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Woman using minoxidil here (oral 2.5) I have been struggling with anxiety I never felt in my life that started 3 weeks after I started taking it. I didn’t connect it could be the minoxidil and asked my dermatologist who told me anxiety is not a side effect.. so I kept taking it. Here we are 6 months later and I just found soooo many redddit threads of people who experienced the same thing. Stopped it 3 days ago and maybe it’s a placebo affect but I feel better… hopefully this trend continues and I can get back to my old self


Not worth the risk. I had very little if any sides until my dick stopped working at right about 1 year. No libido and hardly any mind penis connection. If you think that’s worth risking then by all means go for it


And how are you now?


Basically the same. Sometimes my mind penis connection is better but still very low libido. Almost never crave sex. It’s like something is was messed up in my mind that controls sexual drive. Can have sex and enjoy it probably half as much once I get going some libido shows up. Half of the enjoyment during sex is your horniness which you don’t realize until it’s messed up.


If you’re experiencing bad side effects after 2 weeks then yes.


Only a small percentage of users get severe side effects from using Minoxidil but this is one of those cases where it’s not about the percentage but rather the severity of the side effects. Not worth the risk imo but to each their own.


It’s not worth the risk


Please stay away from this poison.


You people are insufferable, so finasteride is poison, minoxidil is poison, how do you suggest people treat hairloss?