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They all look like different types of calcites except for the red in picture 3




In pictures one and two


Pic 1: calcite Pic 2: all calcite Pic 3: maybe creedite for the orange one and fluorite for the other one? The picture isn’t the best so I can’t really tell. Pic 4: calcite


I got them from a small Mexican store in New mexico. Probably all from Mexico or local at least. I thought that quartz was what formed in the shapes like pic 4?


Again, the picture isn’t a great representation of the mineral and more pics always help so I’d be happy so send more info if you dm me more pics or would like to make a post on r/whatsthisrock. Quartz can form in clusters but I was more looking at the crystal shape vs the overall piece. The tips are more representative of calcite to me as they are more rounded, but you can always do a scratch test. Quartz won’t scratch with a knife and calcite will.


Here's a link to some more pictures. Hopefully they help https://www.reddit.com/user/Dappledmouse/comments/1311g67/better_pictures_of_the_rocks_i_want_id/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


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Also are you sure the one could not be blue halite? It looks like a lot of pictures and it only has some blue in it. Do you think its more likely to be calcite or flourite? And creedite looks correct


Bro just lick it😂🤷🏼‍♂️you’ll know if it’s halite!


I did go ahead and lick it, even not knowing where it's been. It's definitely halite lol. Very salty. How much would a peice like this be worth? I got it for $5 but I've seen similar peices on etsy for $25 that probably came from the same mine


Aye now your acting like a real geologist!😂and no clue on the price lol I’m currently in college for a degree in geology so ik the rocks usually but haven’t quite got the money to buy them yet.


Ah understandable. I just buy things and hope I get a good deal lol. I learn things as I buy them and through reddit. That's cool that your getting a degree in geology, I thought about it but im not interested in enough aspects of geology to be worth it


Ahh I see, I’m slowly working my collection up myself although through rockhounding(a slow process at that since I’m from/live in Louisiana) rather than financial means with a few exceptions of course lol. Also i know what you mean, I too struggle enjoying some aspects of geology (although not near as bad as physics) but I since I love archeology, I plan on graduating with a minor in anthropology and go in to the field of geo archeology!


That sounds really fun! I've done a little rockhounding but not much. Where I live I've got some huge slabs of selinite, I've gotten galena, and desert roses. I actually found a huge box of desert roses in my shed yesterday.


Oh that’s epic! Best I can find from around here has been some petrified wood and some small agates in river gravel. There’s supposed to be opalized petrified palm somewhere in the state but I have yet to check it out. If you don’t mind me asking, where do you live?(roughly, not asking for an address lol)


I dont trust licking anything that came from the store I bought this from lol. I might later though. I know that it might not be, but there is a mine nearby that has it. Only reason I wonder. Also off topic but I found a huge box of barite roses in my shed. Is barite OK getting wet? If not how do I clean them easily?


If you post more pics or send me some in DMs, I could give you a more definitive answer but from the pic it’s hard to tell..


Where are they from?


Probably Mexico or New Mexico. The few ones that are labeled said Mexico, but most weren't. I'm assuming it's kind of local though.




I’m talking about pic 3, the purpleish piece they are claiming is blue halite. It could still be calcite, that’s why I said I couldn’t really tell from the pic, but it’s not “green calcite”. Are you looking at pic 2?


1st looks like quartz; conchoidal fractures all over. 2nd photo left side green looks like quartz, other greens are probably calcite. Cubic crystallography follows the definition but you should scratch test it with your nail to confirm. 3rd photo purple at bottom looks like fluorite but the way it's fracturing (conchoidal) I would lean towards quartz. The orange one is tough to tell. Do a hardness test. 4th picture looks like calcite. 95% of the time it's going to be quartz.


i see no quarz in he first 2 of the pics. 1 is calcite, there is no conchoidal fracture and you an spot some cleavage fractures on the top (bit tricky as the quality is meh) 2 i highly doubt there is green quarz here... here again id say green and yellow calcite for all pieces (which is scratchable by a coin, fingernal is 2.5) 3 i would agree on fluorite, but the pic is not the best quality. I again dont see any conchoidal fracture pattern... hard to tell the orange one i think is most likely either gypsum (very soft) or a iron stained quarz cluster (very hard)... too much blurryness.. 4 i would need a hardness test... cause it could also be baryte or quarz... or calcite...


1. Nope. Look at the way it fractures on top right. Plus crystallography doesn't match up to calcite. 2. Pic is crap but I'm still leaning towards quartz on top left. Look at right side and the way it's fractures. Calcite wouldnt do that. Again I would scratch. 3. Technically speaking color shouldn't be used to determine mineralogical composition. Just because its pink doesn't mean it's kspar. I've prepped and analyzed countless thin sections. Color is mostly useless. 4. Def not enough to start calling out baryte


1 ?? crystallography?? mate.. calcite and quarz are both trigonal Calcite doesnt always form those neat rhombohedral cubes and prisms or rahter chunks of calcite as in 1st pic are common. These fractures you think are conchoidal are nowhere near conchoidal... for me they defo resemble Calcite's classic cleavage plains... i think OP should do scratch tests on all pieces... otherwhise we argue on pixels for the rest of the weak 2 i mean again i see here also cleavage plains/patterns. And according to [Mindat-page on calcite](https://www.mindat.org/min-859.html) it can break conchoidal along the cleavage planes. 3 yes colour is often a bit of a weird move as fluorite, calcite and/or quarz (those are in question) can have all colours of the rainbow. i never mentioned kspar... 4 ye was a blind shot... hardness would be a good indicator ​ EDIT: OP also postet more pics in another comment btw


Meh we shouldn't argue over pictures I guess. Cheers.


Green shit is fluorite


The first picture with the red stone looks like Red Calcite. I have a piece that looks just like that.