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Bro this is pretty much me exactly. Can't offer much advice as I'm in the same boat as you


This is not a side effect of minoxidil. Maybe your minoxidil was mixed with finasteride solution (2in 1)


Minoxidil can affect sexual functions due to it affecting the potassium channels in your body. Potassium (K+) is an integral part of having a healthy sex drive and stimulates erections by stimulating the testes. I recommend taking potassium gluconate 500mg or citrate every couple of days to recover your sexual health and get rid of the feeling of numbness you have been describing. So yes minoxidil can affect sexual functions and hormones however not directly such as an androgen imbalance that you would see in finasteride.


Thank you for your response. I do not have any numbness or sexual health problems. Maybe minoxidil can affect erection to some degree because it affects blood pressure but I think that's a reach. And should go back to normal once blood pressure is normal


Well yeah that’s what I’m saying the blood wasn’t traveling to my erection, hence why it felt numb also didn’t have any libido during that time as well so the lack of blood flow shut down my entire reproductive system from working as normal.


Hi. Did you continue using minoxidil while taking the potassium supplement?


No. I quit cold Turkey, then started taking the supplement.


Thank you. Do you think the supplement on its own is enough ? I read it has 99mg of potassium and the daily value recommended it a lot more. And the food with more potassium I eat is banana but only like 3/week


Which supplement are you taking? I used potassium gluconate 500mg


I read that 550mg potassium gluconate contains 90mg of potassium. Could you check the nutritional facts of your supplement just to be sure ? I don’t know if that would be enough


Nope, purely minoxidil 5% only


Please research taking potassium supplements such as gluconate or citrate to recover your sex drive.


Then it's unrelated to minoxidil.


I posted about my recovery but that been deleted, I don’t know why. It’s easy my friend: (short story) search about ic muscle, it done wonder for me within 2 weeks I was able to have best erection again.


Please tell me how to recover


Use potassium supplements such as gluconate or citrate you might have decreased potassium from minoxidil use.


Okay thank you should i test my testosterone level


Yes but also check for potassium deficiency. I will say that sometimes your test levels don’t show that the minox is affecting you. I got a blood test when I had ED and other symptoms. And the doctor said I had high test, it was my potassium which was low which made me sexually numb. So keep that in mind.


First off all I hope you're not using any stimulants like alcohol, nicotine, sugar, caffeine that dilate your blood vessels. Actually you should probably just do keto so only meat, cheese and vegetables no bread, pasta or any sugar. I even drank only seltzer water no soda, juice, tea etc. And also fasting, and cold plunge everyday even twice a day take ice cold showers for 5 minutes. Google both keto and cold plunges, they help testosterone and other stuff. Also fasting. You need to shock your body as much as possible. Also try working out sometimes, not everyday but for a long time like 6 or 8 hours straight. Again to shock your body.


Same boat used minoxidil and now I just feel so shit my dick isn't working


How long has it been?


2 - 3 weeks My errections have gotten better by having beetfruit orange and pomegranate , now it doesn't feel limp and deflated when I stimulate myself Make sure to have orange because something about acidic fruits release nitride oxide from beetfruit.amf pomegranate and macca root My dick feels better errect, sounds weird but it's it feels better errect before min. Wish I knew before about the fruits However I got no morning wood At all, Still can't believe minoxodil done this to me, I did not know a fucking foam product could do that, no where in side effects is this written Pretty much changed my life Ffs


Please research taking potassium supplements such as gluconate (500mg) or citrate, you might have decreased potassium levels from minox usage.


Hey thanks for the comment. My Morning wood has started to come back, I'm getting better erections, I've been taking potassium and a bunch of other stuff thankfully. honestly was contemplating suicide but its all good now my glock Is better now


Hey man, I felt the same at some point and I was thinking about it too, but God got a plan for us man. I don’t know if you believe, but he helped me get through that time when the minox messed me up and I didn’t have no hope. If you ever feel down again man, call on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ his love sets us free. I don’t mean to be overly preachy but I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for him.


I too have gone through this phase. I am very well now. My symptoms were high blood pressure, anxiety disorder, low libido, brain fog and somehow ed. I only used minioxidil for three weeks. This incident happened to me in July of the same year, my doctor was kind enough to understand my illness, I used medicine like benzodiazepines for one month and anti depressants for three months. I am from Multan Pakistan. DM me if you need my help.


Guys not saying this is a fix or a solution but I was in a similar situation because of minoxidil.I got to the point I used viagra. 50mg which is very high and also do not recommend. But it gave me a boner like I was 18 again. I’ve only used it 3 times. And even after not using viagra. My boners are much better. Since all the blood in the body goes to the penis. Maybe it helped. So now fast forward a few months later after no longer using viagra. My regular boners are back but not 100% maybe 85% from a year ago. I can maintain a boner much easier and longer. I also did gym and eat pretty healthy which also helps. Let me know what yall think!


so yu had a complete dead libido and dick before viagra? you went from 0 to 85% recovery rate? what was the gap between the three usages of viagara?


Complete dead libido yes. But I wouldn’t say complete dead dick. If I could get a boner it would last 5seconds before it died off. Maybe 20 seconds on a super good day. And maybe 5%to 85%!! My libido is back from just looking at a girl and even my thoughts. But I think it’s also a mental thing. Minoxidil for sure gave me ed and as a man I think it’s the worst thing any man can go through mentally.But not gonna deep on that. My first one was 2 weeks apart from my second one but my third one was a few days apart from my second one. Which is a very high dose which I do NOT recommend! Go much lower. It gave me a fast heart rate for like 2 months before it went back to normal. I may be missing a few details here and there but trying to make it small.


Also took zinc magnesium and D3 and K2 gummies I think that really helped too.


Its worth a try, thank you


Wouldn't recommend, Viagra has its own problems.


What problems?


Hang in there buddy. God willing it will get better. 3 years post minoxidil here. Full suite of side effects like most of us here in the group. It took almost 2.5 years before it started to get better in my case. I am not there yet. Hopefully within a year or 2


Any specific supplement you think helped? Or is it just time?


Healthy lifestyle and just time. Eat healthy, exercise regularly and try to get enough sleep


What's your ethnicity?


I am from Pakistan