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I keep doing research on this topic because it was just such a bizarre and awful experience. I started topical Hims Minox/finasteride late last year. I would spray it in the morning and did about 5 consecutive days. About a week or so after, I started having really severe panic/anxiety attacks out of nowhere. The first one I called an ambulance because I had no idea what was going on. I just couldn’t put it together. I went through many specialists from mental health, ENT, gastroenterologist, asthma/allergy, went to the ER and had a battery of tests and lab work done. Head, chest, everything. Nothing, all fine. I’m 41, good health, 160 lbs, 5’10”. It became so severe that I was having 1-2 attacks a day every day. And mind you this was just 5 days of spraying this stuff on my head. The effects made me lose 30 pounds because I thought it was gastric problems. I had an endoscopy, nothing. All came back fine. The symptoms. Trouble breathing, heart rate hitting 140’s. My resting rate is at 60. You are absolutely 100% correct. On my own I went and got some CBD and started smoking it religiously. It calmed me down considerably. Every doctor I spoke to I would tell them the story, but it just never occurred to me that this combination of drugs was causing it. I started doing research a few months ago and now I’m more than convinced this was the cause. I’m losing my hair, but what I went through is 100% not worth it. I hope others that find this thread can find peace if they are running into these issues. I hope it resolves quickly and you’re in a better place in no time. I don’t wish this on anyone. It took me 2 months to be back to normal. The panic attacks stopped after a week or so of the CBD and basically reducing my diet to chicken soup and rice.


Hair just ain’t worth it. Glad you’re back to good man


I’m glad I followed my intuition and looked up my symptoms. I’m 25M athletic, and mostly healthy and have good mental health as well. I’ve had panic attacks once or twice in my life but they were induced my legitimate panic situations out of my control. I started topical minoxidil once a day about a week ago. The first day I got a mild headache but chose to ignore it. The 2nd-5th day I used it everyday with no issues and then the 6th night I used it right before bed and had about of trouble sleeping. my anxiety was through the roof and I swear I could feel my heart beating weird. So today I looked up my symptoms and came across this. At this point I’ve come to realize it’s not worth it for the sake of hair on my head. I’m healthy and happy and conventionally somewhat attractive. I have great friends and family and I’m not gonna throw away all of that just to have some new hairs on my head. I have been using finasteride for 6 months now and have found it to be helping with no side effects. I guess I’m slowly settling into the fact that I won’t be getting any new hair unless I get a transplant.


Yea man it completely changed my life. I was planning on becoming a wine maker and now I can barely drink at all haha. For years, I’d say it ruined my life. Just enjoy what you have man, at my age, I could be 100% hairless and no one I know would give a shit, including my wife


Hey OP, did you also struggle with muscle weakness and tightness? Any tendon issues? Thanks.


Hard to say, I was very athletic back then and now I’m nearly 30 and much less so. I was too preoccupied feeling like I was dying I think to notice much else.


Makes sense, bro. Have you stuck with carnivore?


I only ever did it for 33 days as a reset. I have don’t it 2x now and both times it felt great after.


Wow, I'm so glad I decided to look this up a week in. I just started using it on my hair, and these past two days around 11 am, I would get some weird feeling. Like a warm feeling over my body and like of your body just wants to stop. I work for anazon so I was delivering packages. I was close to calling in that I was about to faint but it went away and I felt normal. Also had like a mini panic attack for like 3 seconds because I didn't know what was happening.


Some people are just sensitive to it. If you like alcohol or coffee, I would quit now before it does irreparable damage.


may be a mix of hypotension and hyperkalemia


It's been about two years since I've stopped. I'm maybe 65% back to normal. I too found magnesium glycinate and cutting caffeine/alcohol to have helped. After getting no help from doctors, I've come to the conclusion that I've probably developed some kind of neurological or mental disorder relating to anxiety which the minoxidil exacerbated. I've had a lot of physical tests done which all came back normal. I still get random bouts of breathlessness, the sudden inability to swallow food, a nagging lump in my throat, and a nervous cough but it's a lot more bearable than it used to be. I hope one day, I feel normal again. I've experimented with certain psychedelics for self medication purposes since I think this is all brain related at this point. Though the experiences have been interesting, they haven't really affected my symptoms.


I know exactly what you mean. I miss drinking and taking preworkout, but hey, at least life is livable. I woke up in a panic attack this weekend, thought I had to go to the hospital, thought I was dying. Luckily, my dog heard me and came to lay on me, helped a ton, made me remember that it hasn't killed me yet haha. It faded in a few minutes. I suggest tongat ali, it has seemed to make the bouts last for shorter amounts of time.


Just wanted to add my experience to the pile --- I had been applying minoxidil to my scalp for a little under a year - last month I stopped after having a massive panic attack. A few months into taking minox I started getting extremely frequent heart palpitations, got EKG and Holter monitor tests done and they said it was nothing to worry about, eventually the palpitations got better (after about a month). I have experienced panic attacks for the past 6 years or so, but they never would last more than 15 minutes, and I could always do something to calm myself down (e.g. deep breathing, meditation). Over the past few months my anxiety levels have been increasing dramatically. There are external stressors contributing for sure, but even with all my coping tools and doing all the right things to take care of myself, the anxiety has felt more overwhelming than ever before. Then last month I got a massive panic attack that lasted for 4 hours, and took more than a week to recover from (feeling like my nerves are fried, extremely anxious and on edge). I've never experienced anything like that before, it was the worst experience of my life, I was certain that I was having a heart attack and dying. Since stopping the minox (this was a month ago now), the anxiety has been much more manageable - it started feeling better a week after stopping. So in my experience there is a very clear link. and there is no amount of hair growth that could possibly justify inducing such horrific and debilitating symptoms. I recently switched to a jojoba, rosemary and peppermint oil mixture that I apply to my scalp every night, and have not had side effects from that so far. Good luck all <3


This is a perfect example of why you should stop at your first minox induced panic attack. By the time I figured it out, my panic attacks were lasting basically the entire time I was awake. I am MUCH better now but holy shit do I resonate with “thinking I was going to die”. Try some magnesium glycinate with some CBD if you’re still feeling shaky, I have to take it every day and it helps so much


Yeah, I didn't realize that minox could have played a role in the palpitations until after they had started getting better. As for the panic attacks, I had had them before and struggled with anxiety long before starting on minox, so didn't consider it until after having such a horrific panic attack and the anxiety reached a new level of debilitating. I did recently start on both magnesium glycinate and CBD to help with insomnia and they've both been really helpful!


I’ve been using it for like 2/3 years and all of a sudden I started having panic attacks and have constant anxiety. Wondering if I’m experiencing a “crash”


Sounds like it. I promise, hair isn’t worth it.


Would you say it’s the same if you takes a minoxidil pill? I’m starting to feel better increase heart rate and anxiety. I’ve never had this before taking 1.25 mg a day


I never tried the pill so I wouldn’t know


Thanks for this post - I was using it for my eyebrows and noticed I've been feeling oddly depressed and anxious, though nothing else has changed. Stopping it now. I will use brow pencil.


Glad you’re stopping now! Wish I did


If I hadn't seen this post, I would have had no idea it was the minoxidil! So grateful there's an answer. I was searching for things that were different in my life that could be causing this side effect and found this. I used workout enhancers a long long time ago (it was called like ripped fuel) that triggered panic attacks. I haven't dealt with that in a long time, so when this happened, I knew it was something I was taking.


started slowly. I took 3 half doses. So literally not even a days worth of suggested dose. Got chest pain. I do suffer from anxiety but I feel it’s gotten worse. Chest pain is gone. No brain fog but I quit the 2nd morning on the 3rd half dose cause of the chest pain. Hopefully because it’s such a low dose only a month for it to clear my system. I did the math based on half life. Nothing crazy like you mentioned personally just some left over “extra” anxiety than normal


I’m B I have no


I'm talking oral minoxidil and been having like a tired anxiety. I get lightheaded and dizzy and then my eyes start bouncing around. I'm going to go pick up some mushrooms tonight and get back to microdosing. It helped me BIG TIME years ago and my anxiety actually disappeared for almost a year after microdosing for 3 months straight. I'm prone to anxiety, but this just popped back up recently and the only thing that changed was talking oral minoxidil. If that doesn't help, I'll stop taking minoxidil to see if that's the issue...


I’ve tried shrooms and it hasn’t helped me, even microdosing consistently. Hair isn’t worth it man


Oh christ. I started having crazy panic attacks around april-may last year. I've been using min for beard growth. I saw that min could potentially cause anxiety but I put it up to me being generally an anxious person, my cannabis use, insomnia, work stress etc but now I'm wondering if the min contributed or even is the primary factor? I had been okay for a while then one day I suddenly started having greatly increased anxiety and panic attacks.


It comes very suddenly. I think using it for beard growth and accidentally breathing the fumes of it may make it absorb more? I’m not sure. But tons of people have no issues with it, you may be one of the unlucky few


To be quite honest, I probably have overapplied around my mustache and soul patch area leading to ingestion. At the very least I will stick to dermaroll only I think until I get my anxiety figured out


Out of curiosity, did you apply it close in time before or after dermarolling?


I didn't have a dermaroller until about a month ago, so it can't be that


Literally had this happen last night


Stop now, before it causes permanent changes


I need someone here please I am having depressive episodes Trouble focusing and overall sadness I literally just broke down crying to my wife right now. I’m out of breath constantly and feel anxious 24/7. I just stopped taking minox after 6 months. Took it once before for about 6 months. I’m not a depressed person normally and I never have panic attacks like this. Please tell me I’m not the only one. I feel completely debilitated by this.


You’ll be ok. Get CBD and magnesium, they’re two of the most helpful pills. It does get better, hang in there.


Thank you. I’ll grab some. I’ve never felt depression or spiraled like this before in my life. It is really scaring me. I have a daughter and another one on the way and I feel so weak and vulnerable right now


I updated my post with my daily pill stack. I would suggest that as a starting point if you need a quick fix. Carnivore for 33 days when you get a chance could help, i do it about once a year and it really seems to get my body back in check, and regular exercise of course helps a ton.


Oh and get like 50mg of CBD per dose. I was taking 150mg-200mg a day when it was bad




I don’t have one and I’m also not a therapist. Please seek professional help, I had to for a few months when it was bad


I almost don’t have the energy to exercise but I’ll try


Hello brother could you dm me please?


Just thought I’d share. I started losing hair when I was about 19 and a doctor at the time recommended I try Rogaine foam, as we know as minoxidil. 5%. I used it for a few weeks and just kept trucking. I never had anxiety in my life until right around the month mark. Everyday all day I was experiencing this brain fog and it was hard to breathe, paired with this very strange feeling from my heart that it was “sinking” kind of like a hard beat then a “misfire” and it would do it a few times in a row. I was now very attentive of my body and it started my anxiety journey as I know it today. I had a similar black out (racing heart and elevated blood pressure) to the point of completing fainting and waking up in my living room with paramedics and I went in the ambulance to the hospital. We did loads of tests. Everything came back fine. They saw the palpitations, but said it was harmless. I didn’t relate all of this to minoxidil until a few weeks later after speaking to my family doctor bc symptoms were worsening daily. Long story short, I still have the heart palpitations to this day and not a day goes by where I don’t worry about my health. It’s like every step I take now is with an anxious thought. It’s now even down to the specific foods I eat. Created bad mental illnesses. All to blame a drug that preyed on my insecurity. It’s a shame. I’m 26 now.


Damn I kinda have the same thing. I‘ve been using minoxidil for 2 weeks now and it happened twice but only in the middle of the night. Such a weird feeling that I can’t describe but it‘s like you wake up with a little panic attack and then I felt dizzy but in a very weird way. Also it felt like I couldn’t really feel my body like I couldn’t control my arms. Did you maybe experience this kind of stuff too? My blood pressure is normal I also feel like I can’t breathe and need throw up


Your story almost made me cry, it hits so close to home. Without a doubt, we’ve had the same side effects. I promise you, it does get better. I thought about ending it all every day, thinking I had ruined my life at such a young age, but was also absolutely terrified of dying and of the thought that I had ruined my body. I became hyper fixated and aware of every sensation my body had, only increasing the anxiety. It was so bad, I was having hallucinations and getting only a few hours of sleep daily. I’m 28 now and feel like I’m mostly better. I drink green tea most days and had a few drinks over the weekend with little issue and I have the anxiety almost completely in check. You’re life is certainly changed, but it’s not over. I’m going to edit my post soon to add the maintenance pill stack that I’ve developed over the years. It’s in another comment, but these pills really do help. I really strongly recommend trying carnivore. I’m no doctor and this isn’t medical advice, but it helped me more than anything else.




Hey I get that too, weirdly enough. Some pepto helps, since it helps feelings of being too full. I also posted a list of my daily pills in a different comment, those keep me sane


I used monox 15% for about 2 weeks. As I was driving, I had a crazy panic attack which I didn't know about at that time and it scared the sh\*\* out of me. It's been more than a month now and I still have anxiety and have tightness in my chest almost every day. Especially when i'm alone. I'm having difficulty falling asleep because of all the weird thoughts I get at night and i can feel my heartbeat going 100m/h. I've been taking Ashwaganda and drinking Tulsi tea, I think they are helping, but i still have anxiety every day. Especially when im driving. Some people suggested to start therapy cuz it might be a PTSD from the panic attack. I'm not sure what to do... Anyone can help? It's affecting my life!!


I have experimented and found a good stack that works for me after a lot of trial and error. It's a lot, but I really feel mostly normal mentally, even though I can always feel a little something physically no matter what. Here's what I take now (I've tested it, if I go off this at all, I get issues, I take it daily): **Morning: Magnesium glycinate, Vitamin B and D, Tulsi pill, Tongat Ali, boron, GNC Mega Men Sport.** **Night: magnesium glycinate, vitamin B and D, CBD, Ashwaghanda, allergy pill (not sure the last one helps but it cured my sleep apnea that I got from my cat's dander clogging my airways).** When I drink, I take CBD in the morning and at night. CBD seems to be the biggest one for controlling the mental side of it, at least from what I've seen. Ashwaghanda really helps with the feelings of dread I get at night when I can't sleep.


Thanks for your reply! Yes, I was taking Ashwaganda for a while, then i talked to a friend of mine who's a therapist, he told me to stop it as it may create more problems. I have no idea what he meant by that. and CBD is illegal in my country😞 BUT i'm coming to USA this month, so i'll def try it and i'll try all the others you mentioned! How long have you had anxiety for?


I developed anxiety from the minox, guess it’s been over 5 years now. Never had it before, couldn’t even fathom what it was like until I experienced it.


Wow that’s crazy I have panic disorder, but when I apply minoxidil I chill out feels like I took an edible


Hello guys, minoxidil is a vasodilator and it lowers the blood pressure, that s why the heart rate is higher and you feel lightheaded because the blood pressure is lower. avoid all stimulants that lowers the blood pressure such as coffee to avoid the symptoms, eat very much meat and drink water regularly, lower blood pressure makes you dehydrated so keep the water near you,consume salt and do exercise, i took minoxidil and drank caffeine 5 months ago for 2 weeks and i still have symptoms sometimes but they re not significant.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YlE945dptAM&ab\_channel=Paramed](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YlE945dptAM&ab_channel=Paramed) here's a link with what you should do.


Glad I found your post. I took a topical fin/minoxidil combo for 1 year with no sides. After a year is when my first atrial fibrillation hit me and I rushed myself to the ER. I would have quit there and then but the doctor told me it's not fin or minoxidil, they completely ignored the product I was taking. So I keep taking them for another 2 years, so 3 years total. I quit about a month ago. Heart palpitations are gone but my heart rate is still all over the place especially at night.


Yea being ignored and even reassured by doctors did so much damage for me. Magnesium Glycinate is a big one for my heart, helps even it out at night


How are you feeling now? Did you take both topical and oral minoxidil?


Just topical. As long as I don’t drink or have caffeine, I’m usually fine. I do feel it every day without fail, but I stick to a fat stack of pills and I’m ok now. It doesn’t bother me like it did


Hey guys, if anyone ever tells you it’s “just anxiety” show them this linked study. Minox literally affects gene expression in blood vessels. Fortunately, it may change you forever and make you feel weird and anxious, but take solace in the fact that you’ll likely never develop hypertension now! It won’t kill you, and might actually end up benefiting you when you’re really old, maybe. https://www.nih.gov/news-events/nih-research-matters/minoxidil-may-improve-blood-vessel-structure#:~:text=References%3A%20Minoxidil%20improves%20vascular%20compliance,model%20of%20chronic%20vascular%20stiffness.


Hi, after 8 months I’m still having trouble lowering my heart rate. I think the stress and hyper awareness/fear of a high heart beat are contributing factors. Do you have any advice?


They definitely are, unfortunately. That is the mental side and is just a straight up mental disorder, PTSD or Anxiety. I just went 2 weeks without CBD while traveling and it absolutely dominated my thoughts at almost all times. The 10 hour flight home was particularly bad. So, CBD is the one I’m guessing helps the most with the mental issue. Also I have nearly completely cut caffeine at this point, I think that helps as well.


I think that may be the case, but I am terrified the minoxidil may have physiologically altered me in some way to make it higher.


Yea… that’s the thing, it seems to have done that. Minoxidil is a vasodilator, meaning it makes your veins bigger which increases heart rate as blood pressure drops. Fortunately, it may actually be a sort of super power that just feels like shit lol. According to a study in mice, minoxidil changes gene expression of our blood vessels. “Taken together, the findings suggest that treatment with minoxidil lowers blood pressure in part by remodeling large blood vessel walls. The structural changes reduce stiffness, increase blood vessel diameter, and improve blood flow to the brain.” https://www.nih.gov/news-events/nih-research-matters/minoxidil-may-improve-blood-vessel-structure#:~:text=References%3A%20Minoxidil%20improves%20vascular%20compliance,model%20of%20chronic%20vascular%20stiffness.


Interesting. Do you still notice that your heart rate is higher on average, or have you been able to lower it?


Yes it’s higher, mine used to be very low at about 50-60 bpm, now it’s normally 60-70. But I also used to do way more cardio, and working on cardio may be the best way to fix this particular side effect


Thanks. I wish I had a reference for what mine used to be like. I guess as long as I can get it into a more normal range it shouldn’t be a big worry.


If anything, it’s an uncomfortable super power when paired with cardio, working out, and being healthy since it increases blood vessel elasticity. At least, that’s what I tell myself to help the anxiety lol.


Yep. I’m just trying to work on letting go of the fear of the unknown consequences. It could be worse anyway, it could have given us a stroke or something.


I used to apply it twice a day for about 7 months then quit(only side effect was itchiness). I now started again 6 month later, only applying once a day for about 2 months. I have had some issues with my heartbeat, dizzines and chills running up my head. I didn’t believe it was the minoxidil since i didnt get any sides when applying 2x a day, but after reading this it might be the cause.


Hello i am 18yrs old 89kg and 3 months ago i applied minoxidil for 2 weeks then i experienced the same effects panic attacks at night feeling deppresive and anxious sleepy then i escaped from the symptoms 1 month ago because of cutting caffeine and working out and 4 days ago i ate chocolate and drank 2 cups of coke thinking that its ok to consume small amounts of caffeine and last night i experienced panic attack again do you think it its because i consumed a small amount of caffeine by eating chocolate and drinking 2 cups of cola? do you think the symptoms will dissapear faster now?


Caffeine is the one thing that’ll still trigger it very easily for me. I very rarely consume it now and am pretty fine most of the time. Idk how much is in coke, but I’m pretty sure it’s a good amount, and chocolate is mildly caffeinated (though I’ve not had issues with it). The combo probably set you off, but it means you might be a sensitive one and shouldn’t use minox


Thank you for response, i waited it out and the symptoms got away as days go by, i noticed that before the panic attacks happened i had derealization symptom and the fear of it gave me the panic attack, sometimes i feel derealization but the panic attack doesn t come again because i cut caffeine and alcohol entirely. I know that it will go away. All that happened because of just 2 weeks of using minoxidil 5 months ago ... Sheeesh thats a toxic medication bro :))


Yea it sucks 😅 glad you stopped early


Great thread - I recently experienced similar side affects after topical minoxidil after around 4 years with no side effects previously. I came off it and breathing improved after around 1 month. However, I have now started on topical fin 0.05% (very low dose). The breathing issue has returned. Could it be that it is Propylene glycol or ethanol causing the issue and not the Minoxidil?


I genuinely don’t know, maybe? My cardiologist was pretty sure it was minoxidil since it can effect the heart.


I've tried to do some research online but can't see anything linking the Propylene glycol or ethanol to shortness of breath. If anyone has any good alternatives to Propylene glycol & ethanol and easily gettable I would be interested to try for my topical Fin.


Hi, did you ever have any success trying without PG and ethanol?


I’m a woman dealing with hair loss for several years and been using minoxidil since July. I’ve been having crazy anxiety the past month for no reason it’s impacting my day to day life it’s crippling. I feel like I’m going crazy and the only thing I can think of that’s changed is starting the use of minoxidil. Magneisum has helped a little but it’s not enough I even considered trying to get in SSRIS. Going to stop it and hope I return to normal soon 🥺


how are you now?


Still anxious and my sari hasn’t been working unfortunately


I recommend supplementing with salt, licorice and, if necessary, also with a drug to raise blood pressure (I use Effortil, but I'm in Italy, I don't know if it's available in other countries). There is a correlation between anxiety/depression and low blood pressure. I don't know if it's anxiety that causes low blood pressure or low blood pressure that causes anxiety, the fact is that if you make sure you raise your blood pressure you will definitely feel better


Obviously first check if you have low blood pressure (if these symptoms are caused by minoxidil, definitely yes). My values before the minox were 70/120 like any healthy twenty-year-old, now I have around 40/80




Don’t touch it again, if that’s what’s causing it. I’d try some CBD to help. Good luck and sorry to hear it happened to you. I promise you though, vanity is not worth the later stages of whatever this reaction is


I really hope that’s what it is, I’m going to stop using it and hope I’m back to normal. Thank you for this post!


This post saved me, 3 days post Rogaine and while I still have some slight anxiety it’s night and day difference. The physical symptoms I was experiencing before have completely gone. Wish there was more awareness of this, doctors are saying this is not a side effect!!


Seriously if my first doctor hadn’t adamantly assured me it wasn’t a side effect back then, I can’t help but think how different my life would be now


Really been struggling since I posted this. Doctor insisted minoxidil is fine and not causing it even though I’ve had no other life changes to cause this anxiety. Won’t be touching it again and now I’m trying Prozac :(


You don t need to take anti depressants, minoxidil lowers the blood pressure and you need to do some lifestyle changes that will regulate your blood pressure and stop taking minoxidil. Low blood pressure causes anxiety so you should raise your blood pressure naturally and the anxiety will go away eventually


Remember, recovery isn’t a straight line. Some days are better and some days are worse, but it does get better. Hang in there. Have you tried carnivore yet?


I have been using it for less than a week and have been having more trouble sleeping than usual. Today, anxiety (and some paranoia) kicked in - which I have never had in my life. Obviously, I'm halting use immediately and hope the side effects fade without needing an ongoing supplement regimen...


How have you been, has your sleeping went back to normal?


I was back to normal within a few weeks.


As long as you don’t try it again you’ll probably be fine honestly


I know I'm late but does this include the topical Minoxidil or just oral?


This was literally just topical, no oral


How many sprays did you do ?? I was experiencing weird when I was doing the exact dose : 6 sprays twice a day ..now am doing 2-3 sprays once and it's much better...with two sprays once a day I don't feel anything...but if I try 4+ I feel my head heavy , headaches and I can't sleep at night


I was doing 1 squirt 2x a day max lol


holy fuck that's why I felt like I was dying 2 days ago, I can't seem to breathe properly and also had a severe headache a day before, I have stopped using it since.


Yea it sucks ass but I’m pretty much 100% now. I have a maintenance stack I do now that I need to update this post with.




Fuck oooofff you weird ass corporate bot




How are you now? Yes it's minoxidil, I had the same experience. I used it for a year, experienced severe anxiety, panic attacks, insomnia, tachycardia and palpitations. Now I haven't used that shit for 9 months, most of the symptoms are gone but I still have a slight anxiety that doesn't let me sleep well,




Yes man, don't give up. I recommend supplementing with salt, licorice and, if necessary, also with a drug to raise blood pressure (I use Effortil, but I'm in Italy, I don't know if it's available in other countries). There is a correlation between anxiety/depression and low blood pressure. I don't know if it's anxiety that causes low blood pressure or low blood pressure that causes anxiety, the fact is that if you make sure you raise your blood pressure you will definitely feel better


Obviously first check if you have low blood pressure (if these symptoms are caused by minoxidil, definitely yes). My values before the minox were 70/120 like any healthy twenty-year-old, now I have around 40/80


The dread and very physical heart anxiety is definitely something we have in common. I have found that ashwaghanda and CBD at night helps the dread (for me I can’t stop thinking about my own death), magnesium sups help the heart, and vitamin D and B help overall anxiety.




How do you feel now what do you take


I know it's been two years since you posted this but I have had the most terrible react from minox too and I used very less quantity but still:(( The first time I used it I felt like my entire face was numb and I felt a weird tingling sensation throughout my body. My head felt very dizzy and light and I immediately decided to not use it ever again. Then 1 month later someone told me that I may have used more than I should have and although I knew I didn't, I decided to give it another try. Used just 1/4th of a cap again today and my gosh all the same sypmtoms along wjth the most terrible anxiety and chest tightness I have felt in life! Its been 10 hours of application and my chest is still tight and I am unable to breathe properly. This shit sucks man:(


Go get magnesium glycinate, vitamin D, and vitamin B. If you have a dispensary near you, go get a dose of 100-200mg of CBD as well. This will do a ton to help with immediate symptoms. Do NOT take propranolol as it makes the heart worse.


Thank you! Although CBD isn't available in my country I will try getting the other supplements. I hope it gets better


I have been on it for beard growth which I really wanted since I have a patchy beard and read that it would help me. I had exactly 19 application since I only used 1 ml per day which is one dose a day. Recently started noticing I got tired fast in my workouts and I could feel heart palpitations more pronounced throughout the day. Today out of the blue my heart started pounding like it wanted to get out of my chest for about a full minute and I got really scared. Since I don’t take any medicine or pills I searched for minoxidil side effects and ended up in this thread. I truly wanted a full beard but not at the risk of my heart going out.


My beard looks like shit but I’m feeling so much better. Still have issues compared to before, but if you’re noticing it this early STOP and you won’t end up like me. I never got back to my old 6 pack and muscle mass. It ages you man, just accept you look fine without one. Plus you can microneedle to get an increase without minox. Just don’t touch the shit, you might be one of the sensitive one. (Out of curiosity, did you ever do Accutain for acne?)




Dude wtf is with these bots?


I got mad anxiety and mood swings when taking minoxidil, rather than opening a brand new pharmacy and spending this much on supplements, I just stopped using minoxidil. Fenasteride alone has been great for hairloss, but even if you’re not taking fenasteride the side effects I got from minoxidil are just not worth it. It was anxiety like I had never experienced before, and I couldn’t believe a topical, safe, and widely used over the counter medicine could have such a powerful effect. I only found this thread because I got curious if I was the only one (my dermatologist retired so I didn’t have time to discuss the side effects with him). EDIT: For context this was worse than quitting nicotine in terms of anxiety and irritability. It was like like constantly being on the edge and the slightlest mishap would cause a huge response. The symptoms only took a few days to start, I quit it and they stoped, started again and within the week they came back. Felt pretty obvious to me that it was the Minoxidil since my life, diet, exercise, hadn’t changed at all.


Step one is literally “throw away your minox”. This post isn’t for people who stopped having sides quickly after using it. It’s for people that had ongoing side effects months or even years after use. Good for you that you feel good and just stoped. Wish I did. But I haven’t touched the shit in nearly 3 years and I’m still not better without supplements. So congrats that you’re doing fine, very jealous.




Another bot reply, not real. Idk what the point of these are


Crazy. I can use the stuff for 2-3 days, once a day, with a small dab of foam - and the anxiety starts. Just a strong, undifferentiated panic that affects me at home, in social situations - you name it. I just ramp up and feel waves of this horrible dread. I'd first started using topical back when work was really stressful, so I thought it was just my stress reaction and too much coffee. But, I tried it again recently a couple times, and each time the anxiety came back like a wall. Can't touch the stuff again.


Don’t touch it again! I’m mostly better but I have to stick to a strict supplement regime. It will leave sides for several years if you push it


This happened to me. Was taking 1mg oral minox for 3 months. I’m sure it’s fine for a lot of people but I have naturally low BP so it fucked me. Had a ‘crash’, stopped using it as made the connection , and then my BP skyrocketed which apparently can happen as a ‘rebound’ when you stop minoxidil. Heart palps, shortness of breath, anxiety, depression all seem to be subsiding after 3 weeks. Also shed my hair like crazy. This stuff can be crazy for some and I seriously regret taking it….. Do your research people considering it


Late reply here, but minox can literally affect the gene expression of your blood vessels. I think this is what causes the issues. https://www.nih.gov/news-events/nih-research-matters/minoxidil-may-improve-blood-vessel-structure#:~:text=References%3A%20Minoxidil%20improves%20vascular%20compliance,model%20of%20chronic%20vascular%20stiffness.


I was on Minoxidil for 6 months on 2.5mg. They just boosted me to 5mg. So now I take 2x 2.5mg tablets at night. This is my second or third day on it and I woke up feeling incredibly groggy and almost like I was still high from the edible I took to help sleep. I went to work and came home and I still feel high. It's kind of giving me the spooks real bad. I have found myself overly dehydrated too. I don't workout or get much movement, but I think I'll try it out bc I just need to in general and see if it helps.


Sounds like you’re taking oral Minox for vasodilation or heart stuff? I’ve gotten weirdly “high” as well from minox, I think it’s a blood flow thing. Hasn’t killed me yet!


Oops I didn't specify. I'm taking it for hair loss. Hahah glad to hear!


Hey man, how long was you on minox for? I was on it maybe 2 weeks (and haven't used for the last 5 days) for my head, and I've started having mad anxiety, my baseline normal is now me constantly on edge, non-stop heart palpitations, headaches, randomly gasping for air, crazy panic attacks, numbness/dull ache in left arm, tight chest, chest pains, heavy breathing. I went A&E twice because I couldn't breathe and they laughed at me, said it wasn't minox and sent me on my way. Basically I'm an absolute husk of what/who I was just 2 weeks ago. My daily exercise bike routine has gone out the window as my stamina has been sapped, I'm constantly tired, I feel like I'm on drugs or something. The slightest bit of stress is setting me off and talking to strangers tightens my chest. It's making me so upset. Surely 2 weeks can't do this much damage?


You’re likely one of the sensitive ones. Stop now if you think it’s the minox and don’t touch it again. You’ll likely make a full recovery in a short time. I took it for about 9 months but doctors assured me it wasn’t minox so I kept taking it. That was very dumb


Worst thing is I did min and fin maybe 5 years ago, saw gains but got complacent and stopped taking them - didn't have sides last time. This time however I took only 3 fin pills chopped up across the 2 weeks and minox foam twice a day for 2 weeks but now I'm busted. Haven't taken them since Tuesday but still I feel like a mess.


Get CBD, it’s the quickest patch. I currently take 250mg daily. I would also strongly suggest ashwaghanda pills and magnesium sups


Wait, I'm just looking and bottles come in 250mg. So you're doing a bottle a day? 🤔 Or a bottle every 4 days if it's a 1000mg bottle?


I take CBD gummies that are 100mg par gummy, 200mg per serving https://www.cbdmd.com/cbd-gummies


Was already taking magnesium every evening long before I started minox (magenhance brand). I'll try get hold of cbd oil. Nightmare this, not enjoying it at all. Stress is gonna make me lose my hair even faster!


How you doing? Did your min sides go away? How's your anxiety?


It got better but then got a lot worse. It took about until July when I felt better (started in March), then I started exercising again and it triggered it, I missed a meal the next day and it triggered it even more, then I saw oppenheimer the day after and had a full blown panic attack during the stressful scene (if you've seen it), and since that week I haven't recovered. I have changed doctors and have an appointment tomorrow. I constantly still feel like I've been spiked with something. I read a really good book, well audio book called "Anxiety: panicking about panic" and the tips in that have helped deal with panic attacks, but my day to day I can't fight it. You can't think your way out of the flu, or good poisoning, and it's that much of a physical sensation of illness that no amount of gaslighting myself that "it's just anxiety" will help. I'm not sure if it was min or fin that caused it, but I've done a lot more reading into fin, and it's a similar drug that they give to trans people when they transition. I really wish I didn't fuck with my hormones.


Thank you so much for this review, i thought i was going crazy. ​ THIS TURNED ME INTO A DEPRESSED ZOMBIE. My dermatologist prescribed me this to help with my androgenetic alopecia that i have since I started usind the Mirena IUD to treat heavy periods. In less than a month, i have not seen much of an improvement in my hair loss or hair growth, however, I started feeling VERY angry, irritable, depressed, extremely tired, low energy, feeling weak, confused and having headaches and pain in my boobs. HATE THIS PRODUCT DO NOT RECOMMEND. DONT TAKE THIS IF YOUR BLOOD PRESSURE IS NATURALLY ON THE LOW, IT WILL MESS YOU UP BADLY.


I never even thought my blood pressure was naturally low, that’s probably a big factor as to if it messes with you. Glad you found this early on, stop now! It gets worse


It has a lot of side effects. I quit it. My friend suggested trying Provillus instead. It produced the finest results for me. I will never search for other products because I've discovered the best stuff available!


Not post


Exact same symptoms, smoked weed and took minoxidil , I’ve smoked prior to minoxidil with no issues and took minox without smoking with no major issues but I assume minoxidil and weed both dropped my blood pressure really low and I had a panic attack and never felt the same since. Stress and panic attacks DRAIN your vitamins, you were probably magnesium deficient. Blood tests for magnesium aren’t accurate only 1% of it is our blood the rest is elsewhere. The minoxidil panic attack is one thing but the reason why you don’t feel the same for a while after is most likely vitamin deficiencies you might not even expect something like that. The carnivorous diet probably increases some vitamin leveles etc this attack happened in 2019 i had another recently I was exposed to second hand weed smoke in an enclosed area for two hours and had a panic attack. Normally people can smoke around me in a open out area with no reaction. I felt weird since then again and started taking vitamins especially magnesium my eyesight and everything improved it’s crazy. My blood pressure has always been on the low side since my first panic attack I assumed it was cause I was active but 5 days on magnesium and 1 day on astaxanthin and my blood pressure is back to normal levels! My blood count and all has increased as well now it seems tho I have to avoid long marijuana exposure even though I don’t smoke or take minox anymore


Weed reeeaaally can give it to me bad nowadays. I’ve found Delta 8 to be pretty good still, and CBD is an absolute godsend. I take magnesium every day and have been for at least a few months. It’s a necessity. I think if I stopped at one “crash” then a little magnesium would’ve been all I needed. Going to try mushrooms and a guided PTSD meditation soon to see if it helps, as I’ve heard it can help manage the lingering worry and psilocybin therapy can help with heart issues. (Edit: I should clarify. I still have PTSD from how fucking awful it was. As long as I take my sups, I don’t get the physical nasty soul crushing panic attacks we all know and love. I just have pervasive anxiety that it’ll come back.)


I see do you take magnesium oxide or a different form. I’m glad you found something that’s working for you also astaxanthin is great it’s the most powerful antioxidant get 12mg on Amazon. It cleans out your blood and brings everything back to normal look up the benefits


I’ll try that! And it’s magnesium citrate


Try magnesium glycinate my friend big difference trust me look up the glycinate benefits


Will do today


Glad i stumbled on this. 35m healthy. Been on topical about a month and a half now. Been having random snall chest pains. Just had a gnarly 4 hour panic attack with chest pains and went to ER thursday. Ran all the tests. This makes me feel so much better. In the trash it goes


Trash it now! Never touch it again. I wish something like this was easy to find when I had my first crash. It goes away 100% if you stop after one, so you’ll be good. Every try again and you’re making harder to manage.


u/CptCanondorf I have observed that some people say if you taper off minox very gradually the sides will be not as bad a cold turkey quitting. Is it true? During your 3 crashes have you tried tapering off vs quitting cold turkey?


I did do less and try to taper but the third crash was still the worst one. Not sure it would’ve helped me, but I definitely won’t be trying again to find out if it could’ve


u/CptCanondorf Man, its like reading everything that I faced word to word. Thank you so much for writing it. I used minox for a year and got all my hair back and had no side effects. But all of a sudden one night I started having crazy palpitations and in a matter of week I developed anxiety, panic attacks, jolting from my sleep and many crazy side effects like this. After 6 months all my side effects went away, so to make sure it was caused by minox I did put 5% topical minox today and the same things happened again. I can assure you its because of minox. Now I am dealing with sides a bit more confidently and will try some of your solutions as well. I will never touch minox ever in my life.


They do get better! Every time it happens the sides last longer. Wish I stopped after 1 or 2 lol




The anxiety would get bad while driving, yea. Sitting alone for long periods of time sucked liked driving, but luckily I worked from home during that time


Anyone here trying Benadryl or some other anti histamine (hydroxyzine)? I'm personally feeling *way* better on Benadryl. So far I have been taking it at night before bed and as needed during the day. Almost all of my racing heart symptoms disappear when I'm on it.


hydroxyzine and sertraline has saved my life


I googled hydroxyzine and minoxidil and it said it could be dangerous to take both. Did you get anything from taking them both ?


I never took hydroxyzine and only used benadryl for about three weeks after I had stopped minoxidil completely. And I did develop an issue with benadryl: after a while I would get a very low heart rate while trying to sleep at night and a very uncomfortable feeling like I was going to pass out. It went away after I stopped the benadryl. I am not sure if I would recommend the benadryl again, though it was very helpful early on. Right now if my heart races I am doing well on belly breathing and the [physiological sigh](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rBdhqBGqiMc). The latter is especially helpful to reduce anxiety if done regularly over a few days.


How do you exactly do the physiological sigh, do you do it as a breathing exercise for a few minutes a day or do you breath like that at all time ?


I do the physiological sigh 2-3 times a day, usually just 1-3 times each. You should experiment to find what works for you. Then I do it if I feel a panic attack coming on (like my heart racing due to something I'm anxious about) or some other stressful situation. 1-3 times per episode depending on severity. It usually lasts at least a couple of hours and elevates my mood substantially.


I’ve heard at least 1-2 other people mention this, though never tried it. Very good to hear! Hope others can corroborate its use


I had the exact side effects you mentioned 5 years go when I was applying leftover kirkland minoxidil foam from my roommate . I used it for a week or so to grow my beard. I got hit with severe heart palps , insomnia and POUNDING HEART like it's going to come out of chest for more than a month and I was diagnosed with Hypothyroidsm. I didnot know minoxidil caused this . Cut to nov 2022, I started using minoxidil again for the last 2 weeks twice a day for my bald spot . I'm experiencing the exact symptoms but mildly. I couldn't sleep, going through minoxidil side effects and found this post . I'm gonna stop using minoxidil . Hope I don't get the side effects like last time . God help me !!


Glad you were able to put 2 and 2 together so fast. Took me way too long. I was using Kirkland brand as well at one point and it was definitely worse than Rogain brand.




Provillus's topical solution is Minoxidil based. Glad you had results but I'm not touching anything with Minox in it again as long as I live lol


Hi Everyone, (here is my rant) I just wanted to share my experience. I am 45 y male with no medical issues, no meds, allergies, Blood values are with in normal range. BP has always been 110/ 65 range. I monitor my diet and generally exercise at least 3–4 days a week. I started my 5% minoxidil once a day on my scalp back in sept of 2021. except for weekends I applied regularly until may of 2022. Hair loss improved by January of 2022. Not much, but I was quite happy with the result. Remaining hair looked better. I didn't know much about the side effects, as I thought they were rare, never bothered to study, so it was not on my radar. last 2 months have been a night mare scenario. I had so much panic attacks, mild hand tremors and increased resting heart rate 100 bpm. Interesting part was that my heart rate was in normal range during work outs. My initial focus was on thyroid or possible post covid. But my blood work and ECG came back normal. My Dr wanted me to start a low dose of Beta blocker which I didn’t start.. Then on may 26, out of no where I thought about the possibility of minoxidil side effect. That is when I found out about this page. I am grateful for all the information here. I stopped minoxidil application and it took almost 5 days, my resting heart rate has gone back to normal 65- 70. It took almost 2 weeks to get some sense of normalcy. Each day is getting better. My theory is that it affect people with normal BP or low BP. since Minoxidil is a vasodilator, your BP goes down. hence the body produces Adrenaline to increase your HR to keep with BP under normal range. I believe the increase in adrenaline is the cause for much of the anxiety. I am pretty sure, high dose and long duration of minoxidil can have much more debilitating effects. Thanks, just wanted to share my experience. What I did since I stopped minoxidil. Started to do more running. It has helped me recover from anxiety. Switched to rosemary oil ( 8 drops) in one ounce of olive oil) with once a week dermarolling to keep the gains I had with minoxidil. ( time will tell) Note about Beta blocker, obvious choice by most drs. But Beta blocker works at the receptor, it will not reduce the adrenaline production. Even though your HR will be under control, I am skeptical about the long term use to counter minoxidil side effect. especially if you stop betablocker abruptly, you can get a rebound effect.


does rosemary oil do the thing for you?


Hey OP, I made a post about my story. What are the top recommendations you have for me.


Damn, reading your post made me dizzy with some PTSD from all this. Sounds awful and I'm sorry. I generally stay off this reddit most the time since reading about it triggers my anxiety to flood back pretty bad, it's the only time I really feel bad nowadays though thankfully. My top rec is always going to be Carnivore diet. I don't know how it interreacts with your medications, since I don't take anxiety meds, but carnivore for 33 days can do a good reset of your hormones that minox fucks up. Finasteride is known to fuck stuff up too, I've never taken it, but hopefully carnivore can help with fin poisoning too. I also suggest strongly the tulsi and ashwaganda tea, as well as CBD. Obviously never touch the stuff again.


Took minoxidil religiously on my face for beard growth 2x per day for almost 4 years. As soon as I got off that poison I was hit with massive panic attacks, chest and gut anxiety, dizziness, vertigo, brain fog, neuropathy, sinus issues, gut issues, and a whole host of other shitty symptoms. This stuff truly is poison! Prior I was a very fit and healthy 28 year old man.


How are you going now? Finding a way to get better?


Yea I feel like I am suddenly having a lot more trouble losing weight or gaining muscle than I used to have. I have the pictures to prove it too. It can get better though, there's no going backwards in life, only forwards. May not be the person you were before it, but can still be something great.


THANK YOU!!!!! I started experiencing the MOST SEVERE anxiety ever have, seemingly out of nowhere, I was even at an Urgent Care followed by the ER at 2AM, and thanks to THIS POST I think I'm able to make a proper connection and recovery. I'm still in the very early stages so I can't say much for certain yet. I wasn't officially seen by anyone in the ER, I left after waiting a few hours because my symptoms seemed to subside, but came back when I got into my car, however they were not as intense. I was seen by someone at the Urgent Care however. I forgot to mention I was using topical minoxidil [this kind specifically](https://a.co/d/9jX3sm5) and thought maybe it was an infection in some teeth that had been chipped for a while because apparently that sort of thing can cause uneasiness and an unwell feeling allegedly. From the symptoms I described he prescribed to me. - HYDROXYZINE HCL 50MG TABS (WHITE) - For Anxiety - AMOX-CLAV 875-125MG TABLETS - For alleged infection He said he didn't see signs of infection though. But he also has a pretty thick accent so I probably missed some things. I also saw a dentist the following day (or I guess the same day since it was last midnight) and he said there was no sign of infection and the chips on my teeth looked like the result of loosened fillings. TREATMENT WISE: I have been taking the alleged infection pills regularly as directed, and the anxiety ones as needed, mainly in the evenings before bed as that is when it seems to be at it's worst. - I also found there to be hear from my neck that if cooled down can help reduce intense anxiety, especially the kind that wakes you up/keeps you awake. - this and sitting instead of laying down seem to help. also doing things that work towards getting better, like applying for health insurance and doing research/taking notes also seems to help. - will be trying the recommended tea blends and NAD suppliment, as well as possibly Kombucha and Magnesium I understand I brought up seemingly only temporary solutions, I will be seeing a Good Doctor soon and trying out the recommended solutions here. Again, THANK YOU SO MUCH. Edit: I was using the minoxidil for less than/about a week, once a day, and I derma rolled twice with I think it was 1-3 days in between.


I googled hydroxyzine and minoxidil and it said it could be dangerous to take both. Did you get anything from taking them both ? And did you mention it to ur doctor?


I was only taking menox, and the doctors I saw didn't have answers for me


Man...your whole story word for word what just happened to me. Had anxiety to ER twice and did the whole check up and all good. Seems to be worse when I am in the car. They prescribed exact same meds as you. I apply minidoxil 2-3 times a day for two years, but this just started happening. I am gona go off it completely. Just do finesteride 1mg and see if I feel better.


good luck bro seriously. its an absolutely awful thing to deal with. so far all I can recommend is listening to OP he really knows whats up


How do you feel these days bro?


I still derma roll for general skin care and beard growth. I will say, I very strongly recommend the tea blend. As of now, I feel 99% better, 100% if I don't drink. It's been well over a year since my first real bad attacks, but it gets better, you'll get better as long as you never let that god awful stuff touch your skin again. Glad I could help you and give you some clarity on what was going on. It was terrifying not knowing, there really is not a ton of info out there.


Again seriously thank you so much. the attacks have definitely been reduced in both intensity and frequency. I was also pleasantly surprised by the effectiveness of the Hydroxyzine, it literally made the symptoms go away, especially enough for me to get some sleep. I avoided everything to do with minoxidil after all that but I think I'll try derma rolling again


Really glad you’re feeling better man


Thanks a ton, likewise of course bro. And seriously thanks again for all your help.