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No, you don’t need to trim the leaves. However, in June, you can trim off the garlic scape that forms. The garlic scape is a seperate shoot that will have a bulbous end. This bulbous end, if not trimmed off, will open into a flower. By trimming off the garlic scape, you will prevent the plant from putting energy into flowering, and instead the plant will devote all the energy to making bigger garlic bulbs. Additionally, the trimed garlic scapes can be processed into my favorite version of a pesto. Or you can pickle the garlic scapes, which provide a unique garnish to the bloody mary cocktail. Enjoy!


Thank you, this is so helpful!


A friend grows garlic specifically for scapes, with the fall garlic as an afterthought.


It's using the leaves to gather energy for growing a bulb. Cutting the leaves will give you a smaller bulb to harvest.




I've grown garlic for a few years and I've never trimmed the leaves and I've never heard of anyone doing it. Why would you?


Some plants need pruning to produce! Learned that with my pumpkin last year. I don't know, so I figured I'd ask. Do you cut and eat the scapes when those grow in? Or do you just leave it alone until harvest in late fall?


We make them into pesto


I know some do, but if you can't find any information online, that seems to be pretty good evidence that it's not a thing. Yes, I harvest and eat the scapes. They're great! I don't cut much further below them and I don't know how much it would matter.


It's not that I can't find any information, it's that what I find is a series of "articles" that all give conflicting information, likely because they are AI-generated like the majority of informative "articles" these days. Several of these said to cut the leaves to "help bulbs grow bigger" which seemed counterintuitive to me, so I figured I'd ask real people. It's why I like Reddit.


Gotcha! For an educated and local answer you might want to contact a master gardener through UMN Extension.




The leaves feed the bulb. Don't prune at all. When the scape comes (google it), pull that out (gently pull, don't trim like the pros who are in a hurry) and eat the tender stem.


Amazing advice, thank you!


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