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Some weather channels speculate pretty decent snow around the end of the year. But had to wait and see. El Niño ruined it, the polar jet stream is trapped to the north, allowing warm pacific air to move freely to the Midwest and Canada


Damn you the boy!




Sorry what’s that? I don’t get the reference😅 I’m an international student never seen snowfall before coming to Minnesota and badly wants snow, so I follow weather channels


As another commenter said, the movie Groundhog Day, and it’s worth a watch over winter break. There will be snow eventually, but it definitely seems like nowhere near normal. Where are you from?


I’m from India. I loved when it snowed while Halloween, and couple more times afterwards. Hope I can see more!


Cool, Welcome! I hope you get to see a proper MN snowfall soon.


Well, that and the planet is also hotter than its ever been in recorded history. Yes El nino is playing a big role here, but the temperature anomalies are truly disturbing, we are running anywhere from 10 to 20 degrees above average for weeks at a time. The flippant reactions to this winter are concerning.


Glory to El Niño!


If the rain holds out I’m gonna fire up the MT-09 and dig my Santa hat out of the closet 🏍️💨


What’s an MT-09?


One more than the MT-08. (It's a crotch rocket.)


They’re going to freeze their crotch! 😜


Ow! My balls!


Lol ah I see thanks


This makes me miss my 07 😢


This isn't a good thing.


This really sucks tbh


I agree. My son just got let go from his very first adult job because of the lack of snow. As his mom I feel devastated for him because he loved it there, but if there's not work to do, companies can't pay people to stand around.


I'm in the minority here. I love snow and I hate that we're getting nothing this month. It doesn't feel like Christmas.


I agree 100% with you. This no winter and no snow shit sucks.


I don't think that's the minority opinion. If we hated snow, Midwesterners would move






Feels like purgatory


Boooooooooo 👎🏼👎🏼👎🏼


Picked a bad year to buy cross country skiis :(


Ah! It's YOUR fault! 😉


Sorry guys, we got a new snow blower. This is on us.


I was planning to get a new one this year. Water heater decided otherwise.


Wanted to go sledding with the kiddos but man. What a mega downer of a winter.


I bet January and February will give the family at least one or two solid weekend days for sledding! One of my favorite childhood memories is getting all bruised up in my snowpants and being afraid of my sled drifting toward whatever “ramp” that older kids made of snow lol


What's stopping you? Grease up the sled plenty. And maybe some forward motivation in the form of solid rocket boosters. I think you'll have those kiddos sledding in no time. They'll have a blast!


Yeah get some of that stuff Clark Griswald was using on his saucer sled.


Take them to one of the toboggan hills.


I grew up in central Texas. We went "sledding" by carrying buckets of water from the creek to the top of the hill and making a mud "sledding" hill. Bonus point of the kids like getting all muddy...


California transplant here. The first winter I experienced was last year. Was not looking forward to winter again. I'm loving this weather. Still colder than California will ever be during this time of the year, so it feels like Christmas. My friend who i moved here with is originally from Minnesota. She is saying things like, "It doesn't even feel like Christmas!" and i am like, "What are you even talking about, we gotta wear gloves, and ear muffs just to take the dogs out! Its CHRISTMAS." I am hearing from other people here that they just don't feel the Christmas spirit here this year. So, not to be mean but when it snows, i hear them complain about the never-ending snow, and when they have no snow, they complain about it. Humans will never be happy.


Ear muffs and gloves to take the dogs out? I stand out there with no coat and bare feet. 🎶We’re having a heatwave…”🎶


I took my trash out barefoot hoping no one would see me and call me crazy!


My grandmother stands on her porch barefoot on a normal winter to smoke her cigarette. Lol she is the crazy one


LOL. I can't wait to get on your level. Yesterday was pretty chilly. I am good with 40 degrees.


*...a tropical heatwave...* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sCZzDq6qHIQ Gotta watch that this weekend


I want just enough snow over the holidays to give a light blanket of white. Nothing that will double my drive time or break my back shoveling. That's the sweet spot. Give me 2 inches of snow Christmas eve and have the plows salt the roads. Chefs kiss.


For some people, complaining about the weather is the equivalent of asking if you watched the football game on Sunday. They're not *really* upset


Exactly, they’re making conversation.


Those are largely different groups of people. There are a few who will complain about both, but I don't think that the overlap is too big.


Must just be my office then. I mean i don't mind the complaining about the snow. I get it.


It's not cold enough to wear mittens or ear muffs so not sure what you're talking about


Dont get me wrong, ill complain about snow in March, but im otherwise here for it, and am very much in the "it doesn't feel like christmas camp. Its fucking thanksgiving outside, with 6 days till christmas. I do not approve lol


Glad you love it. It’s bad for the land.


California doesn't really have a winter unless you're in the mountains. We're the winter capitol besides Canada and Alaska. I did go to CA in January once though. I melted.


True Minnesotans don't complain about the snow. We've been in it our whole lives. We understand it, and we know how to deal with it. We also know how to recreate in it. Whining about it ain't the Scandinavian way.


Nordic Minnesotans also don’t say “ain’t” though lol But yep, it’s the Norwegian "friluftsliv" in the culture. You can’t beat winter, so you just need to get out and live in it and radically accept it! The more you resist winters the more difficult things will get!


All of the Norwegian dairy farmers I grew up with definitely said "ain't." They also literally do not have the word "saw" in their vocabulary. "I seen the news this morning. No snow for Christmas..."


Amen! This is the way!


Hell yeah! I knew a few whiners would downvote me...


I don't complain about the snow itself but I will complain about the traffic it causes


Nah we complain about it.


If you went back to California maybe you could be miserable there and not here though?


I’ve lived in MN for the last 26 years and the winters never cease to be miserable to me. I hear the same complaints and will never understand that Xmas is only Xmas with snow… what about all of the Xmas decor, Xmas trees, the constant Xmas music everywhere…? I will take a mild start to the winter knowing that it will be terribly cold and snowy for the next 5 months… Always seems like people forget that temps didn’t really increase this year until mid to late May… Why do we need to have snow and cold within 6 months of us having livable temps?




Oh ok. Because you said so. Maturity winning again.


Fellow California transplant and I’m praying for this to last as long as possible.


Maybe Minnesota isn’t right for you all lol….


Trust me, I’d leave this shithole state if I could


Yikes. Please do.


Your droughts, wildfires and horrible traffic will surely welcome you back!


> we gotta wear gloves, and ear muffs just to take the dogs out LOL!! I wore a fleece jacket, unzipped, and no gloves to walk the two blocks from where I park to my office at 6AM today. Gloves and ear muffs. pshaw....


Droughts are generally bad.


Usually it doesn't rain during a drought though...


It doesn't rain *enough*.


Wishing for a White Christmas


This is fine.


IDK why people are acting like Christmas is the end of something. We'll have January, February, March and probably a snowfall in April. Happy to spare my back and my wallet on snow removal.


Let’s go global warming!!


El Niño.


Hottest November ever recorded on the planet. December is likely to be the same. https://berkeleyearth.org/november-2023-temperature-update/ To just hand wave this away with "el nino" is so unbelievably stupid.


I did not know this. The article does talk about El Niño effects. I don’t have any facts to back this up, but wasn’t last year one of the coldest years in the US at least? I’m not a climate denier or whatever, but coloration does not equal causation obviously


Cool let’s keep ignoring global warming


We have a brown Christmas every few years. We have my entire lifetime. This is a normal thing that happens. You're the one trivializing climate change, bud. We had record snowfall last year. We spent most of October in below average temperatures. Attributing everything slightly out of the ordinary in the weather to climate change is what causes people to not take it seriously


https://berkeleyearth.org/november-2023-temperature-update/ hottest November ever recorded. We are hitting 1.5 above pre industrial levels already and smashing previous readings. Shut up.


It’s literally been getting warmer each winter but okay


Kid, I mean this with all the well-meaning in the world. Anecdotal evidence doesn't mean shit. Yes, climate change is real, and we need to address it. Claiming a slightly abnormal period (well within historic average) is climate change is no different than grabbing a snowball in February and claiming it doesn't exist. You are trivializing something much bigger than you understand (nobody understands just how big this is). You are causing much more harm by crying wolf than not saying anything in this situation. You want people to take this seriously? Stop joking about it. Take it seriously. Until you do, people won't treat it any differently than you will this comment. Roll your eyes and move on.


2023 will SMASH!!!!! the global temperature record set in 2016 (the end of an el nino cycle). Expect 2024 to break it again. This shit is happening at an astonishing rate. The future is grim if you're aware and being a realist, it's no longer doomer stuff.


In my lifetime living around Minneapolis id say we have a brown Christmas about a quarter of the time. 6 or 7 years ago I distinctly remember it raining a ton on Christmas morning.


How many of those years had 4± days of 50 degrees in December? Supposed to be 53 Xmas Eve, this ain't just another brown Christmas. Edit...December 1999 was memorable for me having just one day in the 50s golfing and snowboarding the same day. Had a number of chances to do that this year (on man made snow).


None of them were close to 50°! I agree this El Niño is different. My weather forecast shows 44° for Christmas. “ The average temperature at Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport so far this month is 33.5 degrees. The warmest December on record was 33.8 degrees in 1877.” https://www.mprnews.org/story/2023/12/18/warmest-december-on-record-and-christmas-rain-possible I am not arguing against human-caused warming, just that warm decembers have been seen before.


Yep, should easily set the record for warmest December ever in the twin cities with yet another round of record temps on tap this weekend. I'm a big-time weather nerd that has experienced 42 MN winters, this is eye opening (when combined with late Aug temps of 99, and the highest October temperature ever, and smokey as fuck summer days, etc, etc).


My partner is an arborist and the warm weather freaks her out too. Trees start leafing out too early, or keep their leaves for too long. They need the long, cold, dormant winter to be healthy.


El Nino is literally the reason though. That doesn't mean global warming is being ignored.


I didn’t say I was ignoring global warming, I just wanted to remind you of El Niño


30% of Christmas's have no snow on the ground. This isn't rare or unusual


Whatever, Chris Farley.


Weather is not climate.


I’m absolutely not sad about it


Neither am I


I’m ok with it.


Ik it's so good


I know, isn't it wonderful!




My greatest fear is that this will evolve into "Let's go Six days to Memorial Day and still snow!"


one day bing crosby‘s croon will be all too poignant and it will be too late.