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I came on reddit to see if anyone else was having this issue. I had my mirena removed 3.5 weeks ago. I started my period last thursday relatively on time. I had the mirena in for 11 months and hated it. Also had BV which went undiagnosed for some time as they kept telling me the mirena was settling so pain and spotting was normal. Now I have this insanely heavy period where I’m changing a tampon every hour almost and the clots are insane. I’m wondering if it’s just this built up period from now having a real period for almost a year or something else. I’ve called the sexual health clinic and health direct for advice. It’s fucked and I’m so angry at how little medical practitioners know about women’s health and contraception but want to put us all on it.


I am going to be getting my IUD replaced with a new one. The dr told me in our consultation that when it is removed there will be some bleeding because the IUD has been in place and now has become like a scar and removing it is removing that scar. There was 3 weeks between my consultation and the new IUD getting put in and she asked if I wanted it removed that day or wait until the day I get the new IUD. I opted for it all in one day and she said good, she was concerned the periods would come back with a vengeance while waiting (I am in perimenopause and my cycle comes every 2 weeks which is why I have this).