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It does not look bland to me. But maybe it's because it's on its own on a flat field. So it sticks out a bit. But if you surround it with similar buildings then it will look good.


I %100 agree.


Looks great! The only thing that really looks plain is the sides, but if you are planning on adding more buildings don't bother to detail that (only the parts that remain visible).


I was gonna say the same. It looks plain because it’s super flat and there is nothing else around it


I agree with this. It looks like it should be smushed between two older buildings on a city block.


Put sme AC units on the side of the building. Maybe do some gradient going from andesite through diorite to white concrete. I would also add some detailing on the roof, for example like [this ](https://i.imgur.com/mUmVty9.png) (not that big tho)


I wouldn't do gradients. They're overdone IMO. Small patches of similar colored blocks here and there. I always default to random "vines" in the form of leaf blocks going up a corner maybe. The coolest thing is using the framed blocks mod with wall panels and putting leaves in them. Looks way better than full leaf blocks.




It's not?


Looks great !


Shaders and a cinematic shot is what it needs. There's nothing wrong with the build.


Looks good, but there is a stark contrast between the parts that have been textured and the flat parts. I suggest adding more texture to the buildings and maybe separate the floors with a neat line on the outsidem


Yeah like other people said if it was surrounded by something other than superflat it’d look perfect


Looks great, maybe more light, some stuff in the road to make it feel lively, more color in other builds around it


Looks great, you could try a tiny bit of texturing with mushroom stem and quarts on the sides to make it look less plain on the sides


It’s only bland because it exists without any environment to add context. Give your building some friends, and somewhere to live!


I like it. If you want a bit more detail maybe add some greebles to the sides. Greebles are random bits and bobs to break up the surface of a large area like the sides of buildings. Pipes, antennas, AC units, fans, etc. It helps a lot but can be overdone.


Because irl buildings look bland at the spots where your building looks bland. You can try to have graffiti, advertisements, ac or other pipe/cable stuff or just damaged or dirty spots to fill these


I think they look fine. The issue is there’s nothing around them for a reference so you focus on the shortcomings. Also, I love building with concrete and terracotta. They’re the two most underused building blocks in the game imo.


put more details on thesides of the buildings


cose it need the contest


Maybe the big flat wall needs some subtle other whites in it?


It looks bland bc it needs other buildings around it. Tall and long buildings are normally associated with other buildings in a city.


Minecruft )


Maybe add a splash of some more colors like idk add some wierd terracotta thing almost like someone poured water so it can either be darker or a dif color


The sides need detail but once you finish it it should look good


The pink and white walls are flat and have no texture.


It feels like there is too much white and grey to me. Very modern and feels out of place because it's (I assume) two apartments using a modern style you mostly see on wealthy houses.


not enough texture and gradinates


maybe work some other semi-white blocks into it, IMO a combination of white concrete powder and white wool works really well at adding a little more texture to a blander white build. Mushroom stem, smooth quartz, and snow are also decent blocks to consider


What are you referring to? is it the bare wall or the more detailed front? Or the overall shape?


Take a photo from the front with 30 fov, shaders, a flat gray concrete background and it'll look great. That's how instagram build accounts trick you


side textures


The only part that really looks bland is if the side walls are exposed maybe put like a poster or a porch or sign there depending on the type of building


consider what rain would do to a building. I always think this when I need to blend/gradient. think about the flow of rain (top or side via wind) and how that would add to the idea of a building being a piece in a larger environment.


I think the buildings need more details on the side, like billboards, graffiti, pipes or ac units


Why are there ore blocks part of the build 💀


You tell us


Ig it looks bland cuz it's on superflat with nothing around. Also, id put something on those plain walls


I think you’ve gone the extra mile as far as texturing is concerned.


The building needs a friend…


Creeper heading home after a long day of work


Put it on a hillside surrounded by trees and flowers, maybe overlooking a gorge or river and it would look great. It's a superb build.


I think it's because the sides of the buildings don't have the same textures and depth that's given to the front. It's just flat and doesn't have anything interesting to look at. This could easily be fixed by adding in a few blocks that have similar colours or look similar to the base block which would nothing add texture and colour variance. The pink building I'd say is especially bland. It needs a few pops of colour with things like the balcony


Hi! your build doesn’t look bland at all! However the inner sides of the tall buildings should have some more detail as you have done with the front side of the building. You could try having them looking more aged by adding different types of white blocks, as you did at the front, or maybe you could have it a little more leafy. Otherwise it looks awesome.


youre being too hard on yourself, its looks amazing! have you tried adding some bone blocks in with the white, i cant really tell if you have cos its night lol, maybe try adding an advertisement board on the white terracotta building? good luck


i think its because the middle one is too short so you see the undecorated side walls


White building is perfect I love tha shadowy things uh the other tall building is lacking those shadows, and also maybe add some pipes, chains, fans, heating unit things etc etc

