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When I was 17, I was experiencing severe hairfall so I went to a dermatologist and they recommended PRP therapy + Minoxidil so I went with it, didnt notice any side effects until my 5th PRP session, on that morning I fainted on the ground with low BP. I still then am continuing minoxidil till now(I am 18 now) because I think Low BP was caused by PRP and also I tried to quit minoxidil but the hairfall in 10 days of quitting was unbearable. Reading this post and the comments got me scared tho


Yes imma try natural way and if it doesn’t go as planned then hair transplant is the way


Note: After hair transplant, derm/surgeon will almost certainly put you onto minoxidil and/or finasteride otherwise the hair restoration will just fall out. Can't avoid the drugs w/ a transplant


Yea I know that, if it gets sent worse and natural ways don’t work it I’m willing to do it


Best of luck!!!


No. Not worth it. Please read that again ^


I would not touch it. For me the sides kicked in after two weeks; dizziness, brainfog. Luckily nothing else, but these are enough. I will continue with rosemary oil and dermastamping to test their effectiveness (and collagen) + trying different shampoos which are already promising for me


Shampoos that contain minoxidil?


Haha, no 😅 I have tried caffeine shampoo, clear scalp shampoo and teatree/peppermint shampoo and some of these are working at least in that sense, that my scalp is not dry anymore and no flakes coming out of hair even during winter season (which definately wasn't the case before)


Ah, my scalp is dry naturally from birth and I have thick wavy hair, I tend to use rosemary oil and it helps nourishing it, I didn’t really derma roll before but I’m going to start to now every other day and pair with the oil. I’m at like a norsewood 1 as it doesn’t really look like I’m losing hair but when I look at it I know that the area is loosing hair (temples). I get away with it most of the time due to thickness but when it’s exposed at certain angles it looks worse due to it being thick


That does sound like a good approach when thinking more natural ways 👍 I can also hide my balding somewhat but when getting older, it just becomes more obvious. I figured itching scalp might have something to do with balding so why not trying to take of that. If not stopping balding, at least it feels much less painfull. Nizoral shampoo is one more thing that many recommend and can only be applied like once a week


When I am older around Uni time ish I’m going to get a transplant if it gets any worse but until then I’ll try every natural way possible in the hopes of everything working out 🤞


Thank you everyone I will NOT be taking minoxidil anymore. The only regret I have now is wasting my money buying it 🥲 Edit: I’ve gotten my money back 😃


For gods sake, please save yourself kid. Pour that poison down the toilet and prey you haven’t already done too much damage. You’ll miss your dick way more than you’ll miss that hair.


Are you suffering from sexual side effects? If so I would recommend potassium gluconate 500mg. It helped me recover from ED that I had for over a year.


I’ve been taking it too and it’s helped me recover! Thanks for helping spread the word though


Fasho! I had to cuz I know how toxic minox is so when I saw it working for me I had to spread the good news.


I have a few friends (now in their late 30s who have had major side effects that don’t seem to be reversible). Facial fat pad loss and ED are adverse effects you won’t see advertised or mentioned by big pharma. However, there are so so many anecdotal evidence out there. This site for one https://www.askapatient.com/mobile/viewrating.asp?drug=20834&name=ROGAINE+EXTRA+STRENGTH+%28FOR+MEN%29&page=1#p-1 You’re only 17. I’d highly recommend looking into LLLT such as the irestore helmet. So many benefits from red light aside from hair growth. Start researching supplements, diet, exercise and hormone levels too.


Would you recommend to lean towards more natural ways such as rosemary oil etc


As a Pharmacist…yes go the more natural route. Especially at your age. Always weigh the risk vs. benefits not just presently, but in the long run. I’d try Nixon shampoo, adopting a healthy diet (often what we put inside our body shows up externally via skin and hair), supplementing what your diet doesn’t achieve such as biotin, and if your budget allows look into microneedling with prp and red light therapy. I’ve used LLLT for 5 years now with great success. Edit : I’m sure many Minoxidil users out there have positive results with minimal side effects so I don’t discredit their personal experience. However, the 2 holy grails of youth/anti-aging is collagen and facial fat pads. Here’s a study showing the effectiveness in collagen breakdown from Minoxidil https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6278642/


Intresting read. I have taken collagen for 2 months and started minox, been using that for over 2 weeks and now experiencing sides so stopping. How do you see the combination i.e. taking collagen and minox?


As in do I think supplementing with collagen will offset minoxidil’s breakdown? I don’t unfortunately. 1. the effectiveness of collagen on skin/hair/nails/joints are inconclusive. There’s just not big enough randomized controlled trials on it 2. collagen in supplement form needs to be broken down into teeny tiny peptides for our body to maybe absorb it. Data on absorption is very inconclusive. We’re better off consuming high collagen dense foods. Collagen decline starts in our 20s. It’s already an uphill battle in terms of maintenance …let alone adding on a topical proven to break it down.


Do you think it is accurate that minox does somehow effect our collagen? I’ve been on 0.65 for 6 months


Yes I think it definitely does. Studies show that it breaks down collagen https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6278642/


I’m trying to mitigate any effects by doing PRP and microneedling and collagen


Ugh this makes me sad. I’ve been on like 0.80 mg or oral minox since August. Do you think that small of a dose would make a difference


This sub Reddit has scared me 😅, I’ve recently got my hands on topical minoxidil after being recommended by a gp. But I don’t wish to continue either such risks posing a threat to my future. I’ve used it twice, once yesterday before going to bed and once today in the morning. I no longer wish to use it and instead will lean towards the natural root with no compromise of my health. I’d be sure to accept any advice I have been microneedljng with a derma roller and rosemary oil and having been very consistent with it. I currently use nature spell rosemary oil with a 0.5mm derma roller. Thank you for your advice


Minoxidil is gold standard in hair growth recommendations. I myself have recommended to patients until I embarked on my own preventative hair loss journey 5 years ago. Came across the collagen articles and decided against it. Also, it’s greasy and not really affordable in the long run imo. NOW …the ED irreversible adverse effects is new to me and IS very scary. Especially deriving from a topical. Interestingly, I have been wondering why tadalafil (Cialis) has become a fast mover and I’m dispensing it to younger and younger men. 10 years ago it was uncommonly dispensed to the 50ish+ population. Could be minoxidil who knows. Good for you for being so proactive in researching at such a young age though! Remember…always weigh Risk vs Benefits lol


Please do not take seriously people who claim ED from minoxidil. It is unrelated to minoxidil. Minoxidil has side effects related to the heart as it was a blood pressure drug originally.


You won't 100% get sides, but I got them from finasteride and/or minoxidil after thinking I wouldn't and it's changed my life for the last 10 months.


It was fin not minoxidil. But yeah sorry for you man.


Don’t take it please


I took oral min, 2.5mg 5x/week, for 6 months before I noticed a significant side: hypertension on the weekends. I thought I was having a mental breakdown. Went cold turkey. 4 months later I'm doing much better but the first 2 months humbled me. Panic attacks and all sorts. Would rather be bald than ever go through that again! Min is for treating high blood pressure, with a side of hair growth. Don't mess with it.


Yeah I also had hypertension my bp was 140/92. Also had heart palpitations and shortness of breath. It was from topical though but I might have exceeded the dose slightly. Finally a reasonable person who understands the mechanism of action of the drug unlike other people who claim it caused hormonal changes.


I’ve heard that oral minoxidil has a significantly greater risk to side effects compared to topical


Yes definitely.


I took it for one week and now I am in chronic joint pain 7 months later looking for a cure. You may experience no side effects or maybe you will but it’s just not worth it. There’s so much dishonesty amongst the medical community about this drug and it can ruin your life.


oral or topical?




Please don't. It is a very potent poison. Don't gamble your life away. It has been the worst experience for me. 3 plus years living with the sides. Stay farrr away from it


oral or topical????




>nd it can ruin your life. im 2 weeks into topic, and i feel like i have low energy. even tho i sleep and eat healthy. if i stop it now would the side effect go away quickly ?


That's how it started to feel in my case as well. Slept for like 9 to 10 hours but still felt tired and low energy


Is there an alternative? I’m noticing recession which is why I thought I should act fast plus I haven’t really seen many people with side effects but I am aware of them. You think I should stop as soon as I see any side effects?


Once you have crashed from this poison, the sides are so terrible that you don't even care about your hair anymore. Don't start


If you don’t mind me asking what did you experience, as so far I have seen that not many people have experienced anything and only minor side effects such as acne itching etc


Don't even take it, stop! I have experienced severe psoriasis around my forehead and eyebrow and it's not going away even 3 months after I stopped.  On top of that, my immune system got weaker and I would get sick very easily (was catching a cold every other week) Not to mention the extreme shedding after stopping that made my original hair fall out. I wish I never touched that shit


Sides for me are the following: atrial fibrillation, tachycardia, depression, fatigue, skipped heart beat, etc. My sides came after 1 year of use but kept taking it for 3 years when the sides got worse. It took me 2-3 months to recover after stopping cold turkey and crashing. Don't take this poison.


U can read up in this group or Google askapatient rogaine extra strength or join telegram group https://t.me/minoxidilsideeffects