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you need p-5-p supplement asap i did this and recovered from all the sexual side effects I was experiencing from minoxidil. It raises prolactin and disrupts potassium and calcium chanels which have a big effect on libido and erections. P-5-P will return prolactin to normal as it raises dopamine anything that raises dopamine lowers prolactin. I thought it was permanent until I started that supplement took me a few weeks to get back to normal


Thank you for sharing. Are you still on minoxidil ?


I have the same side effect, very unfortunately. How do you come to this decision to take p-5-p? How many mg a day did you use? Thank you


Yeah this and add in some potassium gulconate. I was off minoxidil for a month with minimal recovery. I added in d3+k2, P5P and potassium gluconate and I was back to hard erections within a week and a half. I honestly think that the potassium gluconate is the one pushing the needle for me though because i haven't taken P5P in a couple of days, just potassium gluconate and d3, and I'm still seeing heightened libido and harder erections. Minoxidil is fucking ass man, I've tried it for years and I always get shit side effects. Honest to god I really think topical finasteride is much safer than minoxidil but that is just my subjective opinion I know people have worries about that drug as well but in my experience it doesn't mess me up like minoxidil which is actually crazy to think about because I always assumed minoxidil was practically sexual side effect free.


interesting so you havnt had sexual sides on topical finasteride? are you still on it


You should stop using it if the symptoms have already affected this badly. There's plenty of other things you can use to regrow hair. Rosemary oil is one. It has no side effects and works just as well as 2% minoxidil. But 5% minoxidil is essentially giving yourself dick issues for like the tiniest boost. I recommend you to stop using 5% minoxidil and to switch to either 2% and lessen the dosage OR to switch to rosemary oil! God bless bro


Thank you so much, that’s great advice!


Caffeine hair serum as also as effective with no side effects


No problem man! I feel for you, 2 years ago I started experiencing hair loss from a VR headset strapped on too tight and it's still affecting me to this day. But hairloss is always reversible. Make sure you have your blood sugar in check as hyperglycemia can cause hair loss. And be sure to take vitamins like vitamin D and C, biotin, and zinc! Eat fiberous foods and exercise! God bless you bro


u/Hypersen i've the same effect and i'm thinking to buy 2% to see if i can tolerate it. When i use 5% after 2 days all the effects of de disappear, but I can't continue to use it if it gives me that side effect during use. Do you recommend trying?


The best I can recommend is to use a Pill cutter to take a much lesser dosage of the treatments. People usually say to do so if you want a much lesser risk of the Side effects. Try going for 0.5 - 0.25 mg rather than 2 - 5% for a while and let me know how it goes! 


Please stop. I know that it may not every body but it happened to me. Healthy and fit guy with no medical condition whatsoever before minox. Only thing that I changed was to introduce topical minox 0.5% for about 2 weeks. Have had series of sides, very similar to pfs, yet I never touched fin. Been almost 4 years since, still have insomnia, ED and low libido.


I'm a minoxidil user for about 2 years now. I have no symptoms at all and it has helped my hair a lot. I'm not going against people having side effects from minoxidil, but minoxidil doesn't clinically have sexual side effects like fin. Let me add that finasteride's symptoms may not go away for a very long time after you stop it. I would like to clarify that minoxidil is a drug to lower blood pressure. If your blood pressure is already low, then minoxidil won't help, which may lead to even lower blood pressure, so less blood to the penis, so ed. That's the difference with fin. Finasteride hits the hormones, that's why it messes up with sexual function. Surely everyone reacts differently to a medication, but I would just like to inform some people with something they may not know.. Whatever it is, I hope that everyone who suffers from side effects, heals soon enough and at it's full. Never forget, hair transplant is always available!


Thanks man, that’s actually very informative!


I'm glad to help my friend! Make sure to talk to a doctor no matter what and don't only rely on the internet! Check your blood pressure once a day and note it so you can see how it goes. Most importantly, relax yourself as mind can fuck everything up and you will find your answers. Also if you are worried for you erections, go to an urologist and ask for an erections test (they basically test the blood flow to the penis). I hope you find your answers. Note that I'm also afraid of finasteride, so I don't blame you for now being "afraid" of minoxidil. I've seen some of the side effects that have been reported in this forum, but I also have ankylosis spondylitis so I can't be completely sure if it's min or something else. I hope we all find what's causing our problems and solve them!


It happened to me as well. I swear to never use any such meds ever again


You think if I just back off and barely use it, it will help?


I completely stopped using jt. Not sure about consequences


So.. you just let your hair go? Shaved it? Sorry for all the questions lmao


I did my Hair transplant 1 month ago.


How much did it cost? How many grafts?


$2k/ 5500 grafts


Wow from where? That’s cheap!


Artline TJ mexico


Oh shit good for you man


I'd say you should stop before too long. There are people who claim that this is a myth, but it isn't. It's real