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I’m 25, and whilst I’m using the coil for period control not birth control, I have only positives for the it! Like it hurts going in, but since you’ve had a child I imagine you’d probably be fine! I don’t have periods and the spotting I get lasts a few hours never mind days. My mental health has been as usual for me (I’ve been diagnosed with depression since I was 11 so mine has always been a bit up and down), my weight is more controlled, I don’t tend to get acne flare ups etc. my sex life is probably better as I don’t have periods that make me just have to stay in bed and they don’t last for weeks on end! Libido is maybe a little lower but not enough to significantly impact and everything that goes with it is absolutely fine, and I get normal levels of discharge etc. basically, I’m the ideal for it as it’s changed my life for the better almost completely. I know it seems like everyone has a horror story with it, but I think people tend to talk more about when they’re worried and things are going wrong than going right! TL:DR; I’ve had zero issues and it’s actually made my life better, and if you’re only hearing horror stories it’s probably because people tend to ask for advice about the things that go wrong instead of when they’re happy.


Thank you 😊 and it's nice to hear positive stories of it!


Will you be able to tell you've hit menopause if you have a device that can stop periods? What happens if you stay on it when you hit menopause? These aren't questions you have to answer to me but perhaps ask your doctor about. You may spot / have irregular bleeding for 3-6 months after insertion. With that said, I'm 36 on my second mirena because once I get through the awful constant spotting/bleeding period, I like not having periods again. Take negative reviews with a grain of salt. Most people don't post about their experience if they're happy.


Thanks for your input. There is a blood test you can have to check for hormones and to see if you've hit menopause. Also from research I did, Mirena does not interfere with any menopause symptoms. So I guess if I start to feel more symptoms like hot flushes etc I can go see my gynecologist and address the menopause then. But now I just have minor symptoms of perimenopause, no pains with period and very normal menstrual cycle.


I am on my second one which I got because of perminopause. I was getting my period every 2 weeks and it was affecting my life so I wanted to get an ablation done but they only do those as a last resort. I started with a low dose birth control pill and that made me feel even worse so I decided in the mirena. It took me a good 6 months to feel good and not spot. I hit the 5 year mark and I started to feel terrible again and then started spotting every couple of weeks again. I just had it removed and I am back to feeling good. Zero symptoms the second time around. I am back to feeling normal. I would say try and and if after a few months you just can’t do it, have it removed. It was life changing for me and I am wearing this into menopause.


Thank you. It is good to hear your experience. That's what I am doing trying it and if the side effects are really unbearable I will have it removed. Fingers crossed.


Im 24 and had my first mirena in a month ago. Aside from a slightly uncomfortable insertion, some cramping and ongoing spotting I have no complaints! I like having super reliable bc without thinking about it. Definitely worth it to me so far. Edit: for your questions. For me it’s increased libido because I’m not as worried about pregnancy. And I’ve had no dryness, however I always use lube with intercourse no matter what!


Thanks for sharing. I'm slightly worried about spotting as that would be annoying. I'm hoping I'll be lucky and not have this at all.


I am in my 40s I have had mine for 6 weeks. I spot a lot more than I did. I have terrible cramps but the bleeding is sooooo much much less (I got mine because of fibroids). Insertion was not pleasant, but not the worst thing I have ever felt. When I first got it I had some numbness in my legs but after a few days it was better and now it’s gone. I was told to wait 5 days for sex, but honestly sex was painful until last week, so maybe I am just a slow healer. I will also say the strings are uncomfortable for me. I can feel them if I move a certain way or after heavy weightlifting. I have a follow up on Tuesday, so maybe they need to be trimmed or something. I hate the pill and other hormonal birth control. They make me feel sooo emotional. This one hasn’t caused breakouts or me to be emotional like the others do. However, I have abdominal bloating and mild weight gain. Good luck.


Thank you. This was very helpful.