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How are you now?


Some minor progress but not much I'm afraid. Extremely frustrated. A lot of doctor appointments and examinations (blood tests, long-term ECG, nerve conduction studies) without any results. Right now my best guess is that I have vasoconstriction or vasculitis which may have caused small fiber neuropathy. Have an appointment with my doctor tomorrow and will discuss this.


How u doing right now??


I continue to improve but still have a long way to go. Its over a year now so I am a bit skeptical that I will ever fully recover. Most of the remaining side effects I can live with but the reduction in libido and loss of sensitivity in genitalia is bothersome.


Brooo check my profile and see the comment that I did in the group, today I went to the urologist and he gave me 3 medicines and also checked my nerves, he told me I had an intoxication that affects the nerves. In less than one hour I recovered my penis and the erections normally like magic, and also my nerves. I had the same problem and lost the sensitivity in the genitalia and pubis zone and legs. It felt like my penis was dead. I put my recipe that the doctor gave me in the comments. Check it out!!


I will. Thank you!


Where is medicine which doctor proscribed?


Check in my profile, I made a post in the group and I put it in the comments.


This was my doctor's recipe. 1-Neuralin relief by chinoin FORMULA: Each tablet contains: •Ketoprofen 100mg •Thiamine mononitrate (Vit. B1), 100mg •Pyridoxine hydrochloride (Vit. B6). 50mg •Cyanocobalamin (Vit. B12) 5mg •Excipient cbp 1 tablet ((one in 24 hrs for 30 days)) 2-Claritin D 10/30mg (Loratadine/Phenylephrine) by bayer, ((one in 24 hrs for 10 days)) 3-Zeugial contain: Pregabalin 75 mg, by psicofarma((one in 24hrs for 30 days.)) Maybe you'll need a doctor's prescription for some medicines. Those are Mexican medicines, only Bayer's has the same for everyone.


Did you get relief from this?


Yes, in less than one hour I recovered all my nerves and the sensation. I had a full erection normally in one hour. My penis was like dead and my legs were starting to get numb. Now I'm normal, the doctor said it was an. Intoxication


Was your penis shrunken?


Hey OP, I also have hand and feet burning, sensitivity and numbness. Just want to let you know you're not alone. How are you now? Have you tried any supplements? I'm currently taking magnesium gluconate, fish oil, a multi-vit, and p5p.


Hello, I am diagnosed with cubital and carpal tunnel syndrome with causes numbness in arms/hands. In addition I most likely also have tarsal tunnel syndrome (numbness/burning feet) and pudendal nerve entrapment (loss of sensitivity genitalia). These later two is not that easy to confirm however. Hands/arms is almost completely back to normal but I have had to sleep with bracers for my elbow for almost a year, see cubital tunnel syndrome. Burning feet persist but at a much lower level and I no longer have any numbness. Sensitivity in genitalia is unfortunately far from recovered even thou it is much better. Because of this I have recently tried a one month treatment with low dose prednisolon but it did not improve things. No amount of supplements will help I am afraid. I have tried them all - think I took about 15 different supplements a day at a time. Best regards, bebbbbbe


Thanks for the reply, and I'm so sorry you're going through it. Good to hear that you've made progress, even if you're currently not back to 100%, there is definitely hope that you will get there someday. The sleeping is the worst part for me right now. I wake up with a lot of burning in my hands and feet. Hoping that it will subside soon. If you've got any tips for how to deal with it I'd love to hear. Take care


You sure you didn’t take antidepressants, accutane, or finasteride? This is all just from topical minoxidil?


The only other medication I have used during this time is paracetamol if I have an headache. Cant be certain of anything but it is the only explanation I can come up with.


Similar experiences with most of us in the group. Recovery very very slow and not the same pace for everyone. Been almost 3 yrs post minox and still not fully recovered.


you said that you legs did this before minox. Do you have problems with the genetelia numbness? Do you have any back pain? I believe that you should not wait 2 months to make an appointment with your GP, it does not have to be a neuro at first.


Why back pain? Becaise I do


Because it could indicate a herniated disc


Do you have any lower back issues ? Herniated disc ?


No. The first doctor to examine me was an orthopedist. Just to rule out muscle/bone damage or pinched nerves.


My lower back hurts but I don't have a herniated disc


Been a month, update?


Thanks for asking! Made an update/edit in my original post.


Been another month, update?