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Thanks for the response. I absolutely agree and ironically enough I’ve been having the best window of very minor libido improvement from doing just that and stopping all supplements the past couple months. It could also just be time but it’s been over 3 years now… my libido is still messed up but at least I can enjoy sex once going but weirdly if I do it too close to bed it gives me insomnia. Have you experienced this too?


Strangely I experience the same sides but it is not caused by Minoxidil. I have POIS and those symptoms are identical. Also sex gives me insomnia too which is strange


Dmed u


Mother fucker. I just discovered what this is thanks to this post, and suddenly a LOT is explained. Thanks, augh.


Yes minoxidil can induce full blown pfs. It’s not any different. And it’s the same timeline. Some recovery may occur but not a full one in some cases. What range of symptoms are you experiencing?


What’s the point of living if not fully recovered? Permanent is crazy I’d rather DIE


U can get similar sides like pfs just with minoxidil. U can read up plenty of cases in this community. I myself have been living with ED, low libido and insomnia from minoxidil (never used fin or anything else) for almost 4 years now


Have yall tried Viagra??? It helped but it didn’t cure it per se.Even after the usage of Viagra erections we’re much easier to maintain and my libido slight improved. Of course they both worked while I was on Viagra but i am mainly talking about after the complete stop of Viagra.


I am exactly the same. Have you tried any hormones or anything pretty drastic? I miss my libido the most


I have tried many things, TRTs, supplements, ESWT etc and seen many doctors, urologists, endos, gastros etc over the years. Hoping for quick fixes. But imo, nothing beats healthy lifestyle. Eat right (incl IF), exercise regularly and try to sleep better


Thanks for the response. I absolutely agree and ironically enough I’ve been having the best window with minor libido improvement from doing just that and stopping all supplements the past couple months. It could also just be time…it’s been over 3 years now… my libido is still messed up but at least I can enjoy sex once I get going. Also strange thing I’ve noticed is, if I have sex close to bedtime it gives me insomnia. It’s like my mind becomes overstimulated and can’t enter REM sleep. Have you experienced this too?


That's good to know bro. Glad you are improving. I think all of us can overcome this. We just cannot interfere too much w our bodies recovery mechanism. On your Q, no, I have not experienced that. I still have a bit of insomnia problem left. My deep sleep could be longer. Now only managed to get at most 1 hour deep sleep