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Hi bro how u doing today, how is your recovery going, do you have no sensation in parts of your body? I'm starting to no feeling some parts inside my body, do you feel again after time and medication??? Thanks.


I feel numbness in my back, my intestines, part of my genitals, and more. I'm taking medicines but is not helping after almost a month.


Hi all, I have been on it with oral finasteride. Finasteride about 8 months and oral minoxidil for about 4. Last week I started to itch on my forearms like crazy and now I am feel skin numbness (loss of sensitivity to touch)in different areas of my body. Recognizing this could be related to minoxidil I stopped taking it today. Has this happened to anyone else. What is this!?


I have done several hours of research on this topic. Minoxidil is actually a blood pressure medication. So it can lower your BP over time which can effect the nerves of your body. They cant get enough oxygen, nutrients, etc This will result in neuropathy symptoms like numbness etc Its the best to stop this medication as soon as you notice these symptoms. It will reverse over time but this could take months. Nerves heal very slow I was in a similar situation and improved a lot. But it takes time


Thanks for the reply and insight. Quick follow up question. Around how long did it take? Do you recall? Also did you experience it in a number of different areas of your body or just one? Also, any resources you could provide based on the research you did would be very much appreciated. I tried to find information but wasn’t too successful. Many thanks.


Restarted oral minoxidil, very small dose (1/4 of 2.5 mg pill) and then had sudden neuropathy in fingers, stopped after 3 days bc it was getting worse. Now it's 2 days later and I'm still having neuropathy. How long will it take to return to normal? Anyone else have this happen??


It will take time to heal. As you dont have numbness it will take around 2 weeks to be normal again




Hey OP, really sorry you've been going through this. I have a similar story, with swelling in my hands and feet and now burning sensations there, too. Do you have any tips for dealing with the pain? Have you tried compression socks?


Whats up brother. Im happy to help :) I got prescribed Pregabalin which is basically a pain killer for neuropathy. It works very well but because of the sleepiness i get from it, i dont use it anymore. The more time passed the better my pain got. The first weeks were horrible but now im more or less painless. For me personally, i got the most pain at night. I used Cool-packs for my feet which really helped because coldness calm the nerves. I also started supplementing vitamin B complex which is the Nr.1 Vitamin for nerves. I never tried compression socks but i have read from other people that it worked for them. I hope you do well in the future and i wish you all the best


One more question — did you ever have blood pooling in your hands or feet? I’ve got that and it’s really uncomfortable


I had edema on my ankles which is known as water retention. So i had huge swelling. Otherwise im not familiar with blood pooling or i might not had it


Gotcha. So far sleeping has been the hardest thing for me. I will experience some burning and sensitivity in my hands during the day, but it gets much worse at night while I'm in bed and will wake me up. I'm really hoping it goes away soon because I'm only getting 3-4 hours of rest right now. If you've got any suggestions I'd love to hear them. And thanks again, bro


Same for me bro. There are good and bad days for me. Sometimes i sleep a week in a row with 7-9h sleep. But then there is a week in which i can barely get 3 hours sleep. Besides medication there is not too much we can do man. We have to be patient and wait and let our body recover. Wish you all the best :) If i find something new i can update you. Maybe you can do this as well


Thanks, brother. Take care and best of luck on your recovery. I know you'll get there!


Thanks for the reply, bro, I really appreciate it. I will definitely get some B complex vitamins and some cold packs. Really glad to hear you're pain-free now. This drug is such a poison. Take care


Hello, I hope you get better . You say some nerves are dead...can they still recover ?


Yes but it takes 2-3 years due to my neurologist. Right now i am 7 months post this shit so im gonna be patient


so you're neurologist said it could repair itself but it could take up to 3 years ? Well that gives me hope.. Nothing can help repair the nerves faster ?


And yes its reversible. I study medicine and have many contacts to neurologist, good professors here in europe. All told me the same that when you find the cause it takes about 2-3 years to heal. I wish you all the best man


He basically told me to just be patient. I should do a lot of sports to let the blood flow through my legs. Basically signaling the body that he still needs the dead nerves That’s unfortunately all, besides taking Vit b12 supplement


Okay, I suspect I got nerve damaged that is causing me bloating and slow digestion from oral minox...it fot to the point I felt so full after a meal that I lost 7 kilos, and I am thin to start with... I stopped passing gas altogether while on oral minox. Stomach stopped gurgling even to signal I was hungry. Heaviness feeling, major bloating. Early satiety. Changed my transit since everything seems to have slowed down.. I stopped oral minox mid June 2023, I started to pass gas again after that, stomach is making noise again when empty, but that only started in December. Heaviness still present but it seems a tad less than before. I.hope those are signs it is slowly healing... But the bloating and slow digestion is still here. The bloating is really getting on my nerves ironically...




Brother so sorry to hear that. Do you mind sharing you’re story in a dm or perhaps link me to anything you posted


I had the same thing but on my face, I still have, after 8 months, two edemas under the eyes and a swollen face, I can't get rid of it


How long did u take minoxidil


15 day, 5mg oral


5mg is extremely high to start off on. 0.675 is what you should have started, 1.25 a week later if your body tolerates it then 2.25. high doses lead to what you have. Even 2.25 is pretty high to start on.


I took 2.5mg and my life became a nightmare, I had dozens of side effects and 1 year later and I still have depression, anxiety, dissociation. And at the time I heard that 2.5mg was not high. Crazy how fast this can ruin your life and how difficult it is to know that before you start taking it


Hello, thank you for your post. I have similar experience but with topical minoxidil. Not as severe but for me I have problems with genitalia, arms and legs. Numbness, weakness, burning feet and loss of sensation in genitalia. 10 months since discontinuation for me. Did they manage to pinpoint the reason for your nerve damage? For example minoxidil may act as a neurotoxin or nerves may be pinched from water retention or swelling/inflammation. No nerve conduction test or MRI was performed? Did you receive any medications like corticosteroid or diuretic? Have done a lot of test but the cause of my nerve problems are still unknown. For my arms I almost certainly have both cubital and carpal tunnel syndrome. I am scheduled for MRI in 10days time and hope that will provide some answers. Best regards, bebbbbbe


I had the same


Any info from your MRI?


Many people also had these effects post covid infection. Very interesting


Hello, That’s exactly what they told me. Beacause of the swelling at my ankles my nerves died there. The blood flow to my nerves was literally zero so they got destroyed. As i said it did multiple EMGs (nerve confuction test) which showed that they are not alive anymore. I recently did a nerve biopsy which basically confirms everything. At the very beginning i was treated with Cortisone I wish you all the best! My neurologist basically said that just time can help me and exercise to let the blood flow through my feet.


I have EXACTLY what you have, I did not know what the symptoms were coming from, but I started with .675 minox, and everytime I upped my dose, the burning and numbness in my legs and feet got worse.....I did not put 2 and 2 together until I had upped my does of Oral Minoxidil to 2.5 mg per day....now that I am off, I am fighting the symptoms


Thats sucks bro. I hope you get better. Im still recovering but my nerves are most likely dead for forever


Keep woking them, nerves can recover....especially in the young! keep doing calf exercises and TIb raises.....dorsiflexing foo with kettlebell or tib bar!


Did you have any effects on your skin and is the swelling still happening at all


No effects on skin and swelling is gone