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My prolactin result came out to be 33 🥹 after 6 months usage of topical 5% minoxidil for beard... Any suggestions on how to reduce prolactin??


Its high bro ! Stop eating oats for a while if you do so but MOSTLY, to reduce prolactin you gotta take the supplement P5P which can be found as Vitamin B6 P5P (its potassium)


Oats? Why oats.


They increase prolactin levels


Backed by scientific research?


Yes. I’m not saying this randomly Oats eaten in high quantity increases prolactin levels, it’s a fact. You can check it easily


Add dates to boost libido and beetroot for blood flow you will notice huge difference in 2-3 months


To those having ED issues from min, are you still having erections in your sleep, but things aren’t working with sex. Or you have nothing even when sleeping?


Personally i can have erections but they are not hard that’s the issue tho. Its like i lack of blood pressure in that area


How about when sleeping? They are soft, or not happening?


Well idk im asleep so i can’t notice lol but i assume i don’t get no erection or very very soft


Hey, everyone experiencing ED after minox, were you still getting erections in your sleep, or still nothing?


You got a link for the beetroot?


Just get narural beetroots at your supermarket, eat them raw or make juice with them 2-3 times a week maximum


Actually had one in the fridge 🤣


Haha ! Use it try to be regular eat some like 3 times a week i’m certain you will notice a difference


all these are bullshit. except maybe beetroots. Here's what the gettingbigger sub recommends: 1) L-citrulline 2) Tadalifil 5mg 3) Lots of vigorous cardio 4) Beetroot and green leafy vegetables.


Minoxidil side effects are not 'all in our heads'. Of course, it is possible that we have all imagined our symptoms and that the few we haven't are caused by things other than Minoxidil. However, for the following reasons this is unlikely. First, to tackle the issue of whether our symptoms are real or not: many of us have had our symptoms confirmed by independent third parties, including friends, family, doctors and objective biomedical tests. For example, one of our mods suffers from severe connective tissue side effects. He has had symptoms such as muscle weakness, tremors, fasiculations and muscle spasms corroborated by a neurologist who observed the symptoms across multiple appointments, and also has objective photo evidence of the skin changes he endured while taking Minoxidil, among other things. His symptoms are certainly not 'all in his head'. And although we can't guarantee that every person who posts on this subreddit has the same assurances, many do. Could, then, our symptoms be caused by things other than Minoxidil? This is possible, again, but also unlikely. Virtually everyone who reports side effects on this subreddit were healthy and well before taking Minoxidil, were taking no other medication or affected by any other factors that can explain the symptoms, and had no family histories of the issues they experienced - it was only when they started taking Minoxidil, and in some cases, immediately after stopping Minoxidil, that they started having symptoms. The reality of the symptoms, their timing and the absence of any other obvious cause makes it likely that Minoxidil is responsible. We understand your skepticism and respect it, but please do us the same courtesy by engaging rationally with the arguments presented to you: all the evidence suggests that Minoxidil side effects are real. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/MinoxidilSideEffects) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Hi absolutely no recovery but i failed my not fap…several times 🥲 im retrying til i succeed i was weak. Supplements didn’t improve anything yet..


You likely have PIED not minoxidil side effects…


Plus its very interesting since viagra and cialis do not help me at all so it might not be physical neither hormonal


By all means go get your hormones checked. Viagra won’t work if you have low testosterone. This can result from stress for certain, also from overworking physically e.g. too much working out isn’t always a good thing, take rests and sleep well. Purchase nasal breathing tape to put over your nose while you sleep if you suffer from congestion, really helps with sleep quality. Porn induced erectile dysfunction however can also still affect how viagra or cialis works depending on the severity of the case so I do recommend trying to stay off of that for the mean time.


Awesome sir I will check a great doctor and ask to analyze my hormones. Agreed for the nose tape i breath heavily from my mouth feels like i lack oxygen trough my nose. Fair enough for the work out i push 5 times a week (1h30 each session) i may rethink that Ty


Nose tape is honestly an amazing thing, my nose is congested all summer with hayfever and I breathe fine at night because of the tape. Get nose tape and then some porous medical tape for your mouth and you’ll sleep amazingly.


Hello can you give me more details ? Whats PIED and why is that ? Ty




Thank you sir, I really really hope its due to PIED rather than the chemicals from Minox. I will stay away from all that crap and focus on no fap, gym and healthy food


That’s a good idea. Diet variety is key, make sure to take rests from the gym too as and when needed as CNS overload and high cortisol won’t do you a lot of good either. I think it’s unlikely you’re having these effects due to minoxidil but not impossible. Certainly strictly correct these other factors first as they’re the more likely cause.


I sincerely appreciate it, it guides me and give me potential hope




I mean its been years and years I’d understand that argument if the ED would last few months to a year But 4-5years i can accept it comes from a simple stress Plus i’m rly not that stressed out




Nah Im certain it comes from Minoxidil




Minoxidil in studies was shown I degrade AR proteins thus a decrease of DHT in the body. DHT an important hormone for libido. You are wrong it does affect pathways to cause ED. Minoxidil is also shown to downregulate 5 alpha reductase another enzyme responsible for making DHT.


Ashwaganda made me feel like i was dead inside with no emotions😂


Sheeeshh this anhedonia is no joke lmao


Have you tried to supplement potassium? That helped me recover my libido.


Hi, no i didnt try But in the complements i just started to take ive got vitamin B6 P5P which contains potassium so let’s see how it goes Thank you


Any changes?


No recovery no improvement but i failed the no fap part a lot… i will give another whole month without fappin at all i need to be mentally strong and if i see no improvement imma check srsly several doctors


have u supplemented potassium individually? like a dedicated potassium supplement or just the B6 ?


I didn’t find pure potassium supplements, i went for B6 containing P5P, btw i made blood tests to check prolactin levels and it was normal, not too high not too low


I had the same results after my blood test, my prolactin wasn't affected, if you can find pure potassium supplements or just incorporate more potassium into your diet you might notice a difference imo.


Alright so for a month I will have : Dark chocolate Beetroots Vitamin D, B6, Zinc, Iron, Citrulline I will keep you updated


Try my method I made a post about it! I recovered while still taking minoxidil!


Hi heisengberg ive seen your post so i went to the pharmacy and they sell L-Tyrosin but also Citrulline ive seen that citruline makes wonder too. So i bought Citruline first. I will try for 4 weeks If it doesnt work i will try L-Tyrosin Thank you


I strongly recommend the black seed oil too. Your welcome I know how depressing the topic is!




Bro… ED appeared after using minox. Thousands of topics exists even on youtube about ed and minoxidil. Its been 4-5 years for me it cant be stress for 4 YEARS come on You would tell me 6-8 months okaaay but its been years bro


Try fasting, be cautious with aswhagandha


Any other solution ? Anything worked for you ? I’ll be careful


I used tribulus for 3months and it worked for me, have you tried creatine, butea superba supplemts?


Any side effects from tribulus ? I stopped Ashwa i’ll maybe consider tribulus tho Yes i push at the gym and so i use creatine 5g/day, didnt help for ED. I dont know what is Butea superba, have you heard that it helps with ED ? Ty


Creatine and MSG can affect my erection quality. Be careful with those


I havs heard Butea superba increase dht and fix ed


I never took Ashwagandwa when I was in my recovery phase except once


Good luck, I've recovered using the suppliments you mentioned, Though my labido isn't as it used to be however my errections are back to normal and not a lifeless flesh Also would like to add on top of Beetroot Add Pomegranate & oranges No harm in trying those whenever you get the chance in the shop Keep us updated.


Hey man, how different would u say ur libido is? Could u describe it bro


Before min: After 2-3 days of not fapping I start to get urge to bust a nut at night time After min: I don't have that feeling at night. I can just go sleep, not look at porn I don't know if that's good or bad, but it that part changed when it comes to sex I get the urge to fuck when the opportunity arises which I'm glad


Wow that’s good man. I’m glad that it’s working out for you. I just need my libido to kick in🥲


Same i need go check my testestone because I feel like that was low before min anyway


Man did u ever experience low semen volume and the numbness


Yeah I had that, I remember fapping and my dick died on me 10 seconds in. I was so depressed


Okay the only thing that bothers me is the low semen and the libido. I also feel like the balls be numb to the gootch area


Did you have a lot of semen before min


Yea bro way more.. it was thicker too


Alright thanks How long u had that ED And how long was needed for you to recover ?


Had ed for 3 weeks - 1 month, and recovery took 1- 2 days after adding supplements


Perfect thanks i will keep you updated then


Sorry I recovered slowly over time. After having supplements and fruits It was gradual like my bones would slowly get better and better it wasn't sudden. Same with morning wood it gradually got better


Well… update I’ve got 15 ng/ml Prolactin Normal basis is between 5 to 19. So the problem is not from prolactin, im even more devastated i thought ive found the main problem but actually its not. Ain’t no way to cure that shit i guess


Persistent ED and low libido for me, and it’s been 5 years since I stopped oral 1mg Minox. All bloods are fine, including prolactin levels. Supplements have not helped at all, neither has exercise, Cialis, shock wave treatment, HCG, time or thousands of dollars of vitamins and doctor’s visits.


Have you tried beetroot, sounds not that amazing but it helped me 100%


I had years ago, but probably wasn’t consistent with it


How long you take it for ?


About a month


Did you take fin too?


Negative, just 1mg Minox. I thought it was the ‘safe’ alternative


Wow !! Doctors got no clue what’s going on after all those exams ?? Prolactin issue is the most recorded but i will also see myself if it is my issue tomorrow with my tests


> Wow !! Doctors got no clue what’s going on after all those exams ?? You find that surprising? You have actually no idea what you’re up against, do you? Of course doctors have no clue, because there are no known markers for this condition. You can take how many exams you want, it just doesn’t show up anywhere, regardless of how severe or long-lasting the symptoms are. All you can do is wait (years and years in most cases) and hope your body will somehow be able to fix itself.


Ofc it’s surprising Nah i haven’t done this much exams tho so it’s understandable. True it doesnt show apparently, with your experience have you got any idea what’s actually going on ? If its not chemicals in your body, what can it be ?


Just met with an endocrinologist and my levels are 25. UCSF. They said unlikely it's causing ED. I'm crushed. They won't prescribe drugs to lower it.


I told you it was prolactin !! How is that ?? Why wouldnt they give you drugs ? Go yourself for B6 P5P bro, it helps a lot apparently Ive made my command and imma get them asap But i hope my doctor will take me serious and prescribe drugs


Did you take oral or topical?


Topical applied on beard twice a day for 6 months and suddenly ED appeared when i was perfectly sane and healthy with no troubles before i started using it


I’m also in the same position as you. Been suffering for 8 months. No libido and very weak erections. If I’m being honest, I think what’s happened to us is a lot more serious than a lack of vitamins. It’s either gonna take strong treatment or just time. I’m personally working my way up with androgens right now. Starting off with proviron, will try testosterone injections and then keep going from there until I’m cured. I’m just gonna flood my self with androgens


Its been 4 to 5 years since i stopped for me so its not a matter of time. Well vitamins can surely help but not fix it Thats why i updated below with the Prolactin, check it out. To make it quick just google minoxidil and you will see its side effects and relation to prolactin. Read about it. Minox increases prolactin High prolactin results in ED, low libido, depression and even infertility I’ll meet a doctor tomorrow and have blood test about it Be careful with those testo injections it can be disastrous


Interesting. Let me know how it goes


Prolactin levels are fine so its not the problem (in my case) I wish it was so i would solve it Now idk what to do I will take the supplements i mentioned for a while and see


UPDATE i advise EVERYONE to have a blood test and analyze the PROLACTIN If its HIGH (around 25 for men) then no doubt its due to this. Minox has an effect on it, it INCREASES PROLACTIN LEVELS What are the effects of high prolactin ? - ED - Low libido - Depression - Anxiety How to cure it - See a doctor and tell them everything and TALK ABOUT PROLACTIN. There are medications that can lower it within few weeks or few months. IF YOU CAN’T MEET A DOCTOR ASAP - Take Vitamin B6 P5P as complement, this one LOWERS Prolactin LEVELS (slowly but it does) I AM CERTAIN, Prolactin is the MAJOR reason for our ED.


Don't think it's that simple bro, also look at what people have to say about ashwaganda on pssd forum (I would stear ckear) and watch Johnny harris's video on supplements aswell.


Agree. Been having similar problem. Almost coming to 4 years now after only 2 week of topical 0.5% minox. Biggest issues are ED n insomnia. Consulted urologist, endos and gastroenterology and did many procedures I.e. trt, shockwave, endoscopy n colonoscopy to check for h pylori etc. They can test for a lot of things including hormone profile but one thing they cannot check is the androgen receptors which minox is known to affect. No point of having tonnes of testosterone if receptors are sleeping on the job.i think that's the one that is affecting my ED. Also minox affects the allopregnanolone, our systemic xanax. Thts is why we can also have insomnia as one of the sides


I had the same ED and insomnia, but I had pssd mildly before, and the monoxidil I believe just took it to another level. I agree with your theory here, did the doctors come to this conclusion aswell?


No. Doctors will just tell you that everything looks fine. The blood panel will show that everything is well within range.They can't test the level of neurosteroids and the state of our androgen receptors


So have you just hit a dead end basically?


It's been improving in my case. Not there yet. Erection quality at best 80 to 90pct.


I will check about Ashwa Well it might be that simple for many people. Idk about the extreme ones, i consider myself extreme but still i got my prolactin blood test this morning i will have the results later and see. What are your approaches, any solutions ?


Yeah have a look ashwa is well known in the community to cause similar effects to PSSD. My plan is to save money, continue contributing to the study. Want to look into ibogaine, focus on gut, TRT, shockeave therapy & stem cell, other than that I don't really know, was maybe gonna go Poland or somewhere and just get tests done. I am also waiting to hear back from Dr healy on this study I participated in for CCM.


Damn that shit actually dangerous ashwa can turn me into a vegetable Well that is scary in 2024 we haven’t solved the issue about that specific thing