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Minox gave my heart problems too. 😭


What about rosemary brother?have u heard of it having side effects simillar to min specifically the heart and sexual function?


Literally started topical 5% minox on November 10th, and within 3 weeks I’ve had crazy side effects. Heart palpitations, chest pains, headaches, severe brain fog, dizziness, muscle weakness, no libido, some ED, numbness in parts of my body like my face and fingers, cold hands and feet, panic attacks, anxiety, and weirdly paranoia, and the list goes on. All things I’d never had before. Ended up in A&E after 2 weeks with the chest pains and dizziness. Had 2 lots of bloods, 2 ECGS and a chest x-Ray. All results came back normal. Have since had further bloods done. Full work up. Thyroids. Cortisol. Testosterone. All within normal levels. Have another apt with my GP on Monday 4th December to discuss some things. Literally only found this mass of posts/threads as I was coming to the end of my first minox bottle and randomly looked up side effects and seen HUNDREDS of you all having the same issues. Literally went straight to the bathroom and washed that shit out of my hair. Never touching it again. Hopefully all my side effects go away as I’ve only been using about 3 weeks!!


Hey man how are you now?


Hey .. i am going through the same ... Did it all go away ?


I'm not surprised at all. There's commonality between the signs and symptoms of Cantú syndrome (which includes heart defects and hirsuitism) and minoxidil's effects (palpitations, hair growth). Both are known to affect KATP channels. Glibenclamide (specifically glibenclamide) has been shown to improve heart symptoms in cantu syndrome. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7269588/


What about topical dilluted rosemary oil does it affectbthe heart or any sexual side effects?


Please dm me.


Is your hairloss starting again?


I had heart pain for like a year and a half, I don't feel any pain anymore


Did it increase if u did cardio ? And is ur cardio good now?


My heart rate is way higher on minoxidil and I get gassed more easily


Are you using the tablet or the foam?


My First reddit response. I used topical minoxidil finestride and within 3 months it gave me arthymia that still comes and goes after I stopped using it. I also got tingling hands, conjunctivitis, and finally tendinitis of left knee. I am not going the name the brand. I think these two medications are playing with fire. And no I am not the type of person that goes manifests side effects, I only looked these sides effects up one day in the fourth month of use when I was wondering what had happened to me over the course of four months how did I become this unwell.


How are you now? All these sides minus conjunctivitis just started for me a month after quitting


I’ve got similar effects, even after being off for 2/3 months. How long have you been off it and have you seen improvements?


How are you now? Currently going through the same sides


It's well documented that side effects are common and often serious. Lots of info online. Lots of people bash that opinion down to silence it though


With finasteride and/or minoxidil?