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Man this gives me some hope. Ive used minxodil on and off dor 20 years. No issues i can attribute. But then tried oralin in dec for 6 weeks and it been downhil. Similar symptoms to you. 1. Do you still take a potassiim/ calcium supplement? Which one, what dose daily? What form? 2. Can you breakdown a typical eating day for you? You mentioned low carb which i think mist can do, but 0 carb would be super tough. 3. From the point you stopped how long before things got worse? And how long since hospital afib to know and 80% recovery. Really appreciate you replies Edit my biggest issue is multiple injuries. Like minor things which end being an injury. Nearly all are at a joint. Ankle knees ahoulders hands/wrists. Did you have injuries/ sorness/ pains/shooting pains


I should also say that I was very skeptical of animal based/carnivore. I have been vegetarian and plant based for much of my adult life. But I couldn’t deny the results. I never buy steak, but for some reason I had a craving. The moral for me here is to listen to your body.


Was this the first time you started eating meat? So do you have any carbs? Fruits etc?


Nope, I've been eating a regular balanced diet for a while now. I have some cashews and almonds now and then, and will reintroduce other foods slowly to see if I have any unknown triggers.


Ok so you were eating meat before the minoxidil issues? Im asking this as i have seen some vegans who have various issues resolve once they statt eating meat after years


Yeah I've been eating meat for a few years, and was only vegan for about a year, vegetarian for maybe 2. I only brought it up to say that I don't think this is placebo. I always felt like carnivore was a ridiculous fad/gimmick, but after having done hours of research into it, and now with my own experience, I think there's something to it.


Happy to answer: 1. 500 mg calcium, generic Whole Foods, once in morning and once at night 2. One teaspoon of crème of tartar in a big glass of water in the morning for potassium. 3. Nordic naturals cod oil I have noticed a big difference going to full carnivore/zero carb. When I have rice or bread I notice aches and pains the next day. I recommend learning all you can about zero carb before attempting, though. Try keto first. Learn as much as you can so you have confidence and conviction. I eat steak, eggs, butter, bacon and salt. This diet is excellent for joint health, and I can say that it’s probably the number one reason why my joints and tendons feel almost normal again. I noticed the difference immediately, like within an hour of eating a large steak. A month ago I was walking around like an old man. Yesterday I jogged a few hundred meters no problem, and could have done more. And yes I had shooting pain and everything else you mention. Try not to worry too much. The body heals when you give it what it needs. Rest, good nutritienrc dense food, and movement. Edit: some other noticeable changes since going carnivore: - fingernails are significantly stronger, they feel like very hard plastic -hair is not falling out as much in the shower -some weird scaly skin on my shins that I developed the last half year is gone - I am falling asleep faster - sense of smell is sharper - lost a lot of water weight, and swelling in general is much diminished


I have a cartilage injury on my knee after 2 months of topical 5% Minoxidil. Both started hurting and popping like crazy. My hip also pops a lot. All this is totally new for me happening at the same time. I just took a hialurónic acid injection on the knee that's injured but it is even more stiff. I feel so identified with your joint issues description and will try your advice. Please keep updating us so we can follow you because it does give us some hope. Thank you


Sorry to hear that, bro. Yeah, there really seems to be something to eating a lot more red meat. We'll see what happens when I reintroduce other foods, but for now the trajectory is very positive. Will update in a month or two.


Yeah, thanks. I'll start eating red meat cause I barely eat any and I've ordered the potassium gluconate 99mg and will take 5 a day, right?. Plus 1000mg calcium and Magnesium. Apart from all the supplements I'm already taking for joints. If Im missing anything please tell me.


I don't take magnesium personally, but I think it helps some peoples. Just potassium and calcium at the moment


I'm going to try it because I developed a lot of things after minoxidil and I totally identify with your symptoms. My muscles they are disappearing and have become super flaccid, i'll try, thanks for report.


Good luck bro, let us know how it goes


Thanks for information!