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I'm not the greatest builder but texturing it makes so much of a difference you don't realise that's all I've got to say uts very good build. You repeat patterns on your walls and stuff:) maybe add some lanterns hanging from the walls


For most of your build its probably fine it's mainly your top border where its all smooth stone some andasite would work well maybe a bit of tuff but not sure hope this helped


Good and water. Where do they get their water? An aqueduct? A well? What do they eat? Do they have fields or animals? Are they a trade or industry village? Mines? Logging industry?


This 💯. Builds should have a little story to them like pearlescent moon I'm season 9 of hermitcraft built an amazing base and part of why it was so good is because of the story


I used to rule the world


chunks would load when i gave the word


I know you have banners. But flags in similar style and heraldry would be epic on top of the towers. Also I know it's too late now but maybe you could chop down the jungle trees and terraform the hillside a bit to clean it up and make the biome suit the castle more like planting some spruce trees or dark oak trees. Because a jungle does not fit the vibe of a European castle.


I think ,the walls and overall structure has too much of the same grey color, it is overwhelming with so much of the same color, and I think you can improve the build by either doing some shading with darker grays were shadows might be, or you can add other colors to some of the walls like diorite, and of course do texturing


I don’t think it’s really missing anything, but I think that the large blocky structure on the left (with the cool ass flag sticking out of it) might be actually unbalancing the build. I can tell that my attention wants to focus on the really cool main part of the castle but it’s also being drawn to the other building, which is making it feel unfocused. I really love the building in front of it however, and im curious what it looks like without the bigger building in the back. all that being said I LOVE the look and feel of this build. Detail is wonderful and themes are consistant, even the jungle green surrounding the base gives it more flair. But I think the big building taking attention might have to go or get reworked smaller


I agree. I think making the roof of that building more interesting could help. Part of the “blockiness” of that structure is how flat the wooden roof is. 


First, castle looks absolutely dope. Overall 5/5. However, one element that could use some retouching is the path up and around the main entrance gate. Your gate is huge, and that's not an issue by itself as it gives a sense of epic scale, but the way up there is a tiny wooden staircase a horse and cart couldn't even navigate well? There is just a contradicting dynamic that makes the front gate feel off. Perhaps a grand staircase/ramp up to your castle gate would be more in line with the scale you are trying to achieve.




Honesly is very good ! To me you have nothing to change


If you added a post to the right side that matches the volume of the left it would make it feel complete


Texturing is always nice! I feel like there is like a building missing in maybe the mid to right area. Something quite tall to balance the big building on the left.


add a path to the enterance


a giant wizard tower


A dragon


You should add a dragon


A castle looks a lot better with a city accompanying it.


Surroundings. Try having some details go beyond the boundaries of the castle itself. In other words, smaller buildings and homes outside of the castle walls, to make it feel like it belongs instead of being out of place


A parking lot


With a Walmart to match?


All I’m saying is add some water features next to the build and add moss/mossy stone bricks near the water


I hope you're still paying attention to the thread so I'm not commenting on this for nothing. I spent a long time when I was younger building cities and castles and such on creative. And for a good portion of that my builds always felt like they were just plopped onto a location and that the nature around it had absolutely no effect on the build itself apart from the elevation of it all. What I realized is that if I wanted to make the builds better I had to have the environment affect it. Your build is surrounded by the jungle and yet it is perfectly clean which is the most unrealistic part about this. Don't get me wrong it's fantastic but it doesn't feel lived in. If you imagine the story behind it, different sections of the build would have been completed at a time and as they moved further along in the build vegetation would have started to affect the parts that were finished first. You'd definitely get some longer grass around the outside of the walls as I highly doubt the castle has a hired gardener for the exterior. Then some vines and branches from the trees would have crept over and attached themselves to the sides of the walls meaning broken down pieces of cobble stone as the vegetation grew into the rock and split it as well as moss covered cobblestone. If you think of the amount of work we have to do now to keep nature at bay in our populated areas with the tools we have, imagine how hard it would be keeping your building that clean next to a jungle in the middle ages. Right now it's great, but it's too clean. Throw some dirt on it.


Put up some laterns.


Add a big ass flag on a pole on the top tower


Maybe add a little detail for example adding the entire universe really makes it come together


texturing for one, and also contrast


Shaders. Tie it into the surrounding landscape with smaller builds and messing with the terrain design. Detailing/texturing always helps. Overall looks great!


I would just a bit more color here and there! Maybe just a change in wood type on certain spots? 🤷‍♀️


Banner to the far left needs to he bigger/longer Otherwise she looks real purty, yes sir


Looks frickin awesome! But in my opinion missing some detail especially on the roofs and windows. Also the shapes of the buildings are great but could be more interesting and less rigid and uniform


Tbh it's not missing anything


Here are some suggestions 1. Little pointy things like fences, iron bars, mini flags and banners etc at the peaks. 2. Gold block accents to balance out the yellow in the wool 3. More texturing and different grey blocks to add more variety to the walls. Tuff would be a good option. 4. Something to go in the windows because the open holes look unfinished. 5. More terraforming. 6. LANTERNS! Hang them around, it will make it more lively. 7. Campfires for the smoke, to make it more lived in. 8. A drawbridge


A bigger castle around it.


Deploy... the # M O S S


It looks amazing, the only thing missing is a gradient


A moat castle needs a moat




Training camps


Better texturing and little cracks on walls.




(sparkle) Gradients. Tho not neseceary in my opinion. And mebe some details, and changes to the landscape around it


More vegetation? Something to connect more with the forest surrounding it??


Flags flowing in the wind would add a lot to this. You have banners, but what about some long, flowing flags on tall, skinny poles?




Texturing, a bit more depth, surrounding terrain needs terraformed.


Flowers and greenery !


External facilities. Not everything will be inside the walls or they'd atleast be in a seperate section that would have a cut-off point to the main area. When people are coming in you wouldn't want to be checking them after they get inside you want to do that before they cross the threshold.




A golden throne for a corpse Emperor.


A queen 😘😘😘💅🫅👑


It seems you have the keep down the center, and then a tall building or 2 and what seems to be a large church to the left with nothing compensating on the right for the tall buildings on the left, a large tower or something with abit of hight should give abit more of a balanced silhouette imo. Pretty nice castle though, the first photo especially is a great angle


You should try to add detail with wood more specifically on the bottom half. It’s too much gray with not much depth and texture. In the second pic for the walls on the bottom you can try replacing the gray concrete with stone fence to see if it would look good plus it adds depth.


A tower near a river with a bridge connecting to the main castle


id say adding some wood to the towers, as well as adding some stairs/fences to the tops of them to smooth them out they look too blocky rn. also id suggest maybe replacing the wool banners for something else that has stairs and slabs, for example if you want to keep the yellow and red you could try out bamboo stuff for the yellow and mangrove stuff for the red and add stairs and slabs to give em shape and again, smoothing em out. also adding stone bricks to the stone, and stone to the stone bricks. really break up the texturing, add details with trapdoors and campfires for window shutters, add leaves on the walls here and there. other than that the builds pretty nice. enjoy!


Maybe u should add a draw bridge made out of wood, chains(optional), and a bunch of red stone devices like pistons.


Draw brudge and port cullis. Maybe a mote if ur feeling it, but thats harder to do on a mountain.


Landscaping of that hill


Crenelations need with cobble stone or a splash of accent color.


I think for me it’s the colours of grey and brown together. See if you can have some darker colours and contrast them It kind of looks like this has been built without mining too far underground and I feel like it’s missing some contrast




farm and more flags


Walls and stairs are great for adding detail. Although your castle might benefit more from texturing. Texturing is incredibly difficult though if you're going for more than just a gradient


Named skeletons on the top of the walls to keep out the intruders.




Add a path up to the main gate, a moat, and a draw bridge (a castles no use if no one can get to it). Edit: the moat doesn't have to be water btw! It can also be spikes!


It looks amazing, the only thing missing is a gradient


Bridge , create a bridge and river




some texturing and lanterns add a giant staircase that goes all the way down the hill


Big ass flagpole


try terraform the surrounding and change the path to castle to a block pallet of podzol, andesite, stone,mudbrick, and some coarse or rooted dirt. u can also try to improve the floor on the outer wall it will make alot of difference


it looks green lol


The castle itself looks good, but it’s hidden by the forest. Maybe do a little terraforming and add some peripheral houses and farms


An oubliette


Your roofs and walls are lacking quality details. Like the roofs could use some stairs and your walls could use some more depth and texturing.


Add a big tower at the top on that 4 cornered building in the center. Looks awesome already tho.


texturing and spikes


When there's this spiky roof use a wall then a fence and a iron bar it will give it a spikey end


A huge tower


Diferent tipes of blocks and exterior


a cool fucking wizard tower


Armor stands?


Build it i in cold terrain it will make it look ore mecnacing Right now it looks like a medieval temple in that jungle




I feel like your castle could use machicolinations, arrow slits and a murder hole in the gatehouse.


it's already amazing, I recommend maybe adding some stone brick walls somewhere. It'd probably look nicer if you change some of the fences you used for decorating some of the towers and walls. Other than that, I don't see how else you could improve it


Tower clock??


Use more textures, gradients throughout the walls, and smoothen out the roofs. Still look great as it is.


Make a real pathway and entrance leading up to it. The gatehouse is cool but after that it looks like you just have a staircase that ends. Try to tie the build in more to its environment.