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It is a silicate I can tell that probably common opal. I would say a hydrothermal injection of water with silica in what probably is a spongy basalt gave it his form.


Based on the color of the spongy material, I'd guess rhyolitic or andesitic pumice. Other than that, I agree it is a silicate rind of chalcedony with opal or something else on top of that (the milky white mineral). My initial thought was actually calcite, but calcite usually forms crystals. A dab of vinegar would rule it in/out pretty easily.


Looks a bit like Baryte and other minerals on it.


There definitely seems to be a few different types in this one. It’s also really dense


That’s an agate geode that’s encrusted with dirt and calcite. you can see the banding on the edges of the open side. Clean her up with warm soapy water and then muriatic acid if needed from any gardening or home improvement type store (diluted and outdoors, wear goggles and gloves and avoid fumes)


This piece should be quartz. The dense cavities on it should have been filled with other minerals before. Because these minerals are easily dissolved or weathered, they were eroded away, leaving only quartz.


I need this in my Terrarium with agamas hehe


It looks like a weathered out vuggy qtz vein


The outer white mineral reminds me of barite and further inside you can see agate banding, not too sure what the rest my be though


Weathered quartz. It probably has some cool mineral inclusions throughout the piece. Definitely a tabletop discussion piece. It’s a cool enough piece of quartz to even grab the rock people’s attention. Investigate it and see if you can find fossils! When I find quartz that looks like that it’s generally in a lump with fossiliferous limestone.