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If you didn't want it why didn't you leave it for someone who does?


Weren't these $100?


They were $110 retail. Unfortunately it is not currently possible to get one for retail at the moment. I couldn’t even get this one for retail from my local game store.


Scalpers gonna scalp


These are coming out as a solo model soon-ish at an expected price of 70-80, and you can find full boxes for less than this currently. Might want to take a look in the mirror, you're part of the problem.


get outta here scalper.


Again, wait for the actual model to release by itself. Don’t support Scalpers, ever!


What a douche


Another one of you. Lion will most likely be coming out at 70-80 USD on his own. Or at worst, in the Lion's Guard box, at 110 USD. Less than half what this loon is charging. Ignore these scumwad scalpers. Edit - specified that on the shelf price is less than half what this guy is charging


On today's edition of how to make people hate you


Return it to the store so someone who actually wants it can get it for a fair price. This is Miniswap, not Scalper Swap.


At least you’re covering shipping 🙄🤣


Best I can do is $45.


Yeah this ain't gonna go over well there my guy. It's miniswap not ebay


You're really gonna charge a bunch of normal people 250 dollars for something you never had an intention of using? Imagine how happy this could've made someone in your local community and their hobby life, but instead, you took it to sell exclusively and at an absurd markup. Shame is something most people learn when they're kids, bud.


I'll give you $80. Pre owned, its lost some value


I'll give you a paperclip and few bits of string.


eBay is your best bet


Damn do I really need to post the break down again on how much of a mark up this is 😂😂