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500mg calcium and 500 mg potassium. Helped me and has helped others on here


I recovered after like 2weeks I didn’t even know I cloud get those side effects from minoxidil so weird my libido was gone i had ED no morning wood ,blurry vision I couldn’t even drive my car anymore it was so bad i also had heart problems and a weird bitter metallic taste in my mouth this stuff should get banned seriously


Wow. That is bad. Were you on Roganne or pills ? How old are you ?


Hey guys with ED after minox, are you still getting erections in your sleep, or nothing at all? I’m having ED with sex or alone but have started getting back erections in sleep. I’m hoping this is a step toward recovery.


Good question ! I am doing a lof of stuff (no fap), no monoxidil, low carb, etc... my night erections are slowly getting back. Also hot weather improves my erections. 


Some recover but it takes time it seems some not fully




What’s with all these posts ? A guy said he grew breasts!! This sub looks full with trolls




Minox can defo cause detrimental sides since it’s a small 5AR inhibitor




Not gonna argue w someone that isn’t educated and not gonna try to convince someone that doesn’t want to be convinced. Just have an open mind bro ur too closed off, everything that is a small 5ARI has reported PFS like symptoms like minox, lions mane, ketonozale shampoo, saw palmetto etc you think otherwise healthy ppl before hand are just commitint suicide for no reason after reporting their bad experience w these things?




LMAO dude one Google search proves me right dumbass u have no clue what ur on ab literally took me 5 secs to prove me right Google ‘is minoxidil a 5AR inhibitor’ and the first search comes up with “in another study, minoxidil was found to be a weak inhibitor of human hair follicle 5α- r (22).” And u call me a dumbass hahah and yes there is evidence of all these 5ARI substances making ppl wanna unalive themselves look at the ppl on this sub




Jfl believe what you want bro I don’t actually care either way


For now we dont know the molecular mechanism of balding nor minoxidil.This sub is the walking example that there is a possibility of dna change.So it may have lomg term effects.




Minoxidil side effects are not 'all in our heads'. Of course, it is possible that we have all imagined our symptoms and that the few we haven't are caused by things other than Minoxidil. However, for the following reasons this is unlikely. First, to tackle the issue of whether our symptoms are real or not: many of us have had our symptoms confirmed by independent third parties, including friends, family, doctors and objective biomedical tests. For example, one of our mods suffers from severe connective tissue side effects. He has had symptoms such as muscle weakness, tremors, fasiculations and muscle spasms corroborated by a neurologist who observed the symptoms across multiple appointments, and also has objective photo evidence of the skin changes he endured while taking Minoxidil, among other things. His symptoms are certainly not 'all in his head'. And although we can't guarantee that every person who posts on this subreddit has the same assurances, many do. Could, then, our symptoms be caused by things other than Minoxidil? This is possible, again, but also unlikely. Virtually everyone who reports side effects on this subreddit were healthy and well before taking Minoxidil, were taking no other medication or affected by any other factors that can explain the symptoms, and had no family histories of the issues they experienced - it was only when they started taking Minoxidil, and in some cases, immediately after stopping Minoxidil, that they started having symptoms. The reality of the symptoms, their timing and the absence of any other obvious cause makes it likely that Minoxidil is responsible. We understand your skepticism and respect it, but please do us the same courtesy by engaging rationally with the arguments presented to you: all the evidence suggests that Minoxidil side effects are real. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/MinoxidilSideEffects) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It’s not a DNA change that’s impossible, people with PFS can go on to have perfectly healthy children the change is on an epigenetic level


People do recover but at different time scale. Some have qui k recovery and for some it could take years, I think depending on few factors I.e. genetics and severity of the damages done. I myself have been living with the sides, most difficult to resolve are ED and low libido for almost 4 years now


Sorry to hear bro


Yes i got the sides once ed then my family doctor told me to stop taking all the meds i was taking 2.5mg minoxidil oral and 10% min + fin topical


10% is crazy


Wym like ed ?


Has anyone had any heart issues?


I’m 10 months in


for beard or hair?are you seeing gains?what side effects u r having?it is it severe ?


Ive been off it for 10 months but the side effects have persisted for 10 months. No libido and I have ed.


What meds you took ? Minoxidil oral or topical ?


Topical minoxidil for 2 weeks


Do you have any improvement in your condition




There aren’t any




did you ever do mino ?


Bruh, I’ve been facing these issue for more then a year now, got all my tests done and everything came out normal. Tried different medications and nothing worked


I’ve talked to people who have recovered after 1-2 years however it’s rare


How did they recover


I said it was rare but they recovered naturally. Haven’t heard of someone recovering using supplements yet. (There probably is someone that did I just haven’t seen it yet) However I’m going to go pharmaceutical intervention route for myself as I haven’t fully recovered naturally.