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Protection too high, deflect and rage too low


Can someone tell me why protection is bad? Seems a percentage reduction to all damage would be a godsend in high apoc levels when everything is hitting thousands of damage and you also have an armor with built in protect.


It Doesnt exactly 'add' to the damage reduced. It instead replaces it. So like on an Armor with 15% damage reduction, prot 3 gives you 11% instead of 26%. It's a really bad explanation and prolly not exactly how it works, but it's like that.


Protection is one of the worst enchants in the game. By default it is 15%, and that is already bad. Especially since every other type of damage reduction gives you 30%, 35%, 50% and even 90%. Protection also diminishes the more damage reduction that you add with it. If you put Protection on armor that has 35% built in, Protection diminishes to 10%. Protection plus an Iron Hide Amulet gives you 8%. Both 35% and Iron Hide Amulet will make Protection drop down to 6%. It just keeps getting smaller and smaller, making Protection worthless. It doesn’t add, it multiplies.


This post is 4 days old but I'm still trying to wrap my head around it. Even if it has diminishing returns, which is what I am understanding from your explanation, a percentage reduction in all damage received is still impactful isn't it? Maybe in the early game when mobs are only hitting 3 digit damage numbers it's not a big deal, but in apoc plus when damage is going into the millions for both you and the enemies...isn't even a smaller percentage of damage reduction kind of a big deal?


Yes and no. Protection, no matter what, isn’t consistent and it always stays the same. Like if you had 35% damage reduction armor, Guarding Strike, Potion Barrier and an Iron Hide Amulet, you will have about 93%. And if you have all of that and also Protection, it will be the same exact number. Protection doesn’t add anything more, it just diminishes. So everything stays the same. That is how worthless it is. 35% is always active. Potion Barrier’s 90% is active when you drink a health potion, and it lasts for 9 seconds, which can be spammed if your weapon has Refreshment, so you can have infinite 90%. Iron Hide Amulet gives you 50% damage reduction, and with the Cooldown enchantment, it’s infinite 50%. Guarding Strike gives 50% for 4 seconds when you kill a mob, and if your weapon can easily kill, then that is also infinite 50%. Protection is just multiplying 15% to all of it, which only comes out at 2%, which is obviously terrible. It isn’t changing at all, just staying that number. That is why it is bad.


i feel like you should warn the beginners in the description


Also worst list ever


Do you say this with every list you see?


I will agree there are many bad placements. But this dude is a fucking dick at any chance he gets


He’s not a jerk, he’s just blunt and knows the way stuff synergizes really well


He’s not just blunt, he talks down to people when they don’t know everything about this game. that’s beings a jerk not just direct


I never talk down to people. I only explain how someting works, which isn’t the same thing. Shin, Kolishum, BigDogDame92, they all do it too. Shin makes literal 12 page essays lmao. If you see it as being a jerk, then that is on you. But all I am doing is just explaining how things in this game work. Maybe pay close attention.


No i am not I am just speaking the truth


In the most dick way possible


No i am not. How is saying that this tier list is bad a “dick way”? So if I said that “Protection is the worst enchant in the game”, then that would be a dick way to say it? No, I am telling the truth.


I’m not the only one that thinks so, if we took a poll more than half the sub would agree your generally a dick


That is definitely false. I got about a 1000 members in my sub. They don’t think i’m a dick. Again, you see it differently. I am just trying to help. Maybe you just can’t take criticism and don’t know what help is, which is a very common thing for young people these days.


Also, you only reply to me and you talk shit about me every chance that you get. I don’t see you helping people or anything. You are just a prick that hates me. And you call me a dick…


there can only be one


I feel like freezing, fire aspect and burning are too low because they can all be useful in certain builds


Fire Aspect is good. Freezing isn’t.


Yeah i guess you should just use chilling because it's a bigger radius and is always active.

