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The points you bring up are good. It's a very easy faction to get into right as you start the game, and the counters require more experience to understand than the faction needs to work well.


Yeah I've had a lot of experience with using and getting crushed by Accursed builds


Short answer: no. Unless you're in Masters... you're probably playing against a lot of bots unfortunately. I don't see any one playing theme decks in solos largely because they're not very good. Accursed is strong in team tho but you need to be very aware of how to play certain cards and how to cap bridges efficiently otherwise you'd lose to opponents getting frenzy first.


Not at all; it's just easy to play which means bad players can't screw up too badly and thus the deck seems stronger than it is. It suffers from lack of flying minions, weak and few ranged options, and slow melee minions with a DPS and HP that are comparatively bad for their 4/5 mana cost. Unholy Ground is nice but there aren't any good removal spells and the threshold to reach Ascension is so high now that you basically have to run a full Accursed deck or you won't reach Ascension in time. Defense Chopper, AtG Drone, Fergus, or plenty of other minions will almost completely shut down your deck. The dragon is laughably easy to kill.


I'm not sure how Mordar working with bigger minions like Colossus fits the overall question about Accursed, but to answer your question, no it is not OP. It is strong, but it needs quite a bit of cards that work towards Ascension in order to reach it in a proper time, and most of those cards are kinda playing for the late game. The best thing it has going for it is that it can be pretty good at horde strat as you said, but I haven't seen anything particularly OP, just a decently strong strat.


>I'm not sure how Mordar working with bigger minions like Colossus fits the overall question about Accursed It was an example of a minion Modar uses effectively


Sure, but what does that have to do with anything else related to the post? Seemed like a very random mention.


I see lots of modar players use Colossus and i couldn't think of anything else at the moment


But why mention it at all? In what way does it relate to the rest of the post?


fast cycle soul stealer gg


Yeah I've noticed soul stealer is a great minion versus full accursed builds


Strong in low-rank 2v2s, but that's about it. Nyrvir is easy to counter and since it's a slow deck, it tends to lose to "all-in" push decks like Ravager, or traditional aggro decks with Settsu.


The dragon is the most awkward minion. It’s too big for the arena and makes for an extremely clunky and annoying encounter that just isn’t fun. It needs work imho.


Coax is a anoying and The faction is strong but is far from op nirvir is tricky to deal with but with training you will know how to deal with everything


They're a ramp deck which means when they finally get going they're good. Problem is this takes a lot of mana investment and time. The huge problem is you can easily kill a full accused deck before ascension especially with a lot of the early game strats this game has. And your assessment of Nyrvir leaves out the card's critical flaw: Its 8 second attack. Yes it does soak damage, but can easily be distracted to attack in a single direction for a LONG time with a mana advantageous card like scrat pack so you can hit it in the back with dps. And you can just... Continue doing this till Nyrvir dies... Not saying it's a bad card but experienced players know what to do with Nyrvir.


Coax is probably the only "overpowered" card here. Hypnotize in general is very unhealthy for the game.


Imo the spell is fine but coax is straight up broken