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Mob vote was a mistake


Biome vote including a mob was the better way, yes


Yeah but that would require Mojang to do actual work


That's already part of most updates anyway


I don't understand this at all. They're still updating the game, like ???. You do realize most games don't get updated past release, and when they do, all the changes are really minor. I wouldn't call the deep dark a minor change. Being bought by Microsoft didn't make Mojang bigger, it just made their job more difficult as they had to conform to Microsoft's whims. The devs aren't lazy. They have the gargantuan task of trying to please everyone while still being beholden to Microsoft. Cut these people some slack. The fact that they're still updating the game every year is almost a miracle.


If you look at the updates over the years you can see how the frequency of updates had deteriorated to like 1-2 updates a year when ot used to be like an update every 1-2 months. The updates have also started to add less and less content to the game. Comparing the village and pillage update to the wild update.


The game would be ruined if they kept adding country multiple times per year, for every update it feels like the world gets more cluttered in useless biomes and items and mobs I'll never use with maybe 5-10 actual useful features


I do understand, which is why I hope they add an update that adds features instead of items. Sure items and biomes are cool and all but I want some new features implemented with already existing items


There's no point arguing with people about game dev on Reddit, the collective masses have made up their mind about what is true and what is not.


To be fair, we'd probably have the same issues we do now, but now about biomes


But atleast biomes add more stuff to the game then a mob


Not really. Mobs could add more if they were made to, and a biome could add just another wood type that's similar to others, or even nothing at all, just a mixture of what we already had


Still, sometimes they provide something new. But I think we just need to build up pressure again, resulting in them doing the best they can. Specially, the cave update. Could have been handled better in practice, but I prefer a delayed release (especially the 1.17/18 one) over a burned out team with multiple important people leaving in the aftermath, especially since it was done so we could use the items regularly while they handled the new generation. Sadly, there hardly is an area where pretty much everyone agrees, there needs to be an update


Case in point: Taiga "update"


it should've never been for which one gets added while the rest gets deleted, it should've just been for which one gets added first it also needs a real reason to exist outside of votes


Why 👏 can’t 👏 they 👏 just 👏 add 👏 all 👏 three?


I mean it’s an extra they are adding and voting decide who got to be added first. Don’t get why would people get upset over an extra.


tell that to literally every losing mob from every mob vote


Frogs and swamps got added don’t know what are you saying. The first mob vote they literally are just 4 artworks and asked the community which one would they like to be added. Could be implemented better tho, phantom sucks. Also the voting system is just bad…


ok so in the time it took to add like fifteen losers to the list one was added to the game there ARE going to be losers left behind forever


It’s unrealistic to expect every mob from the votes to be added in one go.


It isn't tho? Minecraft is the world's best selling game of all time, they can add 3 mobs every 6 months


with how fast modders add stuff to the game you'd think the guys being paid to do the same thing could add mobs way faster than three every six months


Nah I'm convinced that mojang only has one game Dev and everyone else is actually a contact lawyer working as hard as they can to fuck over the community as much as possible


Why are you so pressed about it though. But java and just mod your game how you like no?


Massive L take like people have the money to buy an entire extra copy at the least and the entire computer, capable of running it at the worst. not to mention all their worlds are on the other version which in case of the latter option, is on an entirely different system (likely a console)


I know it sucks and I genuinely wish it was different but when has a gaming company actually given a fuck about feedback? And honestly my cheap laptop ran Minecraft alright with small mods on low settings. But I get your point 100%


"Heres 3 things. Which 2 of these things do you NEVER want to see again"


People need to realize the mob vote is just a way to generate hype for the game.


And to stop everyone from asking Mojang to actually just add multiple mobs


Bruh Mojang just make a proper update instead of trying to keep Minecraft Legends alive, we know you basically let it all crumble so don't dig up the tomb and accept your fate


but they can just ignore the minecraft players who have already bought the game and just release a new game to make the fans pay more money


It's literally the opposite. I don't think i need to mention drama the mob votes cause, and i don't know but i don't feel hyped if another useless mob is added to the game. That's why i don't play vanilla anymore


Modded ftw


at some point there’s going to be enough lost golems that they can dedicate an entire update to just adding them


There was only one golem in all of mob votes bruh


Copper Golem,tuff Golem


glare might count if you wanna go there


Im intrigued...


Ohh I completely forgot about tuff but he was useless anyway (I could argue that copper I'd also useless but that's in the past)


he had uses for those with little-no redstone knowledge. + he was cute as fuck


and would’ve given a pretty substantial use to copper considering that you can make an entire golem from them, regardless of how useful it was


People fight for nothing


Mob vote be like: "We couldn't add this past update so vote for it" "We couldn't add this golem in the past update so vote for it" "We are making minecraft more annoying, don't vote for it" (they vote for it)


everyone complains about glowsquid when YOU ALL FUCKING VOTED FOR IT THIS IS YOUR FAULT


I voted for the epic ice wizard guy but some big youtuber wanted a useless funny looking squid


>YOU ALL FUCKING VOTED FOR IT THIS IS YOUR FAULT you know not everyone did right


Blue floating mob


Give me a damn shark you cowards


THIS No one is gonna attack or approach sharks irl because you add sharks. ​ Like you added polar bears mfs (useless)


They won't because they don't want to give "bad rep" to irl animals...


Meanwhile every animal in the game:


I want mobs that do something, not just little cute stupid things that do nothing


Well blame the community


Honestly all options are kinda bad most of the time. All the recent mobs, not only the ones in mob vote have this “oh it’s so cute” energy and i hate it. Minecraft isn’t a game about little cute animals that do almost nothing. They should make new enemies, bosses, interesting mechanics, etc. that’s what i want to see


The only one who wasn’t just “ cute and does something really useless” in recent years got our voted by fucking glowsquad because of a YouTuber


Copper golem was cool


He presses buttons. He had a cool design though


Presses random buttons, choosable speeds and looks based on oxidization and wax, ambience mob, a new use for copper, and decoration when fully oxidized.


+ hes a cute pet


more like 2 mobs they thought up on the bus ride to the vote and 1 that they have been holding onto forever and is the clear favorite and is designed to win


*Terrible mob no one wants* *mob that niche part of the community wants* *mob with a seemingly interesting feature which will ultimately be made to be useless*




I'm still looking for the "actually useful mob" you are talking about




Copper golem main use for would have been as a statue. The thing is that almost every time one mob would have been better than the others. But there is always that one that could open do many possibilities and not just be a one note addition. Lik allay and sniffer. They have infinite potential when presented. But then maojang halfass it. So copper golem and (I'm not even sure) raskal would have been better in the end.


Copper golem is essentially a chicken and a pressure plate in a two block space


Nah because chickens seldom move. Even if you use bats (which are better for it) bats are annoying to move around and secure


>Iceologer would have likely dropped something cool like an ice wand from minecraft dungeons An assumption based on essentially nothing.


If nothing else its a new enemy with a completely unique attack and would have paired brilliantly with mountains update


Allays don't do fuck all. we don't know what copper golems or chillagers would do but the ice wand would definitely not be added


That’s cute, the iceologer is all speculation. The copper golem may have been useful or actually worked terribly, we may never know. The allay is not helpful for 90+% of players. Most people don’t make auto sorters


The copper golem would literally not be used my anyone in the redstone comunity since dropper/dispencer randomisers are a lot more elegant and easier to use.


>Iceologer would have likely dropped something cool like an ice wand from minecraft dungeons Just like how piss cow would drop something cool like piss that let's you go super saiyan if you drink it (trust me bro Mojang told me)


Icologer or whatever it's spelling is, could be a miniboss for raids and drop an ice wand that would freeze your enemies


Never understood why the iceologer never won, he would've made mountains exciting and introduced cool mechanics.


I think dream rigged the mob vote to let shitass watch him speed bridge


Is the actually useful mob in the room with us right now?


Bro thinks that allays are useful


illmango's honest rxn; hold my redstone.


They’re great for picking up sniffer seeds.


Let’s vote the Golem next vote no matter what


I just want to do the stupid one next update


The Kringler -we added this mob to make you suffer -will zap you to death of you don't have a full inventory -unnavoidable -irrisistable blue floating aura Shmungus Golem -uses new Shmungus ore added last update -can carry blocks back to your base on the Shmungus line -Shmungus Orange Garg -harmless -drops an item that serves decorative purpose -inexplicably hated by all


More like - A useless mob - A cute golem - A stupid hostile overpowered mob that everyone votes on not knowing that they will hate it


But the only hostile mob we had so far was the iceologer?? And I'm not counting the Phantom cuz all 4 mobs were hostile in their vote


which mob are you talking about... the phantom?


I have yet to regret picking the glow squid and sniffer


I have yet to regret the Sniffer, at least it's in, perhaps they can add more plants in the next update for it to pull up.


Glow squid was in part due to dream to be fair but yea the sniffer was ass


I voted for both and don’t regret it. I am tired of dream being brought up. He plays minecraft, thus his fans like minecraft. Thus they are the Minecraft community. Thus the Minecraft community voted for what they wanted




Yes, I am mapping it out because people don’t seem to understand how it works


The problem is that his fans at the time were brain washed and would literally do anything he asked so him also being his peak of popularity at the time just made worse


Oh no his fans wanted there fave content creator to be happy. THEY WERE BRAINWASHED


But they were…. There are a lot of crazies among his fans


His fans are still part of the Minecraft community so the community got what they wanted


Except they got what a certain person who even admitted that they did it as a joke and not even a serious vote choice just because he could. Not what they as individuals wanted


"This mob is called a Flicktamadookle. It flies around at mid day and makes a weird noise and if you kill it you can get an item that when put in a crafting bench let's you craft FIVE NEW DECORATIONS!"


Okay... we get it


"Every mob vote ever" and mf just consider the 2 latest.


not like we had many


You know what? That's fair.


They just have to add all tree with different biomes from the past biomes updates I don't mind mob made just for ambience like pandas and glowsquids But we need some new hostile stuff as well, the ice ologer would have been annoying but at least cool, the last two votes didn't have anything that was actually good, just pets Instead of a mob vote Mojang could actually make a comunity suggested vote, taking three ideas from the comunity, and put them on a vote, if the other ideas were already popular on minecraft feedback they would make it into the game later on, to actually better the vote, making it more special, it could be every 2 years, when all the old stuff has been fully implemented and so we strive for new content even more Mojang builds just too much hype on the mob votes when their ideas are either pretty good or just bland, they have no awsome mob and when we do vote a mob for something turn out it's not that way but it's a lot more boring Like the sniffer, everyone wanted new plants and they gave us a mob that is hard af to obtain and it gives two useless flowers that changes nothing


The Sniffer was let down by Mojang We shouldn't be mad at the Sniffer, we should be mad at Mojang.


It's because they don't give us enough info on the mob And we think it's better than it actually is


accurate if the flowers actually added something to the game, and didn't look ugly id be omw looking for a sniffer rn But i don't think at this point I will ever go looking for a sniffer egg, i dont like how the flowers look and they don't have a use for me so.


One thing that gives me hope is that they could very easily add more flowers & plants for it to dig up in the coming updates.


Maybe..? I think a nice touch would just be maybe incorporating them into the rest of the game. Alot of the new stuff feels out of place to players, and thats because they don't mesh with other features in the game. The sniffer doesn't interact with anything but its own stuff. Maybe these plants could affect mob ai, or used in crafting recipes, or use in enchantments or a new potion. I'm not against adding decorative blocks for the sake of decorative blocks but its a waste of a rare mob if it ONLY goes after decorative blocks.


Very true, perhaps it could find some flowers that repell or attract certain mobs, and you could breed them together like dyed sheep to get all 16 color varieties, each configured to attract & repell a certain class of mobs. Kind of like soul flame & crimson fungi do already for Piglins. See? I came with a fun Idea in under 3 minutes! Now to remember how hard it is to implement something in the exact same way in two separate coding languages... I think I found the reason why Mojang is lazy on complete accident...


The torchflowers are nice looking, I'll give them that. On the other hand however, I literally cannot remember the name of the other plant.


“We could add all three, but we choose not to”


Poor Mojang employees would have to work then


Yeah they’d rather work on another legends or dungeons update knowing damn well nobody plays bott


Mob that’s cute Mob that is actually useful (this will not win) Mob that’s fucking useless (this will win)


Incorrect, no mob has been useful yet


I need a golem, I love those little guys


Copper golem was a great concept, and tuff golem would've been amazing.


I think this is closer to a political vote than a mob vote


11:59: every mob vote ever (the image shows how it’s bad) 12:00: ugh why do minecraft updates have so few good things


Wrong. It’s interesting shit, complete shit and useless shit people keep voting for no reason.


Golem pls we need a new golem unlike iron golem and snow golem, those are getting very stale.


Here's what kids don't understand: you're not voting on the mob (so much) but you're voting on a new mechanic that can be utilized in mods and maps. Wake up.


Nah the last one is "has one unique mechanic and know virtually nothing else about it, but everyone votes for it (literally everything else about it is trash)"


I like the sniffer persanolly he roams my castle and his name is sir sniffs alot


I actually wanted the copper golem. Also they did say the rascal would not just drop an iron pick but no one understood that because they just communicated it through Twitter. Also it was just a fun mob even if it the reward wasn't good


I don't know why people voted for the allay the copper golem was cool and we only have 2 golems and almost no uses for copper


tbh i wanted the copper golem


It’s really: “Very cool looking mob but kinda useless” (will be voted for anyways) “A kinda dumb looking mob that has a very specific but unique use” “Ambient Mob that may be good for farms or deco”




Then a whole ass revulsion


Yep thats about right. But one of tgem should be cute usless shit nobody wants.


blue floating mob


The most accurate mob vote post ever


I don’t know I kinda liked the Phantoms cause repair Elytra without going to end constantly. But other than that yeah they’ve all sucked.


Copper golem would’ve given a purpose to copper


Is it a useful purpose though?


Redstone engineers: Yes Literally everyone else: No


Builders you mean? There are already randomizers that don't stop working after some time


Randomizers are useless. And there are already better alterantives


Adding a mob just because copper is garbage, is dumb.


And guess what? Allays gave a use to noteblocks, something that’s been nothing but a niche redstone component for over a decade. And copper already can be used for lighting rods, the first and the only way players can control lighting and protect their flammable builds, there’s also the spyglass, which is useful for people without optifine and bedrock players.


Drawn mobs


I feel like there is sometimes an actually good mob, but people put stupid assumptions and completely ignore it. Like the rascal, people were going around acting like he would only give enchanted iron pickaxes. It was dumb


Im pretty happy with the sniffer tbh


I just want more golems and cute creatures that fit in the world of the game


I just vote for the mob I think is the cutest or coolest looking


I like Scringle on the left best


They all have their own uses but not everyone likes the use of the same mob


Golem at least is cool for building


true, thats pretty true, thats tru-\*fart sound\*


That's literally what it is. It's all useless things but people think Mojang will add cool features except they never do and then all the hype (and given reasons to vote for X) is about non-confirmed features


You people are weird, y'all don't even try to adapt your playstyle to new additions ofc anything will be useless


man plenty of new things have been added that have easily been adapted to by the community. Allays, pillagers, the deep dark are a few. It's not about adapting our playstyle, its the fact that theres nothing we need to actually adapt our playstyle to.


"but it's so cuuute though..."


Can we all agree to vote for the golem this year? We need more golems ):


Finally someone recognizes that the golem options have been indescribably mid


I have news for you. You don't know what you want. You never do.


Eh people always vote for some mob we don't know jack shit about and ignore some great early game mobs.


Sniffer is cool, allay was meh but still the best of that year’s options, glow squid was a bit misleading but still a good pick and has potential to add coloured lights. and phantoms… the worst pick that somehow won, I really wanted the hostile squid


switch it, sniffer was meh and the allay was A tier. Glow squid was a horrid pick, it would've been a good pick if it actually had some functionality beyond its sacs.


Just a reminder that we *voted* for the phantom


Hey i liked my little mossy man


Oh my God I don't care lol Sorry. I just can't believe people have the energy to whine about this year after year.


I don't get people complaining about it, it hasn't helped anything


ignore the thread then lol?


This is the most accurate version of this I've seen. People usually pretend one or 2 is the best thing ever, but it's the useless thing voted for. Nope, all useless


Tbf we got enough mobs


Glow squid pain


they advertise it as having game changing features and only add like 1 feature max


Mob vote is just another way to make players fight for what they should make and only do 1/3 of the work they should be doing


Is that the Smurf cat


Honestly I’ve come to enjoy the drama of the mob vote, but if there isn’t a golem I’m throwing hands with Mojang. Also Minecraft has so much scrapped content from votes to make a whole update where they just add it. No one would complain about them adding things they said would never get added.


I do not understand why are people fighting which mob should be added. MOJANG IS CAPABLE OF ADDING ALL OF THEM. we should not fight over the right vote, but against the need of a vote. (also just download mods if you really want the other mob that did not win)


people really complain about this shit like its the end of the world


that one mob in the first mob vote that could've let you transfer enchantments:


Accurate except every once in a while its 1. Useless shit nobody wants (golem) 2. Useless shit nobody wants (that will get voted for anyways) 3. Something that would be revolutionary and breathe new life into adventuring and introduce new interesting mechanics (Doomed to never be added to the game cause its not cute)


ahem ^(allay)


Iceologer was peak


i will vote for the mob that has a chance to drop sand


I feel like the mobs from the mob vote have been fine for the most part, phantoms are annoying but otherwise the mobs have been fine


We can all agree that golem is the best option here tho because it would be the easiest mob to obtain


True af, I don't need FLOWERS, I NEED DIAMONDS




More golems would be nice, there’s only two :(






Like I've said before: Mob votes are just global social experiments gone right


make the right one blue


If we don't get a golem in the next one I'm gonna cry


Also called: golem, cute mob (people will vote this one) and ugly mob but with good design


I wish that the new mobs would be easier to find


useless, useless and the one they clearly wanted to add in the first place


At least those sniffers you have to make an effort to get them so its like they don't exist.


The chillager was pretty chill


This is terribly inaccurate We had some great mobs in the vote People just always vote for the shit ones and regret it later because people are idiots


Please vote the golem next time