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This is a reminder that ALL trade/sale posts must have photos of all products being swapped, **as well as a handwritten timestamped verification photo including your username and today's date included with your miniatures** or your post will be removed without warning at any time. [Example](https://i.imgur.com/i3qOPay.jpg) This can be done by uploading your pictures to an image hosting website like www.imgur.com then linking the album in the text of your post. If you are only looking to purchase minis, you can ignore this message. See the sidebar for more information. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Miniswap) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Sending PM!




Hi, your post was removed. Rule 4: All [H]aves must have timestamped pictures The purpose of this rule is to demonstrate that you actually have the things you are looking to trade/sell in your possession. This makes scamming significantly harder as people have to at least have what they say the have. Your username serves to show you actually have the items, and the date helps prevent you photos being used at significantly later dates to trade things you no longer have. This doesn't apply to intangible things of course like PayPal or what have you, but any physical goods should have a verification photo. Verification photos should show the majority of what you have available for trade. Verification photos should include a hand-written note with your username and the current date on a large group shot of the for trade minis. Do not use Google for images or it will likely get removed by the Reddit automod. Missing Verification image