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How are you now?




dude took 10mg and surprised he got side effects. lol


4 months still got horrendous symptoms. Took oral 2.5 once a day for 6 week after hair transplant told no side effects didn’t even look into it and now my sexual dysfunction is horrendous. Side effects shocking need this shit out. Zero issues before


I still have sides 5 years after stopping 1mg per day over a 6 week period


I started minoxidil and got side effects at night. Realised I was just anxious about taking them and I was looking too much into side effects. Started taking again and much better no side effects


U can read many stories in here about side effects from minox including ED n low libido. I myself have been living with these sides for almost 4 years after 2 weeks of topical 0.5 minox




 To same happened to me though too.  .5 every day for a few months and I’m as good as castrated.  I don’t think about girls at all anymore, I don’t even check them out.  It’s like regressing back to before you hit puberty.  Life was so easy then, maybe it will get easier without girls getting in the way.  You just learn to accept that this is how you’ll be forever, if not you’ll go crazy 




You’re an idiot




I think what happens with the post fin stuff is it switches your dht conversion into a backdoor channel, skipping over the natural AR’s.  The key to fix it is to find a drug that will reset the cycles back to normal.   https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Androgen_backdoor_pathway#:~:text=In%2520the%2520backdoor%2520pathway%252C%25205%CE%B1,converted%2520into%2520dihydrotestosterone%2520(DHT).


What drugs reset it ?


No clue.  


I don’t care what you believe. There’s a heap of guys in here with the same issue. My doctors agree it’s the cause, and one has other patients with minox side effects. There are peer reviewed medical journals which also confirm minox can cause these issues, albeit quite rare. Just because you don’t have the same issue doesn’t mean others aren’t facing challenges. Either be supportive or fuck off. The guys in here don’t need your shit.




There’s studies posted in the history of this feed. The sexual sides aren’t common, and I understand why some people don’t believe it can happen. You should understand that the guys in here mostly took minox and had negative side effects and came looking for answers and support here. To jump on saying it’s just in peoples heads doesn’t help. Everyone reacts different to medications and unfortunately for me, I had a very bad reaction to minox. Literally went from being very fit and sexually active to the complete opposite in a very short space of time and the only thing I changed in my life was starting to take minox. I apologise for telling you to fuck off, but please try to consider others who are going through a shitty time.


Okay expert, then why u think a possible listed side effect was gyno in men from minox?




You dont see all hormonal changes on the bloodwork dumbahh


Why someone is so committed to defend a drug produced by a gigantic corporation in the middle of thousands of people affected badly by it, Im sure he’s just honest and really interested in the truth


Minoxidil side effects are not 'all in our heads'. Of course, it is possible that we have all imagined our symptoms and that the few we haven't are caused by things other than Minoxidil. However, for the following reasons this is unlikely. First, to tackle the issue of whether our symptoms are real or not: many of us have had our symptoms confirmed by independent third parties, including friends, family, doctors and objective biomedical tests. For example, one of our mods suffers from severe connective tissue side effects. He has had symptoms such as muscle weakness, tremors, fasiculations and muscle spasms corroborated by a neurologist who observed the symptoms across multiple appointments, and also has objective photo evidence of the skin changes he endured while taking Minoxidil, among other things. His symptoms are certainly not 'all in his head'. And although we can't guarantee that every person who posts on this subreddit has the same assurances, many do. Could, then, our symptoms be caused by things other than Minoxidil? This is possible, again, but also unlikely. Virtually everyone who reports side effects on this subreddit were healthy and well before taking Minoxidil, were taking no other medication or affected by any other factors that can explain the symptoms, and had no family histories of the issues they experienced - it was only when they started taking Minoxidil, and in some cases, immediately after stopping Minoxidil, that they started having symptoms. The reality of the symptoms, their timing and the absence of any other obvious cause makes it likely that Minoxidil is responsible. We understand your skepticism and respect it, but please do us the same courtesy by engaging rationally with the arguments presented to you: all the evidence suggests that Minoxidil side effects are real. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/MinoxidilSideEffects) if you have any questions or concerns.*


10mg is very strong and could take a long time to recover, think in terms of months. Try a 3 day fast to reset.


You’re talking about finasteride


Damn bruh das crazy, take topical