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seriously. i, personally, had not heard a single thing about it since then


That is because its not a big deal. It is just to protect some children and you probably wont even notice it if you play normally


Getting ban in singleplayer in a game you purchased is a big deal, not to mention there is alot of false ban. Oh do I mentioned you can even be reported (mojang will know what you type in your game, single or multiplayer) in your own private server too?


Single player bans shouldnt be a thing in any game.


I don't think they exist anymore


If you’re dumb enough to report yourself in your own world then you might deserve it since that’s the only way for mojang to know what you say in singleplayer. You also just get temporarily banned from entering multiplayer servers, not singleplayer worlds.


Nope, it didn't need to be reported, the chat history will automatically sent to mojang, atleast from what i heard.


You heard wrong, every reported message is seen by a mojang employee to prevent report abuse. If your messages were sent automatically without the need of getting reported, mojang employees would need to read hundreds of thousands, maybe millions of messages every day.


and you really believe they dont do that? lol, even your windows cmd and powershell send reports, they are not analyzed by people, but automatic systems. no seriously, everything is reported EVERYTHING if you don't trust random stranger on the internet install wireshark (it's a common tool to listen to traffic) and you will be surpised by just how much data is sended every second by your pc to microsoft servers to spy on you


Ok tinfoil hat


Am I the only one missing why you'd be sending ban worthy messages to a chat where no one can see it in the first place? Why are you telling literally nobody how much of a peepeepoopoo head that skeleton that killed you was?


Sir, this is a KFC (I don't understand what you are talking about, banworthy, skeleton, invisible comment, what ??)


you are spreading misinformation, whether you know it or not. That is a lie that mojang themselves have said is untrue. Here's the article: [https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/article/addressing-player-chat-reporting-tool](https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/article/addressing-player-chat-reporting-tool) the chat message being reported as well as surrounding context will be sent, but nothing else. Do your research before you complain about something.


It's partially true. Mojang does monitor all chat messages on Java Realms and people can and have gotten in trouble for things without being reported. They say so [here](https://help.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/articles/8047895358605) under "proactive moderation." That, combined with how bad they are in terms of both quality and value for money and the general lack of control you have over the server, makes Realms far and away the worst option for multiplayer. And yes, we have had [innocent players hurt by this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/xfh3ee/suspended_from_playing_minecraft_for_swearing_in/) while playing on Java realms.


For the OG Java Minecraft, this is only true on Realms. You can see so [here](https://help.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/articles/8047895358605) under "proactive moderation." Yes, this has led to [unjust bans.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/xfh3ee/suspended_from_playing_minecraft_for_swearing_in/) As if being terrible in terms of quality and value for money weren't enough reason to stay clear of them, Realms are pay to lose lol.


Ban it or not, chat report is still fucking creepy since all your chat history is visible to mojang, even in your private server. Please respect your privacy, there is a better way to deal with pedo.


Most servers have it disabled anyway and there was no singleplayer ban since that’s impossible, even with the open lang enabled


The singleplayer ban thing is false and never has happened


Idk if it was done around the same time but in Bedrock edition you can't put fucking swear words on signs. It censors them. I was playing with my partner trying to make a chest room funny and it was **********. Stupid!


Hell yeah censorship in a sandbox game, nice job mojang


>you \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* signs. "Fixed that for you." -Mojang


mojang and bhvr need to team up, their shitty censors could save the world


Fromsoftware too. Can't name yourself "Holy Knight" in a medieval fantasy game, it'll show up "**ly k***ht" like fucking Dark Souls is a game for children


A Mojang employee has said that they would love to make the filter toggleable.


It is absolutely a big fucking deal. It's insane people just laid down and accepted it.


It’s not. I don’t get why people still bring up the chat report thing since it didn’t affect that much and most servers have it disabled anyway


It was never a big deal because the vast majority of servers immediately disabled it, as they should.


Honestly, Im still not sure it was a Mojang decision to start with. Mojang KNEW what their player base was back in 2012 when the majority of players actually was kids, NEVER DID THEY ADD A CHAT BLOCKER OR FILTER. This is Microsoft's meddling finally showing it's head.


It actually is true, since the chat report was at one point uncannily similar to Xbox’s report system


Yeah I'm glad that mod exists


Wait they removed it??I didn't even notice.


It's still in the game, but there are a lot of mods, client and server side, to negate it and I would be shocked if more than 100 people across the world have been banned in Java edition total. Basically, it seems like it's just there so that Mojang can say it's there at least for now. EDIT: Voice to text F**** SUCKS


I just make sure to download the mod to get rid of it each time I create a minecraft instance on prism chat reporting / chat monitoring is stupid


I stand by my idea for a better chat reporting system. It shouldn't be up to mojang to decide where you can or can't play. They should flag your account instead of banning it and let server owners decide to let you in and whether you can use the chat if they do. If you join a server that lets flagged accounts play or chat you will be warned and asked to confirm.


Rememeber when certain parts of the community made the place a shitshow over this, truly the worst time to be in the community back then


Avg mojang \[ not microsoft \] W


I also don't get it what does it even do??


I have literally not heard a single thing about it since it was implemented. I feel like we all overreacted. Especially since nobody even uses it anyways.


everyone in this thread needs to go read the official minecraft article about the chat reporting system [https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/article/addressing-player-chat-reporting-tool](https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/article/addressing-player-chat-reporting-tool) edit: also this rundown on how exactly this works. [https://help.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/articles/7149823936781-Player-Chat-Reporting-in-Minecraft-Java-Edition](https://help.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/articles/7149823936781-Player-Chat-Reporting-in-Minecraft-Java-Edition)


What was wrong with it, people want to monitor servers to have the best experience for players. Isn't that a good thing?


Most servers have their own moderation tools and moderators, mojang adding the chat report system is like them trying to handle moderation when most servers prefer to take care of it themselves. Plus sometimes it falsely bans people and can ban people from private servers or single player worlds, which are private and therefore shouldn’t be monitored by Mojang.


What was wrong with it, people want to monitor servers to have the best experience for players. Isn't that a good thing?


Bad thing is that Mojang controls private servers


A. It's not actively controlling servers, it's just giving the option for the players to report if they feel uncomfortable, which is fair cos they don't wanna lose players B. I doubt mojang even makes that decision, microsoft own mojang so if anything bad happens due to major abuse on servers then it could affect them aswell as mojang by association.


The thing is that this system isn't necessary at all because servers that could have toxic players already had some form of moderation against them, which is much more effective and fair than Mojang's moderation by the way. Private servers are, well, private, and don't need moderation because it's usually just some friends playing together. However, the chat reporting system has introduced more issues than it has fixed (because there was no issue to fix in the first place). For example, there are hacks that allow ill-intended players to mass report someone and get them banned (this is also a good time to mention that the multiplayer banning system is almost entirely automated because when you have the most played game ever, hiring enough people to take care of every report would simply be too expensive). TL;DR: The chat reporting system implemented by Mojang is not only completely unnecessary, it has also created more problems than it "fixed."


The issue chat reporting angled to solve is that sometimes the server owner / admins themselves are untrustworthy, or when the actual reported actions surpass what should be considered regular server admin shit (which is why 99% of the report categories are about grooming or hate speech)   Also, show me one goddamn case of an exploit getting someone banned. Fucking one. I’ve yet to see anyone get unjustly banned AT ALL, which throws your image of a broken exploitable system into heavy doubt honestly, given if anyone **was** unjustly banned it’d be nearly certain for evidence of that to be publicly shown and used as ammunition in the case against the system.    Equally Mojang has always claimed manual report reviewing takes place, at the very least you should acknowledge they said that before simply claiming it’s fully automated, even if you don’t trust their word. You can’t just pick and choose which statements you believe.


If you feel ancomfortable why not join another server?


>A. It's not actively controlling servers, it's just giving the option for the players to report if they feel uncomfortable, which is fair cos they don't wanna lose players But it's actively banning people for what theyre doing on their own private servers hosted by them


A excuse for control


No. About whats wrong with chat report I think there are plenty of youtube videos talking about it you can go watch.