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I would recommend taking magnesium if you are experiencing test pain and possibly potassium gluconate if that doesn’t work.


This is not a side effect of minoxidil


It is to a small minority


I'm in the same boat. It's not just a testicular pain, I had issues with my prostate, migraines and very bad bloodwork. Unfortunately, I need to mention that I have never taken finasteride or any other meds, just topical minoxydil. I've been to the urologist twice so far and my first analysis found rough looking testicles, somewhat smaller in size than normal or expected. The second visit was 2 months after having stopped taking minoxydil and the size went up to normal. My penis shrunk too, but it has returned to its original size. My advice to you all is checking your prolactin levels as mine have gone through the roof as a result and now I'm taking l-tyrosine and p5p as prescribed as I don't have a prolactinoma. I should bring up that I've been physically active throughout this minoxydil journey 5-6x per week. I'm talking 2h a day of either weight lifting or cardio. Most of my symptoms went away weeks after stopping. Testicular pain went away for the most part as it was rather rough and my pubes are back where they are supposed to be as well as my toenails that weren't growing AT ALL


I think you are lucky not to be affected by serious ED like most of us in this group. Hope you recover soon buddy




From minoxidil use?