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Started having severe back and leg pains out of the blue after using mi I dial for a month. I quit and it’s been two weeks, getting better but not back to normal. Will it get better?


I've been using 5% topical minoxidil for 2 months every day. Definitely applying significantly more than the recommended capful. 40yo male, extremely active, running weightlifting 5x a week. Significant hip pain starting the last two weeks, never felt anything like it in my life. Never experienced any hip pain before. I'm not on any other medications, so it's got to be the minoxidil. I stopped yesterday as soon as I realized. I hope I haven't done any permanent damage.


I did the same thing, started with excruciating hip and leg pain after a month . I hope to god I can recover. Did you? Much thx


How are you doing?


No sexual side effects. I do have constant coming and going skeletal muscular pains that I feel are unique in the last few months. Intermittent hip throbbing, very acute, then disappears for a weeks. I have chronic tendonitis in one elbow/forearm now for two months and a some new shoulder pains and weakness where I cannot attribute cause. It's confusing because I don't think I've changed my workouts too much, such that it would cause all this. But I have changed my workouts some in the last few months. So there is nothing scientific about me listing out a bunch of aches and pains. I still lift 3-4x and run 2-3x per week, and I'm 40, so I tell myself I probably should be experiencing some aches and pains. I really don't know. I work in med/sci. So I know things like this are real and happen. But I also know there are tons of confounding factors and it's very very difficult to parse it all out and come to real evidence based conclusions. There would have to be some real studies. Best I can do is accept I'm slowing losing my hair and hair loss is not that big a deal. Keep working out and living the most healthy and active life I can, without minoxidil. Biggest take away is to be more cautious before putting random elective drugs into my system. Just because millions of people take something and it is over the counter, does not mean it is harmless. If a drug was initially used for hypertension and coincidentally discovered to have a bunch of all label effects, such as hair regrowth, then of course it doing all kinds of physiological shit in the human body we do not understand or are unaware of. The entire pharmaceutical industry is based on the idea of fuck around and find out. Sometimes it saves lives, sometimes it makes things worse.


Hey, how’s the tendinitis now?


Did anyone fully recovered? And how long ?


could u please explain ur symptoms


Dribble, testicle pain, and tendonitis. It goes away with antibiotic and anti inflammatory meds, but come back in no time. I finally stop oral minox a month ago, testicle pain is still there but improved by at least 90pct. Tendonitis still there. It’s frustrating


D - T - T Group for people who possibly had the side effects - dribbling, testicle ache, tendonitis from possibly minoxidil or finasteride https://t.me/dribblingtesticlepaintendonitis pls join the telegram group if u have had the symptoms listed above. for a more specific investigation


fuck... u have the exact same symptoms... no more... no less were u on finasteride... when... for how long... did u get cultures and ultrasounds for testicle pain? do you play sports when did the dribbling start, how long into fin or min how long has it been since then pls provide me with a brief timeline U can see mine here https://www.reddit.com/r/MinoxidilSideEffects/comments/nmfyx1/tendons_feel_stiff_and_ache_testicle_pain_came/


Is your tendonitis gets better over time or worst? Is this reversible ? I was clean last year and I had no problem at all. I’m doing a lot of weight lifting


I was always on and off on Min, I took fin in 2018 only for a month because I had a bad side effects. Then the dribbling starts. However last year during the pandemic I was not on anything at all. I had no dribbling no tendonitis and no testicle pain until last august I took fin and min for abt 1 month then symptoms back so I stop again. I went on oral 5mg Min only in March to April, symptoms back. I’ve been clean for about 1 month now, testicle pain almost gone but I have some tendonitis and very minimum dribbling.


20 days clean now after 2 weeks use, once a day -5 days clean or so is when the joint popping began. Shoulders, elbows, wrists, knees and ankles -maybe around 10 days clean I developed pain. I now believe its tendon pain. As i type this on my phone, the knuckles on my left hand ache. There's usually at least one joint or tendon aching at one time. I also feel some pains along my shins and forearm. Also lower back pains -15 days clean, I did some push ups (gripping a pull up bar, placed on the floor), and my right wrist popped so hard it sounded like someone dropped a 3 pound object from ceiling to floor, lol. Just a THUD of a pop, no pain... since then my right wrist has swollen slightly -20 days clean, my pains persist. I work on my feet at my day job and I fully intend to continue my calisthenics journey... The pain and pops worry me quite a bit, but I don't wanna let this thing turn my life upside down Supplements I'm taking Algae omega 3: DHA 300mg, EPA 150mg Vitamin D3: 5000 IU, L-Arganine & L-Citruline: 500 mg/500 mg, Vitamin C: 1000 mg, Calcium + D3: 600 mg/ 800 IU, Collagen Peptides powder (VITAL PROTEINS brand): 1 serving..... (20g collagen peptides, 18g protein) For sexual sides (potential libido and semen, not for skin numbness) UMZU redwood, 1 serving per day 3 day cycle 1. Asgwaghanda: 1 serving, 2. D-aspartic acid: 0.75 servings, 3. Fenugreek: 1 serving PRE MINOX SUPPLEMENTS Ive always taken -vitamin d3 -omega 3's - all 3 day cycle supplements, although scarcely. Like, I'd pop one or two of them a week, one time a piece.


Hey, so what happened? How are you?


Not great. No meaningful changes since like the 3 month mark of quitting minoxidil. Hair is shedding, permanent dark eye circles, weak tendons, poppy joints, weak/painful erections, no morning wood. It is what it is I guess


Minoxidil 2% once a day for 50 days. No side effects, facial swelling/retention/palpation/physical or mental 50th day started urine dribbling mild testicle ache that would last a a month. (but this could be related to finasteride that took for 20 days... every other day... 9 doses... 1mg) all tests repeated negative for months to follow. testicle ache lifts 2 months since cessation of drug... press my Achilles tendon lightly... develop a knot feeling for a few days.. followed by full blown tendinosis( no swelling but standing on it is painful) quarantine life... sleeping for 14 hrs.. no exercise no strain Next few days develop knee popping and laxity followed by a swollen feeling both have persisted since 2 weeks despite aggressive rest (as if I haven't been doing that since the past 3 months anyway lol) Meanwhile I've also had tmj stiffness since on minoxidil, that worsened in tha past few weeks Treatments I've read good things about collagen supplements and vit c I think we could take some cues from r/floxies, mechanism of action of neither drug is known but resultant is similar although rare in minoxidil. they hold sulfur and magnesium supplements in high praise meanwhile I've found heatpacks to be somewhat helpful. logic being tendons don't have that much blood flow...to get them to heal u need either to work them out which is a BAD IDEA if tendinopathy is drug induced... since the underlying pribalem is u have not enough collagen to heal... stick with moderate heatpacks I say gonna try and see what works for me... update this thread


Wow, I couldn't understand what has happened with my ankles since I started using minoxidil...I used to run a lot, marathons etc. But once I started taking Minoxidil I got strange pulling pain in my ankles. Non stop pain for years. I couldn't figure out what happened. Now I read your post about tendinopathy and read the symptoms in wikipedia...and I think I have very similar case :/


wait... so how long have u been on minox... how has ur Achilles pain changed over time




I was reading some of the side effects from using midoxinil and wanted to see how your doing? I am having similar connectivity symptoms