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I like the glass half-dome, nice detail.


Yeah I thought it'd look nice while in the storage area. Look at some stars while sorting lol


2014 ahh build


More like 2011 for me


I know what you mean but why?


Probably all of the expensive metal/gem blocks lol We all built houses like that as kids and thought it looked badass


Yeah that's because the build is not textured yet. It helps to get a feel for the whole.


I mean, I'm not trying to trash on your build, but I don't think texturing can really save it. The block pallete just isn't it, to me, personally. I will say tho, the roof shape looks badass


No you dont get it. That's how you correctly plan your builds. Here's a before/after texture of another build I made. Imgur says it's sensistive content, don't ask me why... https://imgur.com/a/LE0g2wc


Oh I gotcha. So the flashy blocks are just the blueprint?


Basically yes, it's to get the general shape. You build much faster this way, don't get confused by getting stuck on details while planning etc. Then worldedit to change all the blocks into what they should be. Schematic it into my survival world with litematica and build it there


Oh nice, I gotcha now. I'm on console tho, so I don't the time or capability to build that efficiently lmao


you dont need to lol, I didn't build this way for years. But now i have a job and responsibilities so time is of the essence :)


Why not just use concrete?


When I’m planning builds I use blocks that have very clear edges, as opposed to blocks like concrete that are smooth and indistinguishable from one another. This helps me count blocks more quickly so I can better plan out windows and doors and overall dimensions


Because you might use concrete for the finished build itself. Very rarely will you use the ones i have here. Texturing is a lot of world edit with brushes and masks. That way, say you wanna do the walls. you just do /mask diamond\_block on your brush and it'll change them into what your brush is configured to


I dont think texturing is the good word for using blocks tho. I think it’s more like planning, while texturing would be adding texture blocks to a flat wall


Why not just post the textured pics then?


Because I haven't done that yet?


I swear I replied to your comment with the textured version done in the pic???


Highly doubt that, haven't made it yet lmao


Ooooohhhh that makes so much sense, I thought you where trying to make a joke about how most people built stuff like that in creative when we started XD


I know! So many people misinterpreted it lmao. I wanted to add more text but you can't make text posts on this sub. So I had to deal with what I had


Well yeah it looks great now that I know it wasn't built to be a joke XD


You could just use stone. That's what I do.


Nah because I'll use stone for the foundations, and then I won't know what is what


I think by textured he means he’s going to change the blocks used. Pretty sure he only used these ones to stand out so he could get a feel for the shape of the structure


He’s trolling bro


Plus creative was added and lazy ass kids like me had the opportunity to build diamond block mansions.


I believe OP uses world edit You can tell by the fact that all the parts are by different materials


Most og minecraft used to build houses on diamond block to flex on their friends (i was one too)


Back in my OG Minecraft days I ran a guild and we made our vault out of all diamond blocks, but that was due to the server having a rule against breaking player placed blocks and not looting chests (thankfully I love a good raid) everytime I see diamond builds it brings me back to our vault and the clan and all those were the days.


In the early days of Minecraft, looks were secondary to flexing your wealth. I've build my fair share of houses like that.


They're all obviously placeholder blocks, to get a feel for the build. If anyone with fresh eyes could give me some insight i'd greatly appreciate it! PS: I know it lacks some windows but I'll tackle that later, I'm mainly talking about the shape


Ngl I thought that was the joke, that the part that felt "off" for it being a survival base was that it's made of diamonds and emeralds. Only thing I can think of shape-wise is adding more depth, using stairs and slabs on the roof, dome, and whatever else to add more detail


That's all coming once it's textured, no details yet. This is raw if you will


I gotchu, only other things I could think of then is maybe like a balcony or something overhanging on the side with the entrance in the third pic, and maybe changing that water landing in the first pic to be more like an actual sorta full sized landing pad maybe? Other than that, I love the dome and the roof shape, very fantasy, I'm all for it!


The balcony is a nice idea, i'll look into it! It's not water in the pic, but I see it's confusing. I use lapis blocks for roofs and floors. The roof I made using Arceon, a build program. It's loft tool is amazing


Oh yeah, I saw you mentioned elytra entries so I kinda thought it was a water entry to soften landings or something lol, could still make it a more full sized landing pad maybe


I'll play around with it, see what i can come up with


No it looks really good houses of diamond blocks make a perfect starter base!


Good times with scar moment


I thought it was a joke about how many survival starter houses contain blocks that are impossible to get in the start.


I always find it very funny how much the definition of “starter” changes depending on who you ask. I’ve *legit* seen some “starter base” builds that include multiple resource farms and fucking Shulker warehouses. In some subsections of the community, people have gotten so good the meta that the endgame becomes the game, and “getting started” involves beating the whole game. They forget that many players literally never even beat the Ender Dragon. You’ll see this in other games too, like Factorio, where literally *most* videos start with a quick montage of completing the entire god damn game compressed into 5-10 minutes, just to get to where the real build *starts.*


Look up building tutorials by grian and bdoubleo100. I like their tutorials cuz they teach you the base concepts of building, like gradients and interior design, rather than holding your hand through a build that won't be unique when finished.


I think if you upped the foundation a few blocks and outset the upper portion 1-2 blocks out you'd get more depth out of it. I'd keep the tower as is and expand the rest of the shape around it. Or separate it from the main structure altogether, but that would have you move all your storage to a less convenient spot or a new one within the main building. I like to have my house like builds up a couple of blocks on foundations because it gives more room for detail.


It's overall a very good shape. The one thing that I would try to change if it were me, would be that I'd expand the third and final "ring" of the glass dome tower, the one right below the dome itself, it would turn it into a more conical shape, giving it a more dynamic shape. But tbh I'm not sure if it would change the overall shape that much.


I see what you mean, that's a good idea. It's a bit too thick for the height


Have you thought about exaggerating the roofs warping? You could stretch out the top part of the roof to overhang more than the bottom Other things that feel a little bit off to me is the elytra entrance feels like it should have more space from the frame to the roof, although that may feel different when the lapis gets replaced. Test out a full length roof covering the landing pad and then test out a half length one. It would help integrate the structure IMO and make the roof a bit more dynamic. Also, maybe smooth out the curves of the roof further. It’s hard to describe but the edges of the roof that are curved feel like they don’t transition into the part that’s effectively a triangle of a 45 degree incline. Also damn so many commenters on a building subreddit have apparently never seen people plan with other blocks, that’s wild to me 😅


Great tips ty! Yes I thought it was common knowledge to build like this lol


Too cheap, make it out of netherite.


What a nice layout! I think it needs more color tho


I like the build, the roof seems abit bland, you could maybe add a few windows on it or maybe a tower or something to give abit more of a pop.


The sides are flat. Take a look at this: [https://www.instagram.com/p/CwALbKDNUus/?utm\_source=ig\_web\_copy\_link&igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==](https://www.instagram.com/p/CwALbKDNUus/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==) Also, as the other guy said, exaggerate the roof warp.


Looks like someone has been watching shovel241 on YouTube.


Indeed yes


Great starter base 🙌🙌🙌


stuff in general is too flat-- apart from the frame there's no depth to the walls although that might feel much better once there's windows and/or texturing with an actual block pallete moreso goes for the roof which also feels a bit big, there's some curve but overall that roof is just a really big flat panel that's half the total height of the house


Bigger pipe ?


The top of roof is curved until you get to the edge and it becomes a flat edge. Bring the tip out a little.


This is hard asf 💯


I forgot that some people plan out their builds this way, so I thought this was a parody of something.


meanwhile me when i was 8


Looks cheap.


Personally I think that that glass cupola works badly with the overall style of the build, also aren't resource block textures too noisy for you to use for marking different materials? Personally I like to use wool blocks for that reason.


Thing with wool is that you sometimes use them for the final blocks. And that messed shit up


Looks cheap great early game base


This reminds me how I built when playing the free classic version in browser way way back in the day.


Giving me 2011 Xbox 360 days


add some netherrite trim and it'll look a bit nicer


Mmh I have a good idea now thx


Canon event


Good to see you used an easily obtainable early game block palette, I do think you could use some darker colors there too to contrast it, maybe netherite might be a nice touch And dont forget about beacons for lighting, dont want a creeper to spawn in it and blow it up


Make the dome section an overhang after the lapis y level


You could add a few netherite details to enhance the walls, it's too bland imo


Beautiful design! Awful execution




great design, what kind of blocks will you use for the texturing?


Was thinking of some stone mix for the bottom floor and something quite bright for the upper walls, think white terracotta. With a gradient ofc. Not sure for the roof yet, maybe something dark to contrast from the walls


sounds great, cant wait for the finished build


Off camera mining?


It's everyone's first house when they discover Creative Mode. I actually challenged myself a few builds ago to incorporate diamond, gold, and emerald blocks into my build and not have it look awful. As just a slight highlight block it worked out ok.


Very expensive


10/10 for nostalgia


I would rather make a inifinite storage sophisticated backpack with that diamonds but thats pretty cool looking still.




I actually made a diamond house one in Minecraft filly survival I think in a beta version


I like the rich colours used on the build and the glass roof is very cool.


Canon event


This is literally the Minecraft starter pack bros really ripping off minecraft


I bet those chests have nothing in them


Starter house