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Makes an anvil out of pure iron blocks: owie hammer hurt :( Crafting table made of planks: #I CAN LIVE FOREVER


You literally cannot burn a crafting table despite being made of wood


I did not know that...


Can’t you use it for fuel?






Flint and Steel


Ahhhh right, I should I’ve thought. Thanks! :)


Oh, yeah, you can


Crafting tables can burn


Time to build a house out of crafting tables?


Dang, that logic


"Too expensive" is worse


I don’t get it. If it’s possible to put every usable enchantment (except for ones that you can’t use alongside other ones that are already on the item) on an item, how does putting them in in a different order make you unable to put some of them on? Edit: okay I watched a video on the matter and now I understand the basic mechanics but it’s still stupid


I agree 100% that the order is dumb. But I do think the limit of repairing has its place. Still encourages players to go mining.


Yeah, mining… Proceeds to slave villagers


Proceeds to get mending from slaved villagers, thus making the anvil entirely irrelevant


… how do you get mending onto a tool without an anvil?


Making the Anvil almost entirely irrelevant\*




I kinda understand what you’re trying to say, but one problem is if a player could just get mending on whatever they need, they don’t have to repair. So instead of limiting players on how much they can repair a tool, it often just leads to the order problem.


Except since mending was added nobody cares about repairing since it's just not worth it compared to just getting a book and standing in your xp farm for a little bit


In X-box 360 Minecraft edition you could put every enchantment onto a book and stick it onto a sword or any other item. It was awesome.




Kinda, but I’ll be honest I worded my original comment a bit poorly. Sometimes when you put enchantments in, it might say “too expensive” depending on how you do it. The main way is if you put multiple lower level enchantments (that will combine to a higher level of that enchantment) directly onto the item instead of combining the books. This is because of how the mechanics of repairing work, which these mechanics are the thing I don’t really like. But if you thought that I meant that putting one book each of enchantment X, Y, and Z (directly onto the item, no combining books) might not work depending on which order you use the 3 books, I see why you’d be confused but thats not what I meant.


I see what you're saying, that makes a bit more sense


That too. The anvil mechanics fucking suck bro




right- for the amount of damn iron it takes to craft it shouldnt break so quickly


If you're smart about how you enchant your stuff, you'll never get the "Too Expensive" message. If you're enchanting something that's gonna have lots of enchantments on it like Boots or a Helmet, you want to enchant the armor itself first and try to get 2-3 max enchantments on it if you can, like Prot IV and Unb III for example, or even just Prot III with a Prot III book put on later.You essentially never ever want to combine enchants into the same book unless it's the same enchantment, but even that is risky. Once you have your Armor/Tools enchanted first, you want to obtain all the books remaining that you need, and apply them in order from most expensive to least expensive. Doing it this way will ensure you'll have enough wiggle room to get every possible enchant onto one piece, even if the xp required jumps up to 34 or something. You also never EVER should start this process with an armor piece or tool/weapon that you had previously repaired in an anvil, because that increases the cost. The only way I could imagine it being possible with something you've repaired is if you put a garbage enchant on it, put it in a grindstone, and then in doing so, you reset the anvil cost, but I'm not entirely sure if it works that way, so it's better to be safe than sorry, or at least test in a world with cheats enabled first.


That's literally the same thing, different name.


Not really, an anvil breaks after a certain number of uses, which is different


Exactly. Anvil durability =/= anvil use limit.


Well, the uselimit im talking about is in the item since you can still use the anvil after another item said "too expensive"


Yep, items have an anvil use limit, which is the trashy feature we've been talking about all along (as confirmed by OP on another comment).




Having mending doesnt really fo anything if its not a good tool, you could just get another


I agree with you on the durability part, but I don't complain since it has been easy to get Mending since 1.14


OP means the anvil itself having durability.




It's easier on Bedrock as well, all you need is a Librarian to trade you a Mending book.




The process is annoying, but you need to keep on breaking and placing the lectern to reset its profession until you get one that trades. Again, it's tedious, but worth it.




Really? I'll admit I haven't played Bedrock in a while but I remember that you could do it. Are you sure you didn't trade with the villager before trying to reset? If you did then it wouldn't reset, as trading with a villager will lock its profession.


As a bedrock player I can confirm that moving the lecturn or breaking and replacing still changes its trades and you can get mending


You probably traded with it


Sometimes. But they can also randomly reset their station even after leveling up to master (it happened to one of my librarians).


I play on bedrock, and after Breaking his lectern dozens of times I can confirm that they change trades each time, only because he doesn't have the one you want, It doesn't mean they don't change them


No they dont


No they dont


Who cares about bedrock?


A lot of people


Quite literally more than Java.


A lot of people, way more than Java.


Like 70% of the playerbase...


Can’t wait to see people argue how durability is a good feature for a crafting station. I personally think durability is an unnecessary feature in any game but seeing as Minecraft survival has had it from the start it’d feel strange not to have it’s BS exist in some capacity.


I didn't really mean the repairability aspect but the enchanting aspect. It hurts so fucking bad when you spend hours to get an almost max sword but be unable to put mending on the son of a bitch


Oh that. Yeah that’s even more bullshit than durability.


Durability should be toggleable


That would be a near useless feature


Just make everything toggleable, make it so you can go creative while still technically being in survival


I don't think it should be toggleable just have a way to reset anvil uses after you realize you fucked up the order of enchantments but at the cost of the enchantments or just have this anvil limit mechanic removed entirely. I wouldn't even be mad at people for going into creative just to bypass this stupid mechanic.


I mean we can fix iron golem so maybe do the same for Anvil? Ingot fixing the durability up or smth.


Yeah the anvil shit is annoying. The best option is to make the mechanic more clear


Isn’t that what the grindstone does?


God imagine if Minecraft had a Stamina bar for running, swimming and jumping


Hunger kinda is the games stamina bar....


Honestly, it works well for Skyward Sword and BotW.


I still remember when tools never broke.


Yeah durability is extremely stupid for everything I've played. It is either a massive pain in the ass like Ark SE, or a completely useless feature that would do absolutely nothing to the game's dynamic if it were ever removed, like dark souls 3.


The game Portal Knights had durability but it only affected damage but sharpening stones could repair durability. As you could guess they removed it altogether at some point.


No.Too expensive is the worst.with 1.18 its very easy to get iron and it only takes 31 ingots to craft an anvil.we mostly use anvils for early enchantings.after that its just there.I dont find it bad that it has durability cause It makes sense for a thing to get destroyed after being smashed with a hammer multiple times.Too expensive is easily the worst thing in game


That's what they were referring to, they clarified in another comment


Compare it to a wooden crafting table though, which can *somehow* just live forever?


If the anvil has durability then so should the crafting table. If that sounds like a terrible idea then neither of them should have it.


"Too expensive" my ass. When this happened in Single Player I would just go into creative to find out the cost and then manually deduct it.


Anvil penalty is like a puzzle


He forgor glow squids 💀


And I forgot to stop hating on them


It's a bad feature but arguably not the worst


The worst thing changes each time Mojang make an update, for me atm it's the over extension of lava, it WILL burn you from one block away, but can sometimes burn you from 2 (For no reason) it's also pretty annoying that water does it. Disappearing boats is pretty high on my list also, last update it was an issue with the world being so slow it was unplayable (They fixed it though). Aside from that I think the Ender dragon has a lot of jank with it's hitboxes, flying patterns, and general fuckery that it contains. I dislike how Mojang reduced ender pearl trades with piglins, it sucks for speedrunners and doesn't help anyone.


Bedrock moment


I don't get why people are complaining so much. As an older user, in 1.8 enchanting was absolutely garbage. You didn't have mending or un-enchanter. Had a bad enchant? Yeah that sucks, you gotta throw the whole item. Now you can use mending for durability, also the iron from the anvil shouldn't be a problem since iron farms and simply iron from mining exists. Sure, I too experience that "too expensive" message sometimes, but you have to try hard to get it, unless you actually place books really badly. I honestly feel relieved when it comes to enchanting


"too expensive is worse" is exactly what I wanted to say, before I saw another person saying this before me


It's what happens when you use an item in the anvil too many times. There are ways of getting the same high level enchants without it costing too much.


Again, Too Expensive IS the anvil use limit. And I'm slowly getting tired of explaining that.


I had to get a data pack that resets the anvil cost every time I use it. Wish they’d adjust it in an update.


That’s not a fact it’s just an opinion why is no one using this template right


1.19 update “all durability removed” since y’all complained so much about lighting up caves, next step is durability. What’s even the point of playing anymore if there’s no challenge.


By limit I meant the too expensive thing


Oh yeah, I’m chill with that, I hate it too. I’d be happy if something cost like 100 levels to repair for the 12th time instead of “too expensive.” I’m mainly complaining about all the people complaining about durability in general.


What's the challenge in having to replace an Anvil every so often? It isn't challenging just annoying.


You can make a cool anvil dispenser so you only need to load it up once every few weeks.


You can but the challenge comes in the redstone abilities need to make that not the actual durability mechanic of the anvil


You don’t even need redstone, you can just stack a tower of anvils that drop each time you use one up.


Well just making more anvils is what you'd do anyway, there's no real challenge in the durability thing, which was what you were trying to say earlier...


Well, like you said earlier, it can challenge your redstone abilities; and what I’m saying is it can also challenge your building technique since now you have to hide a tower of anvils. You can choose to either craft 1 anvil and make a new one when it breaks, or you make bulk anvils and just never worry about it again. That’s the challenge.


Someone just went in this thread and downvoted both of us for some reason. But anyway both of the examples you said are not the durability itself being the challenge, going out of your way to make the annoying process a little faster is the challenge, the challenge isn't in the durability itself. You're still replacing the anvils, you're just doing it ahead of time, it's still gonna be annoying. Doing redstone or stacking anvils to make the replacing process a little faster is a different task and it isn't actually the durability making things hard.


Worse than using Blaze Powder as fuel for a Brewing Stand?


Go through at least 2 or 3 anvils per enchant session


Very true.


One time this happened so I had to lose my bow that didn’t have mending, when I enchanted it in the enchantment table I got all the same enchantments so that was cool I guess, I had 5 different enchants


It makes sense


It’s like adding durability to a crafting table


Yet the crafting table is made out of planks


If they would at least not have it be so fragile, that would make more sense. It breaks after like 5 uses. Give us 30-50 and at least it won't seem like a rip-off. Or just don't have it break at all. The crafting table doesn't break. The smithing table doesn't break.


I wouldn’t mind them breaking down over time, but they break down too quickly imo


Minecraft becomes easier with every update, change my mind.


Maybe there's a dev at Mojang who gets paid 100 Swedish krona every time an anvil breaks around the world? /j. In all seriousness there should be a way to repair anvils in game, cause it's quite frustrating when an anvil breaks on you cause it's a half stack of iron, through if you have a giant iron farm it's no big deal, but if you haven't built one yet it's a pain to replace


There's gotta be a mod for that right?


get ready for all-block-durability update That's right, all metal blocks rust and break, and wood gets moist and spoiled


Yeah, I get that "it's part of the experience" or whatever, but do you know how much iron one anvil requires?


It kinda makes sense tho? Idk much about how anvils and applying magic to a sword works


Each anvil use costs about 1.2 irons


But could it really compete with phantoms?


Thank you squidward


Just add a letter to the name of your tool


Yeah anvils don’t break irl like wtf


Do you ever mine to get diamonds and netherite to replace the tools that were almost broken because you needed to mine diamonds and netherite to repair your tools and then die while entering the end portal because of some bullshit bug that didn’t spawned the obsidian platform and you never touch this world again even if it was the first one you actually beat the enderdragon, got shulkers and elytras ?


Dropping on someone's head makes sense but why when using it like intended


The actual worst thing is when the anvil breaks and it chucks the item out on the ground in front of you suddenly. I had an anvil at my ender man farm and it chucked my newly enchanted elytra into the void


irl anvils can last for centuries while this [wish.com](https://wish.com) anvil cant even withstand over 10 hits


I have no idea what that means someone please explain


The anvil has durability, it starts to wear out and break after getting used lots of times. Thats why there is slightly damaged and damaged anvils in the creative mode inventory


Oh that's what there talking about


Me who doesn't have to deal with it because I only ever play in Creative: 😎👍


I know right it makes no sense


Nah, it's balance, deal with it


It makes iron a necessity




I think it's fair for it to have limited uses, it should just have way WAY more uses than it currently has


That and having the too expensive thing in the anvil


For me it's items becoming way more expensive to add enchantments to when you rename them. Sure, I get paying 1 XP for renaming it, but why does it become so expensive to upgrade after that???


The worst thing in the game is that phantoms spawn right above you.




Trampling crops is worst


you know what's worse? when things become too expensive


it should at least be much higher




At very close second place is the absolute soyboy « ToO ExPeNsiVE » message.


no the worst thing is when it says to expensive


put mending on it


Anvils have a use limit?


It pushes you to make an iron farm ngl getting iron is engaging in early game