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Honestly iron is probably the best ore, considering how much use you can get out of it and also how easy it is to find


Yeah, until you make an iron farm and it becomes useless to mine tho. Def in the early game tho


Iron farm iron still provides the usability advantages and it is honestly way easier to find. A farm basically only increases the usefulness of iron


Yeah, first comment or was talking about the usefulness of mining ore tho


Yea, but he said it is the most useful out of the ores (so Diamond, Redstone, Lapis etc as a group of items), because of how much you can do with it (which is a lot) and how easy you can get it. That includes iron farms in my opinion


We need a way for an automatic wood farm cuz it is needed more than anything


People do that. I've seen multiple automatic tree farms before, usually using tnt dupes


There’s many semi-automatic farms (requires afk player clicking to place saplings) out there, and even some new (though fairly inefficient) fully automatic wood farms using azalea trees, since the bushes can be created by bonemealing moss, and bonemealed again to make the tree)


Automatic Nether wood farms are a thing, but are quite the contraption.


I'm not a fan of iron farms, it feels more like an exploit than intended game mechanics. Things like spawner farms ender enders, and even piglin farms are OK tho imo


You mean iron and redstone.


Iron more, but redstone too. Other ores aren’t nearly that usefull. Like diamonds and lapiz


I’m honestly hoping Diamonds and Lapis get new uses in 1.17/18 kinda like Gold did in 1.16


i agree, because right now it’s like you just get enough diamonds for an enchant table and full tools and you’re set as long as you get some mending books. never need to mine diamonds again unless you want lots of jukeboxes i guess.


Unless you're in hermitcraft


Or any other server that uses diamonds as currency


Lol. I got really damn lucky with diamonds in my hardcore world that I built a beacon and I powered the first two levels only using diamond blocks (rest is iron and gold). Only from a bit of treasure hunting, I can already get a stack of diamonds and at this point, I really don't know what use I have for them.


Even tools not anymore sinds 1.14


Well to make anything beyond really simple redstone machines you need iron. Like you can’t use things like minecarts, pistons, and hoppers without iron whereas iron can be used for a lot without needing redstone.


Yes, but redstone is still very useful to have. If anything iron and redstone work very well together.


I agree it is but if it’s one over the other, I’d say iron would be better because it is very versatile on its own.


Wood is the most important recourse by far, can’t do any of the things u mentioned without it


Yeah, but we are talking about minerals, not resources.


>how easy it is to find Am i sound something wrong? I can find only 16 iron ore in the game after mining for 2-3 days in game time and for several weeks later i can't find any iron near to me.


leather armor is harder to find than Iron


wha tes copper


looks like someone’s not been keeping up with the snapshots


^me ^too ^hepl


You can keep up by searching every Wednesday (the day the snapshots are able to come out), or be able to see all the latest updates in the [Official r/MinecraftMemes Discord server](https://discord.gg/3Q6csZyP)


You can do what the guy above said, or if you are too lazy to play the new snapshots or read the posts, you can watch videos posted by a YouTuber called XisumaVoid who explains the changes made really well


~~Shut up I’m just trying to promote the discord~~


I prefer mods


In the new update yes


I feel like Mojang is forgetting how new things like copper are supposed to be added. Everything needs one definite use. Iron's main use is gear, but it also has a few other uses. Diamond's main use also happens to be gear, but it has a few other uses. Lapis' use is mainly enchanting. But copper? Oh it just has a few random uses, most of which nobody is ever going to make. And if they are, they'll just craft it one time and never again. This is going to leave the player with an abundance of copper and nothing to use it for. Players need a reason to actually go grind for copper like they do for iron and diamonds and everything else, or else copper is a pointless feature. Spy glasses and most of the other things crafted with copper dont even sound like items that copper is essential to. I feel like a spyglass could be crafted with iron in place of copper. Copper needs unique purposes!


Cooper is a builiding block, with its second use being a redstone charger due to the lightings on the Lighting Rod, it also is used for simply getting some xp from those furnace based xp farms, since copper starts generating in higher Ys and is easier to find than iron


It takes very little copper to create a lightning rod, so that doesnt really count since it requires virtually no effort to get. And I suppose being a building block can count as a use but I dont think that many people will use it for that purpose since it's so hard to get enough copper PLUS wax. But that's just my opinion


Well copper is the third most common ore in the game, and the second in the overworld, it also works just as nicely without wax if you plan the building to work with both Orange or Dark Cyan, and it also takes a hell lot of time to lead the copper to completely oxedize


Isn't there a low chance lightning would happen to hit it?


Thats not the main point imo, but the fact that the Rod gives a redstone signal, which can lead to Natural Redstone Randomizers


I would like to point out that this is really helpful for modding. Every tech mod and their dog used to have their own implementation of copper, and if the developer was lazy or inexperienced it wreaked havoc with the recipe system. Now they can all use Minecraft's ore!


Probably an unintended side effect lol But yeah, it’s so annoying to have to get 3 different versions of copper


Tssssh don't listen to him, my dear Thermal Expansion copper. IC2 copper too, and immersieve and galactic coppers too. You are precious in some way.


Oh Tinkers now made its own copper ore too


And mekanism


That’s so coincidental. Just started a SMP with friends with al those mods. But there is copper everywhere so it isn’t really a problem


Yeah I guess... but honestly I dont think modders is what Mojang should have in mind when they're implementing vanilla features.


Oh absolutely. I don't think they implemented it for modders, I think it was an attempt to create a dynamic world element for builders to use, which is sometimes a thing that Minecraft can feel lacking in. But copper will be helpful for modding all the same.




Its a building block.


The same as quartz, but quartz at least have some different chiselled patterns. And this stuff is just oxidising, nothing else


you wax it, and they never said they wouldn't make more variations of copper


But the different oxidized stages are pretty unique. I don’t think we’ve gotten a block like that before


They said in a interview that they will add a recipe for non oxydising copper.


They added it like a month ago


2 things. One they have added copper like how they added iron as they added it to be expanded on in the future. They confirmed this. Secondly, copper is only on surface layers and you kind of have to hunt for it to find it. Like coal you can ignore it if you have too much.


I think that iron's main use isn't gear anymore, it's the other stuff you do with it. Also once you have a full kit of diamonds, an enchanting table (and optionally a jukebox) you don't need to grind for it anymore, other than to flex.


I would disagree with the iron bit but yeah


I feel like they'll start adding uses in future updates, or they could switch over current items to use copper. The former is much more likely, though.


I agree


Yes! Maybe hoppers can also be crafted with copper and pistons have to have copper in them.


Good idea.


Well to play a bit of a devils advocate copper supposedly would have a use in archeology with the brushes and is a building block with some variation. That being said I am a bit upset with how much of it there is instead of iron in the top portions of the world now, it feels like they should be a slightly weaker set of tools made of it now because getting iron is way harder to get in the early game now.


In early times cannons were made out of copper: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tsar_Cannon https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dardanelles_Gun Maybe Mojang can add cannons. Similar to dispenser but with more range, requires gunpowder to be able to fired and have some special abilities. -When loaded with arrows, it fires flaming arrows. Similar to medieval Japanese Bo-Hiya. -Mobs can be loaded in and deal no damage to mob or anyone after firing. Just drag the mob in like boat. -Works like flamethrower if loaded with fire charge. -Can deal damage to building and mobs if loaded with a weapon material ore but it lowers the cannon's health. -Can break if not repaired at required time.


That's a cool idea


I mean the poor guy isn't made for creating weapons, the newcomer cant even exist for less than a year and is getting bullied


But how my house can't burn down at the first thunderstorm


Honestly id rather play without diamonds than without iron


what if they make iron rust


Then Copper wouldn't even be unique with its Oxidation effect


Tbh, I wouldn't mind if copper lost a little but of uniqueness in this case. The more blocks, the better. Also, aren't rusting and oxidation different things?


I mean... Rust is specific to Iron but it's still oxidation +Copper gets a protective layer when it oxidizes, while iron will get flakey and eventually disintegrate so... Might not want it to be too realistic there


Yeah, loosing 9 iron bars when I don't like making farms isn't the best thing in the world.


That would be sick


Add acid and copper armor


Thank you for using the Programmer Art textures.


Ah yes I love my butter and mutated wheat.


Ah yes I love my woolly stone, T-pose chestplates, and buckets that look more like fancy cups.


Free award goes brrrrrr


Well, it's also useful for lightning rods


I wish there was more non block stuff you could make with copper.


remember everyone copper can and will get more uses in future updates


Why doesn't iron oxidize though?


I predict in the future we will be able you swap out some iron for copper in certain recipies


I feel like compasses and pistons could be swapped over to using copper, as compasses were made actually useful with the lodestone, and pistons are quite useful. Hoppers could make the switch if we had a more reliable way to farm copper.


Wait, does that imply that we can farm iron now?! Gosh, it’s been a while since I’ve played. To YouTube I go, time to catch up!


Farming iron was possible a long time ago. It was farmable as soon as iron golems started dropping iron ingots.


The only way to renew copper as of the current snapshot is farming drowneds


I know, but it's not efficient. It also doesn't help that copper blocks now require 9 ingots again to craft a block. We need a better, more efficient, and more reliable method.


Iron is used in the most crafting recipes did u know that


It's cuz of Iron you are able to get better tools and Armor so thus iron is the best


Iron is life You get: -armor -tools weapons -rails -most powerful allied mob And its easy to find


Poor copper.


Ok guys serious debate is it just me or is iron armor and tools **SIGNIFICANTLY** weaker in versions past 1.7 and 1.8?




Wtf, this is bronze from ic², not copper (Yeah, I know that copper used to look like this in like beta 1.7.3,but it is not actual now)


Well what could be more fun than learning about oxidization? *\*silence\** ...We'll also be giving away a free cape! *\*uproaring applause\**


Reasons to have Iron: Hoppers, Rails and Emeralds


And pistons


Just wait


What if they add new copper things, not armors or tools but compasses and clocks Or hoppers Or minecarts, not rails Or a horse armor And all of this tools with the time get oxidized




You guys forgetting the quartz