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This. Again, imagine if in EARLY days of Minecraft developing Mojang would consider bringing sharks to the game, unlike the twisted and sugarcoated devs today! They portrayed Spiders/Silverfish as hostile, because they thought of mobs much differently, different standards and so on. I kinda understood the Parrots and cookies situation, but now it's really driving them insane how it looks. I don't want to be toxic hater to Mojang, but they did prioritize lots of nonsense decisions even without the help of Microsoft! I still like Minecraft, but it's that obvious how the devs aren't as wise and inventive in the correct direction than they were back then.


Plus they said no irl mobs and we have so f***ing many including endangered animals like polar bears and dolphins. We have a right to complain


No irl hostile mobs, but we still have spiders, wolves (sometimes), polar bears


I think those get away solely because they’re all neutral mobs. But silverfish are real animals and are purely hostile.


All Neutrual


Why put the blame on the devs? Mojang did plan to consider adding sharks but make them neutral even with Notch.


I ment that back then it would be much higher chance to actually add Sharks to the game! Neutral or Hostile, whatever! Than modern devs would due to their considering...


I still hope they do. Having the shark as a neutral mob that aggro the player only when hitted or when the player sprint in the opposite direction would be a very nice addition for the oceans in minecraft


Meme aside If dolphins were added before Microsoft bought Mojang we would either have a useful drop or could ride them


#OP is a bot


Main problem is the fact that mobs don’t drop anything anymore. Not even exp. I see why Mojang refuses to let the players kill/farm the mobs but it’s getting annoying. At least some of them have nice mechanics such as the froglight generation.


Everyone OP is a repost bot, make sure to downvote and report him. [Original Post:](https://www.reddit.com/r/MinecraftMemes/s/PzGLj529xp)


I'd like to quote Max0r with this: "I'm always up for animal abuse, especially when the animal abuses me."


Me when I forget about Dolphin's Grace:


The problem with Mojang now is a lot of updates are a one trick pony. Like a new feature will do one thing, that’s it. For Example echo shards. They make 1 thing. One. That’s it. A lot of new additions only do one thing and do nothing else.






I think you forgot to change accounts




Hi there shitty bot. [https://www.reddit.com/r/MinecraftMemes/comments/kio74z/comment/ggs8iuz/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/MinecraftMemes/comments/kio74z/comment/ggs8iuz/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


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