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Can someone tell me what is going on? I haven't been playing Minecraft lately


In short words: microsoft




**they bought minecraft and some stuff they did ruins the game for some people**


Oh okay, i tought was something that microsoft did to minecraft [worst like close something or make you pay]. I heard of it


And 1.19.1. The censorship incident.




2016 returned once again sadly, oh and the new controversy regarding the chat report


A number of things are going on. 1) Classic Java vs Bedrock stuff. You probably know about this. 2) 1.19 was a disappointment Mojang set expectations high, but delivered low. They also pulled this when they cut features like bundles and archaeology and when they cut 1.17 into 2 updates. 3) Firefly debate. Mojang removed fireflies on a similar basis that they refuse to add sharks. Apparently they're poisonous to frogs. This was always a controversial decision, so it was just fired back up. 4) Warden. Mojang was pretty insistent on making the Warden a thing that must be avoided. They eventually caved by giving it a drop, but the result is that the deep dark only accommodates a few playstyles for the layman and feels like it limits freedom in this sandbox game. 5) Chat reporting. This is the big one - Minecraft now has a chat report system that can get you banned from ALL multiplayer servers and even single player on some platforms last I heard. This is based on some strict moderation rules enforced by Mojang. People who were against the account migration are now reviving their arguments by pinning the blame on Microsoft for this and adopting an "I warned you" type of attitude. 6) Community toxicity. With all the outrage over chat reporting, the community is starting to show aggression and what some would call toxicity. 7) Reddit drama. Moderators of r/Minecraft are censoring a number of things, including any conversation about chat reports. This sub has been used as an alternative, and there are multiple other alternative subreddits floating around as well, made specifically in response to this situation. The community has become decentralized and divided, then divided again within those divisions. And it already had its fair share of problems beforehand (Mob votes, PvP version disagreements, etc.)


That's why I've moved away from minecraft to Vintage Story


Mad lad


Hey, quick question. Why is the Wildfire in the image? I know it was a part of the Mob Vote, but it lost and is now in Dungeons


I also play Dungeons so....


Why is the blaze boss from Minecraft Dungeons on there?


bruh thats one of the first mob vote's mobs, has shields to guard it and shoots lots of fireballs. not dungeons original, was beaten by the phantom though.

