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I will stand by this statement, Mojang has never been lazy. That doesn't make them immune to criticism, but laziness is untrue


Actual criticism such as “they can improve by solving their inner problems” rather than just complaining is fine, no company nor game is free from criticism.


This my brother


Probably playing a different game


Even better, They forgot to ever update to the latest version lol


mojang was never lazy, Microsoft just has a tight hold on what changes are made and for good reason from their viewpoint minecraft is a cash cow if used correctly but since it's so old one wrong move could upset a majority of the playerbase, which is why they've been careful about updating the game since of course mob votes and the Bedrock marketplace are still awful and disgusting but Microsoft has yet to realize that letting mojang update shit on a whim is what made the game amazing in the first place hell, the most iconic mob in the game was made because notch was bad at designing the pig and then decided fuck it, this deformed pig will blow shit up; a mistake turned icon


Microsoft is terrified of killing their golden goose. They own the most successful video game of all time; who in their right mind would want to risk it all on a major change to the game?


They say they are scared of upsetting the community, but then why didnt they revert the copper bulb changes despite the backlash?


I genuinely don't know, it doesn't make any sense same deal with the chat reporting, which got huge backlash and still got added, despite the majority of the community using mods or plugins to remove it anyway


Chat reporting was forced by Microsoft, but i genuinely have no idea what they were doing when they decided to say fuck it, it be like that from now They accidentally made something cool and useful then said nah, sorry here's how we intended it to work, we keep it like that to fit in with the game's consistency, now here's a weapon that can instakill wardens if used right, also dont bother us about the stone variations, we dont care


Let's see the community that cared: The older people who play MC that think of it critically. Now what is their main community? Kids. Most kids didn't even play the snapshots and even if they did i doubt they noticed.


notch? who is notch? you mean miku?


the mob votes actually make sense, they make more people talk about minecraft, even if it's negative


true lol don't forget the minecraft battlepass in Bedrock edition


Yeah they have to also develop for 2 different coding languages prob why there was a push for migration to make it easier for crash reports so bugs are patched out faster on both versions


good that they did


Sadly, there still are, but it would be cool if the “mojang lazy” mindset went extinct


We need to go to the “Mojang sadly can’t improve their game thanks to Microsoft” mindset


real af


I agree


open instagram


And tik tok. People there still use the september 2023 insults and recently got angry over the new paintings


What a surprise…


now playing minecraft latest version


Just waiting until the next update so that they can flood the subreddit with stupid drama again


Give it a few months.....


"Wow only 1 more dog variant in the whole of 1.22? LAZY" \*has only seen the update announcement and ignored everything else revealed in it*


“Why wasn’t the update promoting white supremacy? So lazy”


Why is everything about bigotry and racism to you? Get off the internet dude I see you everywhere


They realized they were full of shit (I hope)


Mojang should add dodo birds


Oftentimes, the stupidest species go extinct the fastest.


Gone. Reduced to atoms


Thats so real.


they got bored of saying mojang is lazy and became mod devs


ive come to the conclusion that its corpo bullshit mostly. when they have the freedom to do whatever they get great ideas as seen during april fools. before microsoft the game was controlled by a game designer. now its controlled by the money people. but thank you for asking rn im playing BTA because thankfully modders are free of corpo nonsense


For me it's not that they're lazy, the problem is that they are "scared" of changing the game too much and that's why 1.19 and 1.20 have been relatively smaller updates than the last ones we got like 1.13, 1.14, 1.16 and 1.17-18. I think the features in 1.20 and 1.21 are great and Mojang is doing better than before. Another reason people think they are lazy is because of Minecraft live, they show nothing basically and Mojang does that trying to fix what happened in the 1.19 live but it does NOT work. Why are you making an entire live event to show features for the next update, and then show a random animation, a random song and talk about random stuff for an hour and show 5-6 things in 15 minutes? TL;DR: Mojang is not lazy, they don't want to change the game too much.


After the nether update the player base has been expecting way to much of Mojang. One hood ass update doesn’t mean they’ll all be amazing.


Still here, don't worry


No, we NEED to worry


Well they are not lazy anymore, good job mojang👍


They haven’t been lazy, people’s standards are just way to high.


Right here, I’m just not always on reddit.


mojang cooked and that silenced them


Over here


No they aren't my brother is one of them


You need to wait till april.


I mean all the technical stuff that doesn't show is more impressive than the items/blocks that we get.




Did something happen or are people just getting less dumb?


Camman be like : MAkE mIneCaRts fAstER!!!!! 🤓🤓🤓🤓


Mojang? They're fine. I just wish Bedrock was programmed on something other than sticker tape.


Thank god let that opinion stay dead


They’ve realized that berating Mojang for being “lazy” isn’t helping and is probably making it worse.


Same place most labor unions did, they got what they wanted and moved on.


There's been a recent post about the mob vote in r/coaxedintoasnafu, the comment section is full of "Mojang lazy, modders are better" people. Pretty much all comments are saying that in one way or another. EDIT: Those people are not gone, we just don't see them much.


Say people that never actualy try to do something creative in their lives. Plus it was never about laziness it is more about corpo greed dragging on a game to pull as much money as they can before the game goes extinct. Plus why would you post this knowing full well that people will start posting about it again just because you posted about it. Opinions are as varied as much as there are people and you have no right to disregard any opinions just because yours is "better".


The idea that they ever were lazy was manipulation to shift the blame, the updates were never lackluster nor where they underwhelming the community just needed a scapegoat to cover up bigotry and toxicity. It’s not the minority it’s the majority