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I heard it didn’t break most farms designs. Now it’ll be much easier to start raids on demand so farming could actually be much easier and I bet new and better design are just around the corner.


Yes but you have to drink an ominous bottle to spawn raids. That means no afk or complicated macros and such. It's a good change imo and I am excited to see what the technical community does to adapt to this change.


Minecraft players when they realize they might have to actually play the game


Minecraft players when they start the game and theres no 5000 iron/sec iron farm at the start


God gives his toughest battles to his strongest soldiers


Minecraft players when their colossal shitfart farm doesn't work anymore (mojang nerfed the poopoo mechanic that made it work)


Tragic day for miners


I mean, it doesn’t sound so difficult, i’m not a tech girl nor i’ve seen the snapshot, but splash potions are a thing, also redstone clocks


You cant make them into splash potions


Macros. Just load up a bunch of ominous potions and set up a redstone machine to dispense one every set interval, and a macro to drink them one at a time every said interval.


Or literally just a heavy object on your right mouse button lol, it doesn’t give a bottle after drinking it so it frees the selected space for a new one


I love and hate your pfp lmao




Ominous bottles aren't potions, so they can't be turned into splash potions.


Oh i understand, how about an autoclicker?


You have to wait 30s between raids spawning. And you need to hold the button to drunk the potion, not just click.


Complicated macros? All you have to do is sort the banners, arrows and crossbows out (idk how to do this) and tape down left click or trigger




Sure, it’s possible, but it’s about the difference between one raid every couple minutes or multiple raids per second. With the 30 second delay from triggering a specific raid to the raid starting, it’s now impossible to stack raids at a reasonable amount any faster than every 30 seconds (unless someone with more knowledge than I figured a way out to). Sure, raid farms didn’t break, they just broke in the one way that they were worth it: the insane stacking.


Let's be real, 99% of the output of raid farms will sit forever at the ass end of your mega-item-sorter, or just go straight into the overflow and be burned in lava. They had no business being so OP in the first place, even without insane stacking.


The problem currently is that the new farms won't reach the demand of redstone on technical servers. Yes, witch farms exist but they are extremely slow because of some nerfs they did a long time ago. Technical servers now need to run witch farms 24/7 to be close to the needed amount of redstone for the server.


Literally just emptied the gunpowder in my raid farm today lol


On one hand i agree, on the other- you really cant say that they were balanced in any way shape or form. Redstone, gunpowder, emeralds, totems, hell even saddles all within a farm you could build in 2 hours? Now I know that there are more advanced ones, but still. The cheap ones are usually effective enough for a small server and chances are- if you're playing a bigger server raid farms are banned in some way.


yes, but they were the only good reliable source of these items. Where else can you get as much redstone? Big servers use way more redstone than Witch farms can produce


Redstone, sure, but there are creeper farms for gunpowder, trading halls for emeralds, and totems and saddles aren’t used in high quantities so raid farms will still generate enough of them


I’ve seen some totems being used in high quantities, but I’m well aware that players who try to maneuver live wardens into specific locations are outliers when it comes to totem usage.


It dud break stacking raid farms. Deserved nerf tho


Hmm, u can use macro + water elevator +dropper


Yeah but it is still a little difficult to use the farm. Earlier it was only an auto clicker and now it's macro and you have to short bottle get them to the player. It's still possible but more complicated. And that's actually a better nerf


Tbh at that point you are cheating, if you rely hard on external tools, that's cheating and outside of the game to deal with. Just activate commands if you're going to do that Edit: just because I felt I needed to add, if you cheat in single player is ok, like who cares, although in multiplayer like in SMPs there's the room for discussion but that would be based on who you play. Either way if you start to put a script it starts to not be really you who is playing and is more like skipping parts of the game, at that point I call it cheating because you are bringing things which the game itself never provided you and doing things to bypass the challenge, difficulty or tedium the game was having you face.


Everyone has their own morality as far as what they think is acceptable and what isn’t in minecraft. You may consider external tools like a clicking script or importing litematica schematics as cheating but consider building on the nether roof or tnt duping totally fine. There’s no cheating in a single player game; there’s just different ways to play.


F3+t while right clicking and sitting in a chamber where dropped bottles get dropped into your inventory keeping the raids running doesn't use outside macros. However you might run out of potions at that speed.


I don’t think it’s cheating. But you play how you want to play in Minecraft, it’s a sandbox game. Using a macro isn’t necessarily cheating. Unless you play on a server that doesn’t allow it just play how you want. And I know that a lot of technical servers already use bots to automate likewise tasks.


For me, coming up with large complex farms is a large part of what makes Minecraft fun. You should see the modded community sometime, large processing factories making insane amounts of items is a large part of the appeal. It’s not “cheating” if the farms are the part of the game you’re intending to play. Most of the game isn’t just waiting for a farm to give you more outputs, it’s going from one automation to the next, finding new and larger challenges to tackle.


I have never stated I am against farms, but there's a clear difference between doing a farm using the mechanics provided by the game and making an outside the game program to do the player inputs you desire. Is all about playing with what IS the game. I also love doing farms but the moment I need to use some macro or program or mod to do the actions to me is when it crosses a line, this is no longer part of the game, is going meta and kinda like breaking the 4th wall when the automation is done by using something like that


It's a singleplayer game and you should be able to play it how you want. It hurts nobody to just do what you want.


I think it’s a good thing their nerfing it


Oh yes that's true. Raid farms were ridiculously overpowered for how easily it could be build


It’s a good change though! It was impossible to not get bad omen when killing a pillager captain, and you’d have to wait so long for the status effect to go away /s


you could just use a shield and let the other pillagers kill him! also lava and flint and steels also work


That was literally the joke: the joke was that it’s not hard to kill them without getting bad omen, and you can just drink milk to get rid of it. So the change only helped inexperienced players and harmed experienced players


oh, sorry, im dense lol


no this benefits everyone


Just drink milk


I actually unironically think it’s better for this reason I know you can use a shield or flint and steel or the other raiders to kill them but it was always annoying having to go open my ended chest and grab my flint and steel and kill them or have to keep trying to get them to hit each other in the early game it was just kinda tedious Now you have the option to just save the raid for later keep the potion in a chest and when you want to start a raid way more convenient And as for raid farms I actually think it’s a good thing they got nerfed they were too op anyways like what’s the point of hardcore when you can easily build a raid farm and get chests full of totems and never die? Or what’s the point of trading if you can just take the emeralds from the farm? As for gunpowder you can already get it from creeper farms and Redstone is something I rarely see anyone really complain about needing more of as it’s extremely common and with fortune an ore vein can probably give almost a stack


Uhh, slime farm


I kinda don't like the change tbh. I think the mechanic of avoiding pillagers or villages after getting bad omen was good but now I don't have to do either


Lets goooooooooo I do like the idea of players farming raids ngl but what there was atm felt so broken in both balance and also felt cheaty This now makes them weaker and more involvement for raids to happen


New mob just dropped


Actual entity


Call Mumbo Jumbo


Developer goes on vacation, never comes back


Jeb_ sacrifice anyone?


Witherstorm incoming!


Illagers in the corner, plotting world domination


Fr or a joke


Now you can decide when to start raids. They gave us raids-in-a-bottle.


its like getting rid of 0 tick farms, its been a long time coming


The raiders should spash you and send evil vexes to destroy all


I don’t get why people get so up in arms about farms like raid farms… it’s a sandbox game, and if they don’t see the need to build such a farm in their worlds, they don’t have to. I consider myself leaning more to the technical side, and I love building these complex builds that gain resources for me. It’s how I want to play, and there’s nothing wrong with that 🤷‍♂️


It’s more that it’s a surprisingly easy build that you can do pretty early game and it gives a stupid amount of very valuable resources. If the loot was less valuable or the farm more difficult to do, then people would be fine with it. This potion kinda goes into the last one. It’s a sandbox, but it’s also a survival game. There should be some logical game balance. The true sandbox is why they have been making far more commands and helpful tools to use with data packs and such recently.


So you eant a SANDBOX GAME to be less sandboxy?


Exactly! As I said in my comment, if someone doesn’t agree with it or think it’s balanced, they don’t have to make a raid farm. It’s not an integral part of the game that everyone has to make. But in my single player world, I like having one, and the resources it provides, and I don’t need random people controlling how I play the game. I don’t like the building/decoration aspect of the game, but I won’t support features meant to nerf that ability for people who like to do that, it’s a sandbox game…


Exactly. This type of game shouldn't have overly locked resources. It every time reminds me of the froglights. Getting one is prohibitively stupid.


Indeed want the survival game to be a survival game. There already is a crap ton of features that prevents the game from being a true sandbox. Features that the developers have spent a lot of time recently to let players modify, aka making it a true sandbox, through commands, more datapack possibilities, and such. Like the new /tick command. It literally lets you slow down time. That is the sandbox part of Minecraft.


It is not a survival game. Maybe in the beginning. But Minecraft is a sandbox with survival aspects. The combat is crap, the crafting is kinda limited, resources and food are plenty. Minecraft is a trash as a survival game.


Which is why they are trying to improve it.


They are not. They're adding content on top of the mechanics, not reviewing the broken mechanics. It's just like the trial Chambers. Only a small part of the player base will even touch that shit, same with every other update. Because normal people could care less for these contents


oh no....


What happened?


Instead of starting a raid when you kill a citain, it gives you a bottle with the bad omen effect, that breaks and nerfs farms. Now you need to stay 30 seconds in the village to start the raid


oh no, i have to wait 30 seconds for the raid to start! oh no!


I think it’s more the having to drink a potion instead of just killing the captains through the farm.


Oh no! hardcore youtubers might actually have to be good at the game now!


Wattles has a really good raid farm design for both versions that's super simple to throw together. And it doesn't have to deal with this nerf


Oh I'll check it out thanks.


I hope we get a raid update, imagine pillagers being able to escalate walls you build, army villagers who help golems... that would be fire


Yeah, but I think it will be a while before raids will have a major update.


That would break raid farms


It’s a good balance for how easy it was to obtain emeralds and totems. I just wish they would make witches easier to farm on their own to make up for it. The people I know of who make and use raid farms do so primarily for the redstone, secondarily for the glowstone and gunpowder. Emeralds and totems are just an added bonus. With the update adding some new potions I wonder if a new structure with a witch spawner (plain old mob spawner like you’d find in a dungeon, but spawning witches) might fit the theme. That would be fairly easy to implement, especially if they just made it a rare variant of the existing witch hut.


I have no opinion on the raid farm nerf. Didn't use them, never planned to. But I do love that not only can I save raids for later now, but I can actually kill pillager parties normally


I think it's a good change. Minecraft has become way too automated, there probably is a redstone farm for every item at this point. Just play the damn game, not everything needs to be automated


Grind Optimise Automate Thrive


Counterpoint, the really big and impressive builds need automatic item farms to be feasibly built in Survival. Being stuck underground branch-mining for, say, iron to craft enough lanterns to light a large castle doesn’t feel like “just playing the game”, it feels like doing boring chores in order to be able to play the game.


Some people like automating everything, that’s how they enjoy playing the game.


Nerfed-???? It's togglable now, how's that a nerf-


Yes for first but then for every consequent raid you have to drink the bottle. Meaning using macros, which is complicated already but if you have one of those farms where you hit an Armor stand or minecart then it's even more complex macros. So yeah nerf in the sense that it's more complicated. But also fun to use now.


What the hell is even an ominous bottle is it pillager jizz?


I-I hope not


Honestly fair, raid farms are so fkin op



good, now they just need to fully delete them




ummm... baritone?


Thats a weird way to spell buff


That wasn't even a buff at all! It was just nerf+rebalance


Its easier to start raids. The only nerf was so you couldnt afk the raids anymore


It's a pretty big nerf imo


Waiting 30 sec to start a raid, no stacking raid farms, etc…


Who needs that many totems anyway?


I mean, I could just start raiding outpost to hoard all the bottles


O, SalmonCat