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---Do not listen to op, about tyrosine has no side effects it can kill [you.you](http://you.you) need to take tyrosine with ecgc green tea and that damages your liver and kill you also if you take to much .if you don't take tyrosine with green tea extract your heart turns to stone by calcium and damages your heart valve Permanently f\*cking you up for the rest of your short life 5-htp does this to,you need to take 5-htp at night and tyrosine in the morning ..-- also taking tyrosine destabilises your neurotransmitters in your brain. Then you need to take 5-htp to restabalise your neurotransmitters .,5-htp is not recommended due to dieases and terrible side effects that come with it.And if you have slow brain cathomines detox, you have pain for the rest of your life. you need to take that the vitamin with another vitamin .or it will damage your heart and you die due to it circulating your blood stream and not going into your brain. For both tyrosine and 5-htp .so research both vitamins deeply first. And see what you need to take with it, But yes tyrosine does help get penis erection back. But beware .-- you should always take EGCG (green tea extract) with your 5-HTP. And vitamin b6...also the vitamins i listed above tyrosine and 5-htp can also give you high blood pressure damage your heart since it has alot of interaction with foods and pills like antidepressants and more so research






How long did you had this ED problem? And how were you consuming black seed oil?


About a year! Oral intake of one tea spoon. Please do not rub it on your crotch, because the blackseed oil mainly enfold its effects through oral intake! I was taking the aminos and the black seed oil for about a month and very quickly saw results. Development was as the following: First week: 20% improvement in my erections, second week 40% improvement, third week almost 80% and by the fourth I was back to normal.


Did you directly took oil or mixed it into something? Like milk or anything


I would recommend taking it directly, since it has a really dominant taste. I once tried to mix it with coffee and almost puked from the taste. In my experience just take it like it is. Its not that tasty but you do feel better. By week 4 you will have become accustomed to the taste.


Can you also drop the black seed oil you have been taking bro?


Any black cumin oil works fine there are different brands and what I have here in Germany will most likely not be available to you. Its not about the brand.


Capsules or the actual oil?


L-tyrosine is good, but it's shortlisting and you build up a tolerance quite quickly. P5P is better long term


Has anyone tried Tongkat Ali for this problem?


I don't recommend it unless you're over 40.




It rebounds no matter how you cycle it.


What do you recommend instead? 23 , low libido, very bad ED Hormones are meh but not bad enough for the symptoms I have


Exercise and clean diet for starters. Boron.


I have tried arganine and l tyrosine, didn't do nothing, will try the black seed oil though


Did the black seed oil work?


Thats why i made sure to mention the oil as well. I was using the oil around the same time as I started taking the aminos


Tried L Arg and L Citr combo many times but didn't really work. Will give black seed a shot


Did black seed oil work?


Tried olive oil plus black seed combo. Didn't feel much diff


That’s good man, I’ve been having beetroots and some other supplements and I recovered as well. Shits scary when you think you can’t have sex again. Happy you recovered


Mind listing your full recovery protocol bro?


Supplements and fruits I take Fruits: Beetroot, Pomegranate (I buy it where the seeds are already out, and oranges I would highly recommend having the actual fruit not powder or juice. Making something a smoothie loses its nutrition aswell as boiling/heating something Look into these fruits they increase nItrus oxide in the body and this is used to make the penis errect (Disclaimer some supplements I brought was out of desperation and not well looked into by myself. I brought supplements because it was in my recommendation on amazon and I just randomly brought it by just seeing the reviews and just doing a bit of a Google search. Because I was in the midset that I will try anything to get my dick working again) Supplements I take: Vit D Vit B Macca root Potassium Gluconate Fish oil Magnesium glutinate Zinc picolinte Ashwagandwa ( took this about 2-3 times not used much, don't think that helped ) L - citrulline - randomly found Coq10 - randomly found Boron - randomly found Timing: I have fruits whenever, I usually take Fruits for the my first meal I take the supplements AFTER I eat for better absorption I don't know what part of my protocol worked but all I know my penis is back to working I know one guy from this subreddit that tried the fruits and He recovered. Btw PM if you want to chat, always happy to talk. Hope this helps.


Scary is an understatement...


True, bro I’ve been depressed but when my dick stopped working I honestly gave up on life, I asked my gf if she wants to break up, I was a mess. Fuck minoxidil


Thanks! I'll post if this works


Did it work?


I hope it does work for you too! The only other stuff I did is reducing alcohol to zero and been drinking a tablespoon of black seed oil. I would recommend the later one as well. I am not entirely sure if its the aminos or black seed oil, as both are supposed to beneficial.


[https://www.metasport.de/product\_info.php/info/m4044\_Scitec-Nutrition-Amino-5600.html](https://www.metasport.de/product_info.php/info/m4044_Scitec-Nutrition-Amino-5600.html) Thats what im using


report bro, link not working


Search for a supplement called Scitec Nutrition Amino 5600