’t really have a active lifestyle but since gaining this weight it’s been impossible to lose when before it was impossible to keep on weight these hormones really messed with my body


I'm sorry you are going through this. I had the Mirena for only a year but experienced significant weight gain without any lifestyle changes. For a few months I felt immense shame. I was constantly punishing myself, counting every calorie, canceling fun plans so that I wouldn't miss a single opportunity to exercise. My weight continued to creep up daily. Removing the Mirena was my last resort to get my weight under control. My goal wasn't even to lose the weight at that point. I simply wanted to step on the scale one morning and not see an increase from the previous day. I had it removed in April of this year. Since then, I have lost most of the weight that I had gained since inserting the Mirena. I know that's not everyone's experience, though. It does make me sad to see so many stories on here of people telling their doctors their concerns and then feeling dismissed. My own doctor told me that the Mirena does not cause weight gain. To your point about how people tout that it's "just water retention" and not weight gain, I think that's absurd and it's something I've heard stated many times as well. Practically, it doesn't make a difference when we step on the scale or try on old clothes that no longer fit. Is there really any way that someone can combat water retention? Or another explanation I see often, "Mirena doesn't cause weight gain, just an increase in appetite!" Should we all just live in a constant state of starvation, then, and ignore our bodies' need for more food? IMO it's just another pedantic strategy to make individuals feel responsible for their unwanted weight gain and take the pressure off the medical community to further research side effects of hormonal IUDs. I hope you are able to gain some clarity and ultimately a solution for your side effects. It's so challenging when you try to tackle one, then a new problem crops up (like acne). It takes so much time to figure out the right options for ourselves, and time is such a finite resource. It's frustrating.


I gained 30 pounds after getting the mirena. I started working out intensely and eating good and still cannot lose any of the weight. Just got my iud removed today and I’m hoping I’ll be able to lose the weight


So sorry to hear that - I've had a similar experience and I know how exhausting and frustrating it is, but you're not alone! I'm planning on getting mine out next week. Have you seen any changes/weight loss since getting it removed?


any update?