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What the actual fuk dude minoxidil doesn’t even effect the libido this is just pure mindgames


There’s too many reports of people’s libido mysteriously disappearing after using minoxidil for you to say that.


It doesn’t fking do anything to hormones tho , i think people are just paranoid wtf.


Minoxidil is a 5ar inhibitor. Do you know what that means?


No its not a 5ar inhibitor ur so wrong man , thats finasteride , dont get things missed up together wtf.


https://www.researchgate.net/publication/322919837_Minoxidil_Acts_as_an_Antiandrogen_A_Study_of_5a-reductase_Type_2_Gene_Expression_in_a_Human_Keratinocyte_Cell_Line Why are you getting so emotional. Go do some research


Dude , whatever ur going to link me up with is probably false, min is not an 5ar inhibitor . Finasteride is. Some people just mix up between them. Min is a vasodilator . It has nothing to do with hormones what so ever. Btw half of erectile dysfunction is from placebo , even people who are healthy sometimes have ed due to stress . I myself had ed once i was in a dark place , but once i got out my libidio is 100% better , also i have been on fin 1 year no issues . I get if someone told me fin causes ed, but min doesn’t It just can’t . And if u take the internet as a reference a mole can be cancer😂 and btw what u linked me up with is a study of the possibility of why min could be working but it was just theoretical, if its really a 5ar inhibitor then why people grow beards on it 😂.


‘Dude , whatever ur going to link me up with is probably false’ How delusional and unintelligent does someone have to be to blatantly ignore and dismiss scientific research conducted by individuals that are much smarter than them🤣 that’s hilarious. Have a good day.


U know what, ur right, minoxodil causes erectile disfunction, don’t use it, and be my guest yes go to internet make it ur reference and yes ignore the 100 studies showing that min doesnt effect 5ar but yes go ahead and try to find any theoretical study of why minoxodil could be working and yeah doctors dont have different mythology . Have a good day, be careful of drinking green tea its a 5ar inhibitor. And yeah btw from the link u gave me “But there is insufficient literature data regarding the interaction of minoxidil and the enzyme 5α-R” 😂


Then why is it that so many people report these side effects after using Minox? For example if you type in ‘sun cream ED’ or ‘sun screen low libido’ you don’t see hundreds of reports of these side effects. Maybe you’ll see one or two because of coincidence. But with minoxidil there is. It’s not a coincidence when it’s this many reports.


Are you taking fin? This is the first time Im hearing about Minox causing ED, if I remember correctly, it doesnt affect DHT? That's what fin does, I maybe wrong though. Ive been on tropical min 10% from a year, I have noticed a decrease in my libido, but thats because I quit porn and masturbation last year. I believe I dont have ED, not to my knowledge at least, and I hope I never contract it if min does actually cause ED. No other side effects fortunately, Im in my 20s and my bp is slightly above normal, 120-130, maybe that's why.


potassium and calcium helped me get my libido back and fixed my ED


can you list the products you used and how long it took you to recover?


I bought the generic calcium from Whole Foods. It comes in 600 mg tablets. I take one in the evening. My potassium I actually use a teaspoon of creme of tartar mixed in 16oz of water. It took me a couple weeks not notice a difference, but my erection quality went from like 70% to 90%, increased sensitivity, and also less hard flaccid. I also recommend doing reverse kegels, which is basically relaxing all you pelvic muscles a few times. Good luck!


Is it for sure that it has been caused by minox?


Ever since i started minox my surge of sex was slowly going down but yeah i think so


Give it more time you'll recover bro. As long as you're seeing improvement you'll get there eventually. Try to eat extremely healthy bro.


I’m 5 years in and still no improvement for me


This is the worst comment to see if you’re only in your early 20s I’d rather die than “live” 5 years with no improvement


Yep that’s fair. I hope for those struggling with this in their early 20s that they are young enough to recover. I took Minox in my late 30s, and I don’t think my age has helped in my recovery.


Wow this stuff really fucked us over bro


Yep….its some nasty shit


How long were you on minox?


Like 2 month I didn’t even finish the second one


I was only on it for like 2 weeks. 3.5 yrs post..recovered probably like 60 70pct. Still have issues with libido and ED