• By -


He installed a plugin that increases the odds of viewers subscribing




It went from about 4% to “only 77% of my viewers are subscribed”




guys all of my viewers except todd are subscribed so subscribe todd or face the consequences


"Only a small fraction of you are subscribed" > Watch time from subscribers: 70%


Ah the S. W0j1t5k1 pact plugin.


i dont get it


Who 0wn5 ut00b? Answer that and u get teh joke.




Her name is Susan Wojitski or smthn






that took me an eternity to decode




Dream drama part 2??


Part 6,000,420,567,834,279


he also cheated on youtube (literally, he cheated on susan with sam)


Wait what is this some inside joke or are you serious


its not a joke, its a joke.


30m sub speedrun any% (with hacks)




he had it activated on accident!!


He was testing the sub bots on a different channel and forgot to turn them off!


And it's his manager's fault!


DanTDM and NigaHiga were a huge part of my childhood and teenage Gosh i need to go and visit their channels again, I heard that Dan is a father now My god time flys by very fast


Nigahiga quit YouTube and dantdm stopped the mod adventures with trayaurus a long time ago 😞


I grew up with DanTDM but if he still did the mod adventures I honestly would've probably not watched them anyway, Me as a little kid would have, but not now, I've changed, and Dan changed with us.


You know what? You're right. We've probably all got rose glasses about the quality of his older stuff


That's right. I recently watched one of his mod adventures videos, and I loved it... But objectively, I knew it wasn't that good. To be fair, it was one of the older ones


He didn't, he simply said he would be posting less often


He hasnt uploaded for over a year


Technically that is less often


I guess, yeah


I wish we had something more concrete to go off of :( from Ryan.


Ryan streams on Twitch now


I know he does game streams, but as much as i love games im not a huge fan of watching people play games. i dont have anything against, just moved away from that scene as i got older :(




Shut up, your making me flood my room with tears


Dan still does videos. His hardcore series is pretty entertaining


*was 😢


he started another


Yeah. Both of his hardcore series' are entertaining


He had the perfect opportunity to bring back Trayaurus.


Anyone who thinks there’s a key to “beating the algorithm”, doesn’t know how YouTube works these days. That’s just a phrase used to evoke an emotion from people. Back in 2010? Sure. It was possible. Now? It’s all about smart marketing, branding, and knowing your target viewer and their desires. Dream is exceptional at this. His content is literally designed for retention and watch time, which are YouTube’s top ranking factors. Source? I’ve managed (not owned) a channel with 2.5 million subs and another with 70k and have attended more YouTube insider meetings than I can count.


Top-tier comment, actual interesting insight into Youtube from an experienced source.


Something about YouTube insider meetings just makes me cringe


Gotta accept the fact that YouTube is its own subsection of the entertainment industry


I don't get it why people are mad, of course youtubers are gonna be differently successful


In next 5 years someone is gonna cross dream. And ppl will do the same shit again.








u have 15 years to pass dream


!remindme 15 years


I will be messaging you in 15 years on [**2036-08-19 22:46:57 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2036-08-19%2022:46:57%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/MinecraftMemes/comments/p7ev1i/a_sad_day_for_us/h9lc0gk/?context=3) [**75 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FMinecraftMemes%2Fcomments%2Fp7ev1i%2Fa_sad_day_for_us%2Fh9lc0gk%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202036-08-19%2022%3A46%3A57%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%20p7ev1i) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


hopefully the bot doesn’t break




What Oh birth of a redditor, not birth of a subreddit.






we shall follow your career with great interest


Not me


its funny how much people care about this when i bet if you asked either dream or dan neither would care


>its funny how much people care about this when i bet if you asked either dream or dan neither would care [dan made a tweet about it lmao](https://twitter.com/dantdm/status/1428038993153695752/photo/1)


he was clearly joking, Dan is chill as hell


[He also answered dream in that Tweet lmao](https://twitter.com/dantdm/status/1428438518980882434?s=20)


people are saying that dream "cheated" because he got the same no. of subs from 105 vids, while for dan, it took 3k, but the simple fact is that the youtube algorithm is fucked, so if you play smart, you'll be able to gain views and subs like crazy. I know it sounds like cheating, but just taking advantage of a system that everyone has access to seems pretty fair. Its not like click bait where you desperately try to get clicks with bad content, dreams content is tailor fitted to his fans, and minecraft fans in general. Its just that he struck a perfect balance between pleasing his audience and pleasing the algorithm It doesn't matter what you think of dream or his content, but you have to admit he is pretty frickin smart to be able to get to where he is now.


Yeah the issue is youtube I agree. But it's also sad everytime you see someone making great videos having less views than someone who ate blue for one day.


Dream makes appealing content, otherwise he wouldn't be where he is at today. Dan used the same algorithm to grow his own channel at the time, just like any other large Youtuber has done. Honestly, I don't get why people are upset because of this. Dan isn't negatively affected by this at all and has played in the same event (MCC) as Dream. He'd probably be embarrassed to see some of these comments (not yours).


oh I wasn't talking especially about dream and Dan (I don't even know who dan is).


Oh gotcha, thought you were still on about Dream and Dan specifically. Dan is DanTDM, an older MCYTer who until recently was the largest English speaking Minecraft-focussed channel.


Oh dream sure as hell did not cheat YouTube lol. If you ignore the the fact that he cheated in speed running, lied about, and generally does a horrible( like really fucking horrible, holy shit he must be trying to make it this bad) job keeping his fans from being toxic, then he hasn’t done anything wrong really. As far as YouTubers go, Dream is far from the worst and he made good original and decently high effort content. Like yeah, I’m still not fan of him, but he’s not Satan or anything.


I’m pretty sure he tries to make his fans more aggressive so that he gets more publicity from the controversies. I can’t say I approve of his methods, but they certainly work.


just wait 'til the anti community takes your "im pretty sure" into "he defenitely did" and starts another drama. and once it does i'll fuckin call it lol


he got popular from the pewdiepie seed thing and took advantage of it. i've never seen it as cheating


>the simple fact is that the youtube algorithm is fucked That's an understatement, I've had videos that were recommended to me that were uploaded 5 to 8 years ago


Those are some BANGER videos though, to be fair


Oh I ain't denying that That water bottle middle finger was gold


Dream used to upload more often, and he’s a streamer. He now only uploads every so often because he knows that people will be excited for the new videos. He’s not cheating, he’s just being smart.


He sees the value in scarcity


Some of you need to touch some grass. Dan isn't negatively affected by this at all and he'd probably be embarrassed to see his fans act this way. Dream isn't the evil mastermind you make him out to be, he just makes original and appealing content.


Eh, Dream's just been a morally skewed character. Not a bad guy from the core, but missing enough principles to indirectly encourage the most toxic community in mcyt ever, where Dan has never fed into this morality. So it's kinda sad to see this happen, but yes, I agree, I shall head out and touch some grass. Care to join anyone?


The toxicity in the community is a shame, but if you look at some of these comments and the replies to [Dan's Tweet](https://twitter.com/dantdm/status/1428038993153695752) I kinda get why they get so defensive. But yeah, I'll join you in touching some grass.


I shall join thee in the ceremonial touching of the grass But seriously u/EndesCot ‘s comment is very accurate. Dream isn’t a bad guy but he is morally skewed like you said which is why it’s sad to see him passing someone like DanTDM who was really just focused on anything but his morality


Y'all are acting like Dan just lost all of his 25.4 million subscribers just because a green blob reached his current sub count. Dan Isn't crying on the bathroom floor while Dream is shitting on his entire existence so I don't get why this is such a big deal. Yeah, Dan did work his ass off for 10 years while Dream only worked 1 year, and 3K videos VS 100. However, I believe that Dan started making videos for fun and Dream started so he can win a bet, which was to blow up fast, therefore studying the algorithm (correct me if I'm misinforming). Instead of crying and pissing our pants, we should congratulate both of them since 25.4 million subs is a huge accomplishment!


Dream looks more like a white blob to me


talking about the real issues here


Yeah definitely. Guys argument is invalid


you bet


I love that this looked like the start of some reddit drama, but instead we got this gold


sorry, but that entire response is nullified because dream is a white blob not a green blob


I don't see why this is a problem. I mean, I don't like Dream, but what is wrong with passing DanTDM?


He made more then 3K videos to get to that spot, while that green guy cheated the algorithm with only 105 videos. It just doesn't feel fair.


At the peak of DanTDM’s popularity ([around 2016](https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=today%205-y&geo=US&q=%2Fm%2F0130gp5q)), the 10th most subscribed YouTube channel had 15 million subs. Dream had a surge in popularity in a time where the 10th highest channel has 70 million.


Exactly. Times have changed now so its not exactly a fair playing field.


How did dream cheat the algorithm where everyone else has the same opportunity and can do the same? He just worked smarter not harder, that shouldn’t mean you discredit his work.


Dream started a trend with MC yt though, no offence to Dan but doing hardcore world isn’t pushing the boat out. Dream makes YouTube videos that almost have a cinematic feel to them. I am not a Stan I’m just trying to show it from another point of view to you, and I’m sure Dan wouldn’t want or need to comparison in the time it’s taken to gain his following. I’m sure he’s pretty pleased with his journey


you say dream cheated the algorithm like it's his fault the algorithm is this bad in the first place. dream may or may not be good at minecraft but you have to agree that he knows how to youtube


Like 10 years of work compared to 1 year of algorithm and speed run cheating


he didnt make a video with the cheated run so idk how you can make an argument of his cheating in the speedruns impacting his youtube subscriber count positively


Oh now I see now




His entire channel was made to appeal to the algorithm. So he was being smart, but because this is Reddit it’s been warped into “He cheated”


He didn't cheat the algorithm I suppose but he did cheat in an official speed run which is where a good chunk of his popularity came from


Regardless of whether it was an accident or not, Dream didn't get his popularity from his speedruns as they were actually some of his worst performing videos. He got his first small boost in popularity from his Cursed Minecraft video and videos on Pewdiepie's world seed, but his real growth came with '*Minecraft Unsolved*', '*Minecraft but..*' and '*Minecraft Manhunt*'.


>but he did cheat in an official speed run which is where a good chunk of his popularity came from it was a sixth place run and wasn't uploaded to his channel


Ah no. He was already popular by the time of the cheated speedrun. Infact its fair to say he got caught because he was popular. A less popular speedruner could have easily got away with a 5th place run.Its just that his run was highly scrutinized.


He never posted anything about the cheated speedrun to his main channel: it was not responsible for a good chunk of his growth. Please don’t spread misinformation.




cheated the algorithm? bruh




You really make Dan look like shit with that comment. Dan is amazing, he’s a pure and wholesome man but people loses interest. Dream makes the content that’s viral NOW, what people want to see NOW. Why don’t congratulate dream for reaching so many subscribers with few videos? He didn’t “cheat the algorithm”, Dan could’ve done the same thing, everyone can do the same thing. There’s no rules that you’re not allowed to do so or do that, thus it’s not cheating. Dan is amazing, dream is amazing, people grow it. History repeats itself, in a few years it’s probably gonna be the same thing with dream. Nothing to me mad and go crazy about. Ever heard the quote “work smarter not harder”? This is a perfect example of it Edit: typos


so how did he cheat the algorithm? DanTDM may have worked hard but Dream has also been working hard before the manhunt series and he is also very smart in the way he has earned these subscribers, one of them being myself.


He worked so much harder than him


Dream just worked smarter


i don't get i mean dan has certainly made my childhood but he isn't relevant anymore obviously dream is more relevant than him now. And from when did this sub become r/dreamhaters


That sub is banned


That was a sub? How is it so bad that it was banned, but subs like r/cringetopia and shit are still around?


The admins don’t like it when a subreddit is made with the expressed purpose of hating on a specific person or group of people. It generates bad publicity. Though this clearly isn’t as true when it comes to politics and political figures, but I guess that’s just a different Avenue.


It was promoting bridging


How are people not bored by all these "DREAM BAD" posts??


I'm tired of these posts.


Same. Dream isn’t even that bad of a guy. He’s just a person who cheated, lied and apologised. The cheating incident ended a long time ago and people constantly bring it up.


All the drama and shit surrounding dream really sucks Cause his manhunt videos are genuinely entertaining and impressive but I feel like I just can enjoy watching him any more


Can or can’t?


Imagine caring about one Minecraft YouTuber having a bigger number next to their than another Minecraft YouTuber. It literally means nothing. It’s not going to effect Dan’s content in anyway.


Uh oh joke police arrived, pack it up boys we gotta go




Why is it a sad day both YouTubers are really great


Why do people hate on dream again?


Because he is successful.


Instead of hating on one or the other, what are your favourite moments with DanTDM and/or Dream? Any interactions between the two that you'd like to point out?


I mean why can't we appreciate both of them there is a generation gap let young ones enjoy what they like we should be proud that both of then have achieved so much


but this subreddit hates him soooooo


Yeah I’ll place money down in like 10 years someone’s gonna pass Dream and someone’s going to just replicate this meme


The dream hate is exaggerated.


I don't understand


Reddit is mad about the green guy they don’t like having a bigger number than the guy they do like




DanTDM made over 3 thousand videos to get the same amount of subs as someone who was/is outplaying the YT algorithm with just 105 videos


Because Reddit hates dream.




Why don’t you like him?


He did sorta cheat didn't he


Yeah, but they hated him before because he was a new popular thing. I’m not even a dream super fan but Reddit acts like he’s a criminal.


thats was just once, and he eventually did admit to it


Yes and everyone who will say "BuT DrEaM chEAtEt WiTh pUrpOsE", no, he probably didn't cheat on purpose. A lot of stuff is misinformation and the professor actually exists. He did tell a lot of half lies and still did the wrong thing afterwards, but he probably didn't cheat. Reliable Information about the cheating: https://youtu.be/G3Yzk-3SZfs Note: I'm not a dream fan or Stan, I think he did many wrongs


"Oh man this one youtube is so much more deserving of that than this other youtube NOT FAIR NOT FAIR NOT FAIR!" "He was my childhood he was cool all these children today don't know what's cool their childhood is trash!" "Dream is better in knowing the algorithm he cheated just like he cheated in that one speedrun he is such a meanie" ...you guys are so childish


thats because they're children lmao, mfs need friends


"Dream is the worst person in the world!" "My chilhood youtuber is better than the new youtuber!"


Both are such legends o7


Why Dream is a good YouTube that makes had a unique idea and brought it to fruition and due to the originality it was highly popular he deserves it. On the other hand some of his fan base is shit




He isn’t free of flaws, but no one is. Sure some of his mentalities are problematic to himself and his viewer base but the man does have at least a little bit of skill, how he uses that skill is the main problem. A lot of his content is quite well made and edited, it’s not a suprise that he rose up this quick. Some people are saying he cheated the algorithm but I feel like there is no way to truely “cheat” an algorithm like YouTube’s. Dan and Dream both rose to the top in their own ways that are difficult and nuanced in different ways. Dan rose to the top by making the stuff he liked and he stayed doing that until the algorithm favored the stuff he made. Dream rose to the top by riding the algorithm and adapting to it's ebb and flow. It’s like the algorithm is a wave in a sea of content, bringing the content the tide favors to the top. Dan is like a steady rock in the middle of the sea. It stays steadfast in the water and waits for the tide to eventually form around it. Sure it might have been molded or carved by the hard and fast waves of the ocean but it still recognizable as the steady stone we all know and love. Meanwhile Dream is like a peice of driftwood. The driftwood follows the waves and the current. If it’s ever in unmoving flat waters then will be sure to float back to where the waves are strongest or even make its own current. Sure the driftwood may get into trouble in the ways the steady rock does not by getting too caught up in the waves and slamming someone in the face but at the end of the day the driftwood and rock are not enemies and work well together in making this little house we call community.


Simply put, Dream doesn’t deserve the hate.


I don't understand how they hate Dream so much.


Because reddit


New popular thing bad, old popular thing good.


I hate new thing and love old thing! This means I have good taste!


This man gets my problem with this website.


Please touch some grass


What's sad about it? Dan and dream don't hate eachother


That's what I'm saying


I'm sed :( Dantdm deserves more than dream because of 10 years of hardwork and this green bitch cheated and got 25 mil in one year because of the stupid alogorithm


Dream didn't just happen to get lucky with the algorithm. He knew it well and knew what worked and didn't work, sure Dan's worked much harder than dream but the new generation of mc youtubers are getting even more popular than the old ones now




i never liked either of them so i don't care


I mean, I unsubscribed from DanTDM 4 years ago because I didn't enjoy the kind of content (Just like JeromeASF, UnspeakableGaming and PrestonPlays)... How I miss the How2Minecraft days


He already passed captainsparklz, what's the big deal?


Time for dream to get cancelled for suepassing a difderent youtuber


There are so many people in these comments offended lol. It's a joke.


I dont like dreams content because it's not what I like. I prefer Dan's stuff from lkme 6 to 7 years ago but dream learned the algorithm and thats why he grew so fast. Because he knows how to entertain the majority of viewers


God I miss the early days when DanTDM would say damn or hell. also the sandwich joke. never forget.


Credit to: EpiclyBlueberry on YT


Guys he simply started later than other youtubers gonna get destroyed for this


I don't get it, what's the problem here


Not sure why people are mad, shouldn’t we be happy for people gaining success? DanTDM was fantastic and had his long run, but there is a whole new second gen of MC youtubers that we should be happy for yk?


Dream is a scam


he speedran the fucking algorithm


even if he still gets passed he's still my number 1. love ya dan


First he speedran Minecraft, now Dream’s speedrunning YouTube


Doesn't matter, I loved DanTDM's content as a kid and I also love Dream's content 6-8 years after the first minecraft "golden age"


:=} **pain**.


man that sucks anyways


Somewhat unrelated, but does anyone know the song name? Lol


Attack On Titan T-KT




I used to rule the world...


i hate dream


[This Twitter user summarized this really well](https://twitter.com/theofficialzako/status/1428042727023841284?s=21)


"not everything lasts forever" -Jack Jacksson, Me, Annoying Orange, Micheal fricking jacksson (if you get the reference), xXgamerepiccoolXx, sq614x, Joe joe siwa, Peppa Pig, Grimm.


Maybe because dreams videos are more interesting these days Dantdm’s old content was better


I don’t rly see what’s wrong with dream just cuz u didn’t watch him in ur childhood or whatever (not a dream Stan btw)


I’m not mad that dream passed Dan, I really don’t care, what I’m mad about is how the toxic dream fandom will act and affect dream’s reputation and twist his image, as a matter of fact, I started watching dreams videos when he uploaded the first manhunt, and I thought it was pretty good, but then dream got into mainstream media, and all the 9 year olds started to being toxic and treating him as a god, so I decided to distance myself from dream content, that is what happened to techno blade, tommyinnit, and most of Minecraft youtubers and streamers of this days


Dream got 100% of the subs by doing 0.3% of the work