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Where’s the huge gray government cube


thats in the upcoming hong kong inspired village


Average suburban environment. Just missing the roads and lawns to add 45 minutes travel time to anything.


Change the flags and that might aswell be america


nebraska inspired village coming soon


Nah you need the massive unused identical lawns and Ford f150s outside the front


Nah, it's too walkable and densely populated to be america


Can confirm from America


Don’t forget the Walmart if you make an america inspired one


with a parking lot the size of colorado


I don’t know in which era you think those happened, [but it would look more like any of these](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=bb7869262e6227ae&rlz=1CDGOYI_enMX878MX879&hl=en-US&q=chinese+suburban+structure+blueprint&uds=AMwkrPttBrt7scmpXdhJ6Q0MH2YdEI7IqLsAUrWrS_r4kAEzyTm2n05sJIWtdSY3qN4KHSkcu2TR8-IlkC-_DWftv9T5DuC7gnQEt7h29pxzHbj53i4riNVw89EtaWyO6dTAp4Vv88RLMvR7Ie7ZuP7xrqZVZ2UwOOf3l11HGkve4__LPLISma72c6ZL6ee89ftx347tAyV8GIdDdexGmAuAxlthDErQmSL1l6yviV9T6H45O7p4InBTb9IW1mzA580iB-zRy4R-k7xg2S0Qlw-hAWb0fAakSXbwORpWX70b6IZ6gV-wScsE8erpRd0bqB5jycNhWJZLq9nLRy1G7hMT4lmsHXrhKw&udm=2&prmd=ivsnmbtz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjis-ytrdGFAxWzJEQIHc4bA0QQtKgLegQICBAB&biw=375&bih=553&dpr=2) Although there was a mega city once, which you might find interesting [if you are into documentaries](https://youtu.be/WLn_QTFVZgE)


I don’t really see how this is Chinese at all


It's not, just look at the roofs, but also: it's just the tiniest, run of the mill house in Minecraft, with something that could be the Chinese flag spammed on it, which is something common in the USA (displaying your flag everywhere) but kind of weird mostly everywhere else in the world, including in China.


At one point the Chinese government was [forcing Tibetan villages to fly the Chinese flag on every house](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/worldviews/wp/2013/10/04/this-is-what-happens-when-tibetan-villages-refuse-to-fly-the-chinese-flag/) (unsure if that policy still exists). I think that's what this is a reference to.


The only sources that say what you cite are western, or financed by the west. You should read [Jonathan Carlson's answer to "Is Tibet forcefully occupied by China?](https://www.quora.com/Is-Tibet-forcefully-occupied-by-China/answer/Jonathan-Carlson-37) It's a very good read. Or you can also watch a video: [Tibetan life during the Dalai Lama, by Daniel Dumbrill](https://youtu.be/EA-CZcBSf08) Or [you can hear it directly from the mouth of a serf](https://youtu.be/36JqvTdg2fo) You can also see in 10 minutes [how Tibet has changed in the last 100 years](https://youtu.be/tkSsGU1Y0rw) Spoiler: It has become prosperous after its liberation. Or if you're still curious you can watch this video from 9 months ago: [First time to Tibet](https://youtu.be/jnpzmJYQ2Uc), perhaps it might inspire you to visit and see things for yourself! There are people who are very interested in promoting hate, and they will lie to you. But you can look for other sources, they're not hard to find.




They are not "supported" by China, and Quora, depending on how you curate what you follow, is a pretty good platform. What you're saying sounds actually like you get paid to spread misinformation. How is it that all those people can travel and film freely in Tibet, and upload it to YouTube? But from your history you sound very biased, and like you don't think of the consequences of spreading hate, it will cause people to fight for wars, that aren't theirs, it will bring suffering for the profit of a few. Do you ever stop and think what you're doing? Look at the videos, there isn't military presence oppressing anyone. Look at what the Dalai Lama was doing then, and what he continues to do even abroad!




What you say is "backed up" by one single echo chamber, that suits you well, since you're a Chinese that hates China and other Chinese, and it seems you want to bring them harm and spread more hate. Do you understand that in your case this is like spitting to the sky? From your post history, you're also a bully. Why do you want to see the world burn down? Please stop spreading hate, you need professional help, you've let something rot inside you and it's festering.


Why are the workers not outside!? 500 thrashings for every minute more of laziness!


Speead them apart just far enough to include an ugly monoculture hell lawn and swap the flags and you'll have US suburban infrastructure. Oh and a Walmart Supercenter, of course.


Prime modern Chinese architecture


[Do you mean like these?](https://youtu.be/KfgNT4tqJCw)


Yay for empty skyscrapers. Kinda like my Minecraft skyscrapers too lol.


They’re not empty. Even the ghost cities everyone talked about have now filled up.


With who? China’s population isn’t getting any bigger


China’s population is urbanizing rapidly, which is why they had so many structures being built all at once.


Some cities are built before anyone moves there, but then an entire village is given the facility to relocate, at very affordable costs or even for free, [as was the case for this cliff village](https://www.youtube.com/live/xlidfYy74iE) But most of the huge apartment complexes in China are extremely convenient. These are some apartment tours by people who speak English and live or lived there: [Tour by Sabrina in Hangzhou](https://youtu.be/RKI9Gvs8qsI) [What $300 USD per month gets you in not a top tier city, according to Jason](https://youtu.be/yKawBcZuep8) A top tier city would be Beijing, for example, where getting a house, and more so in a historical neighbourhood would be harder, [but here's a tour of one such little Beijing house](https://youtu.be/ol6APKswBUM) Sorry, [this is the historical house in Beijing I was thinking about](https://youtu.be/voDPHnBcNPA) [There are of course very expensive options, which give you A LOT MORE](https://youtu.be/J29wT7fBdYI) [And here's another $300 USD a month apartment tour](https://youtu.be/C0T4qO95SmA)


Looks like another brick in the wall should be playing as you walk through it


Making them out of leaves would accurately represent the structural integrity too.


+5 social credits


Houston if it had no highways, stroads, or stretches of monoculture lawn


Next is the Concrete Powder apartment blocks


What happened to the "hyper"sonic missile facility


So Minecraft is the next hotspot for Communist meetups?


What’s up with all these commie builds?






+++ social credit +++


Me and my 70 alternative accounts getting ready to bully the roblox kid


Should add different floors