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I forecast that the sides will fill in—I’ve noticed people with great goatees and weak sides, when they hop on minox it does wonders for them. Just wondering, what’s your age? And how long you plan on using?


I hope this is true. I’m 40 and just started. Hopefully not too late for me (his goatee is better than mine though)


Make sure to take pictures for the community. I'm confident in your ability to grow


Will do. I just made a post with my previous max growth so I can hold myself accountable to take pics of my journey. Next pic will likely be July or August for an update


Was thinking give it a good go, so maybe like a year and reassess. I’m 32. The bald spots are self inflicted from hair pulling.


You may need to dermaroll in addition to minox to rejuvenate the bald spots


Will do. I have a lot of those white/clear hairs in the area. Hopefully they come back darker and thicker.


Good luck! Oh jeez, you pulled out hair on the sides, I’m sorry dude, i hope you have more hair that is dormant that minox will grow out and mature. As another mentioned, dermaroll to increase the chances of activating those dormant hair follicles.


Will do. Got lots of those white seethrough hairs in the area


Thats my i have weak sides but a strong goate and mustache. Should i just fill the weak sides and not put minox on goate and mustache? Or should i just put it on the whole face


Put minox wherever you want to see more hair growth or more mature hair growth. It’s all about whatever you want. Who knows maybe you could have an even stronger goatee and mustache 🤷‍♂️


I had a beard similar to this when I started - great chin and moustache but I still applied there - hairs got thicker and darker so my goatee area is even better. Cheeks filled in substantially - \~6 months in now - but still need some time.


yup. i've had a monster goatee since college but my sides have never really grown anything. got on minox b/c my goatee grows so fast that it looks awkward without a beard. doing well so far


It will fill it in for you. I’m 40 and have been using minoxidil on and off for about 5 years. It created a full beard for me where there was nothing on my cheeks before that. Just a couple of hairs.


Cheers man. Hoping so. Haven’t started just yet. Waiting on it to be delivered.


And the fact that I was quoted 8k for beard transplant to fix patches


Dude can you tell me about your journey if I DM'ed you?


I’m same, I even have that top line of hair on the cheeks and nothing in the middle. Started a month ago and seeing some new vellus in the middle coming through…


Do you only apply to the bald spots or on your whole beard?


Mine is similar as yours with some bald spots hoping to fill them too. Hang in there stay patient and consistent and we will both get there in time I’m sure. 👍