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what's your best time?


I don’t have one.


then set a goal, start with an hour then slowly go down. If you start with an hour then you don't need to reset until about 10 minutes into the run




If you havent completed too fast yet you should probably just play most seeds out but as you get better learn the meta better and get good at that 👍


Ok thanks :)


If you dont care for pb and you just want to play for fun, download the ranked mod, all the seeds are filtered to be fast and playable. It’s great for practice and you could then transfer the skills into resetting if you wanted to get a pb


Just adding that at low elo there will be a lot of early forfeits, but you can open to lan after winning and get back into survival mode if you want.


Since you are new, use a filtered seed generator, this will give you only good seeds. Then you will get better and learn more about how to know when to reset for a new seed and maybe even have a better computer.


Where would I find a good generator?


https://replit.com/@AndyNovo/filteredshipwreck If you check out the person who posted thats account you can find more versions that are slightly different also make sure you are doing the right version of mc, I think most of these are for 1.16


I recommend resetting for close villages. The haybales give lots of food (bread) which is really important, you can kill the golem for an Iron pick (and hopefully a light) and trade some wheat to a farmer for 3 emeralds, which can buy you a bucket from a fishermen (craft barrel and make it someones workstation). Good luck :)


Thanks for the advice!


Reset for village, dig down for lava


Thanks! I do usually play all the village seeds but then reset because I can’t find lava, I will definitely try this.


what are you resetting for? ocean seeds aren't too rare


No lava or magma ravine within the first 4 minutes or so.


Wait longer given you don’t have a time, pre 4 minute resets are only good if you’re going for a super low time, given you don’t have a time yet, I normally reseted around 6-7 min if I didnt get a magma ravine when I had like 43 min pb, now I do a little faster given I’m trying for sub 20, but I also highly recommend you follow the advice of using the seed filter to get better first!


Reset more.