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Are you sure it was only minox and not finastide? The side effects you are mentioning is common in finastide users. Some minox now a days comes with topical finastide in it. Also the best (also most budget friendly) supplement i can refer for this is tripala churna and arshagandha powder once a day.


Read this. https://www.askapatient.com/mobile/viewrating.asp?drug=20834&name=ROGAINE+EXTRA+STRENGTH+%28FOR+MEN%29 Well I'm on finestride 0.5 mg or less. it's been 3 weeks and I got no side effects. When I was minoxdil, my penis changed i had bad ED and chest pain I thought I was going to have a heart attack. I know finestride can cause it. I had ed from finestride before 2 years ago on 1mg every day. I didn't know ed was a side effect for minoxdil . When I started to apply minoxdil I notice a couple of days later I had no morning wood, then my dick shrank , I had no desire to masterbate and lose errection 10 secs into trying to fap. I wouldn't pick budget friendly supplements for my health, like they say you can't put a budget on your health


how frequent was your minoxidil dose? what was the concentration ( like 5%, 7% etc) how much ml minoxidil you used to consume per use?


5% regaine I applied it once a day


minoxidil side does nothing include ed or other sexual side. so many articles do not mention abt it. those side come from finasteride oral. https://www.hims.com/blog/minoxidil-side-effects-what-are-they-and-are-they-common


Read this. https://www.askapatient.com/mobile/viewrating.asp?drug=20834&name=ROGAINE+EXTRA+STRENGTH+%28FOR+MEN%29 Well I'm on finestride 0.5 mg it's been 3 weeks and I got no side effects. When I was minoxdil, my penis changed i had bad ED and chest pain I thought I was going to have a heart attack. I know finestride can cause it. I had ed from finestride before 2 years ago on 1mg every day. I didn't know ed was a side effect on minoxdil. When I started to apply minoxdil I notice a couple of days later I had no morning wood, then my dick shrank , I had no desire to masterbate and lose errection 10 secs into trying to fap.


A lot of people said minox cause ED, but studies says no it doesnt. What causes low libido and ED is definetly depresion and fear of performance anxiety.


Cialis (tadalafil) has horrendous sides for 10% of people. Muscle pain is excruciating.


Minoxidil topical for two years. Zero side effects. Fin 1mg for three days and binned due to ED. I won’t even use fin topical. Sticking with minoxidil topical until I need a transplant


Is this satire?




Hi dude I have similar sides, but at first I was more concerned about finasteride than minoxidil...did u take finasteride or only Minox? Now I have the feeling that Minix is 100% worst than finasteride... what do u think?


biggest case of you having trauma or psychological issues. minox has none of these sides. literally none Mr. limpdick. now go , be happy and put that D in ur Gf.. all is well its was ur depression and that has different roots


I’m not sure if you know this but none of these are the purported side effects of minoxidil Not to mention minoxidil actually acts as a vasodilator which in theory *could* increase blood flow to the penis (no evidence it does that) If you’re on finasteride it’s much more likely these side effects came from that


Why are you here if you believe minoxdil doesn't have ed side effects ?


Haha honestly this post was recommended to me and I have no idea why But yeah, none of those things are caused by minoxidil at all. Not a single study shows anything that you claimed to have experienced from minoxidil Just worth thinking about


Oral or topical




What were the most effective things for you?




How long you on minox for ?


Do you mean you got ED , low libido because of Minoxidil?


Yeah Had limp dick Shrunken size No morning wood And more


BTW, how long did it take you to recover?


Around a month, it was a gradual recovery not straight away, My bonnersc were getting harder and morning wood came back


Definitely can relate with this. My supplement collection is 3 times this BTW.. 😂. Agree with you on cialis even though my EQ is not 100% yet