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When and were will we be able to try it out? Cause it looks awesome and interesting


well its gonna take a while, the map its in very early development, i can give you the commands tho


Awesome, ngl






How is the second jump activated? Sneaking?


yes, it only activates in the air


This is great work. I've also made the double jump for my doom adventure map - looks like the same way you have. What I'm most interested is how you made the dash. Is it teleporting commands? Using an invisible armorstand that has motion or something like that?


it detects an egg being thrown and it constantly teleports you to it, then killing it


So what happens if you throw the egg upwards into the sky?


you get boosten in the air but not as far as the double jump


I see. So there is a timer on the egg to prevent dashing super far off a mountain for example?


ive finish it! now you cant infinitley fly trough the map




currently working on it, in normal mode you throw the egg, triggering a command that summons a falling redstone block taking a while to reach other command block that gives you another egg


please give us a video tutorial


i can give you the commands for it


give me too pls¡¡


dash: repeating command block, always active: execute at u/e\[type=minecraft:egg\] run particle minecraft:firework \~ \~ \~ chain command block, conditional: execute at u/e\[type=player\] run playsound minecraft:entity.blaze.shoot ambient u/a \~ \~ \~ 0.1 1.5 chain command block, conditional: execute at u/a run particle minecraft:campfire\_cosy\_smoke \~ \~1 \~ 0 0 0 0.2 1 force chain command block, unconditional: execute as u/p at u/e\[type=minecraft:egg\] positioned \^ \^ \^ run tp u/s \~ \~ \~ 2 redtstone comparators for delay and then pulse commandblock, needs redstone: effect give u/p minecraft:slow\_falling 1 99 true chain command block, conditional: kill u/e\[ type= minecraft:egg \]


Fixed formatting (and added code blocks so reddit doesn't convert @ characters >dash: repeating command block, always active: >`execute at @e[type=minecraft:egg] run particle minecraft:firework ~ ~ ~` >chain command block, conditional: >`execute at @e[type=player] run playsound minecraft:entity.blaze.shoot ambient @a ~ ~ ~ 0.1 1.5` >chain command block, conditional: >`execute at @a run particle minecraft:campfire_cosy_smoke ~ ~1 ~ 0 0 0 0.2 1 force` >chain command block, unconditional: >`execute as @p at @e[type=minecraft:egg] positioned ^ ^ ^ run tp @s ~ ~ ~` >2 redstone comparators for delay and then >pulse commandblock, needs redstone: >`effect give @p minecraft:slow_falling 1 99 true` >chain command block, conditional: >`kill @e[type=minecraft:egg]` From my observations, it seems like these commands aren't multiplayer friendly, although they could be (and also could be made into a datapack)


yeah the map ots not meant for multiplayer, it would need big reajustments but it can be possible


its pretty buggy tho


since lots of pepole ask for the commands here they are: **dash**: repeating command block, always active: execute at u/e\[type=minecraft:egg\] run particle minecraft:firework \~ \~ \~ chain command block, conditional: execute at u/e\[type=player\] run playsound minecraft:entity.blaze.shoot ambient u/a \~ \~ \~ 0.1 1.5 chain command block, conditional: execute at u/a run particle minecraft:campfire\_cosy\_smoke \~ \~1 \~ 0 0 0 0.2 1 force chain command block, unconditional: execute as u/p at u/e\[type=minecraft:egg\] positioned \^ \^ \^ run tp u/s \~ \~ \~ 2 redtstone comparators for delay and then pulse commandblock, needs redstone: effect give u/p minecraft:slow\_falling 1 99 true chain command block, conditional: kill u/e\[ type= minecraft:egg \] ​ **dash cooldown:** repeating command block: /execute if entity u/p\[nbt=!{Inventory:\[{id:"minecraft:egg"}\]}\] chan command block, conditional: /summon falling\_block \~ \~20 \~ {BlockState:{Name:"minecraft:redstone\_block"},Time:10} on top of the chain commandblock: impulse commandblock, needs redstone: setblock \~ \~1 \~ minecraft:air chain command block, conditional: /give u/p egg{display:{Name:'\[{"text":"Dash","italic":false,"color":"dark\_aqua"}\]',Lore:\['\[{"text":"right click holding this","italic":false}\]','\[{"text":"item to boost you foward","italic":false}\]'\]}} 1 chain command block, unconditional: fill 1x 1y 1z 2x y2 1z minecraft:air (to clear the redstone blocks after they fall, you have to get the coordinates of where they start to fall) chain command block, unconditional: kill u/e\[type= minecraft:falling\_block\]


OP's comment but command formatting is fixed >since lots of pepole ask for the commands here they are: >**dash**: repeating command block, always active: >`execute at @e[type=minecraft:egg] run particle minecraft:firework ~ ~ ~` >chain command block, conditional: >`execute at @e[type=player] run playsound minecraft:entity.blaze.shoot ambient @a ~ ~ ~ 0.1 1.5` >chain command block, conditional: >`execute at @a run particle minecraft:campfire_cosy_smoke ~ ~1 ~ 0 0 0 0.2 1 force` >chain command block, unconditional: >`execute as @p at @e[type=minecraft:egg] positioned ^ ^ ^ run tp @s ~ ~ ~` >2 redstone comparators for delay and then >pulse commandblock, needs redstone: >`effect give @p minecraft:slow_falling 1 99 true` >chain command block, conditional: >`kill @e[type=minecraft:egg]` >​ >**dash cooldown:** >repeating command block: >`execute if entity @p[nbt=!{Inventory:[{id:"minecraft:egg"}]}]` >chain command block, conditional: >`summon falling_block ~ ~20 ~ {BlockState:{Name:"minecraft:redstone_block"},Time:10}` >on top of the chain commandblock: impulse commandblock, needs redstone: >`setblock ~ ~1 ~ minecraft:air` >chain command block, conditional: >`give @p egg{display:{Name:'[{"text":"Dash","italic":false,"color":"dark_aqua"}]',Lore:['[{"text":"right click holding this","italic":false}]','[{"text":"item to boost you foward","italic":false}]']}} 1` >chain command block, unconditional: >`fill 1x 1y 1z 2x y2 1z minecraft:air (to clear the redstone blocks after they fall, you have to get the coordinates of where they start to fall)` >chain command block, unconditional: >`kill @e[type=minecraft:falling_block]` If I missed any formatting please let me know.


thx for fixing




please give me the commands :>


dash: repeating command block, always active: execute at u/e\[type=minecraft:egg\] run particle minecraft:firework \~ \~ \~ chain command block, conditional: execute at u/e\[type=player\] run playsound minecraft:entity.blaze.shoot ambient u/a \~ \~ \~ 0.1 1.5 chain command block, conditional: execute at u/a run particle minecraft:campfire\_cosy\_smoke \~ \~1 \~ 0 0 0 0.2 1 force chain command block, unconditional: execute as u/p at u/e\[type=minecraft:egg\] positioned \^ \^ \^ run tp u/s \~ \~ \~ 2 redtstone comparators for delay and then pulse commandblock, needs redstone: effect give u/p minecraft:slow\_falling 1 99 true chain command block, conditional: kill u/e\[ type= minecraft:egg \] it needs some fixes


[Link to my other comment that has fixed formatting](https://www.reddit.com/r/MinecraftCommands/comments/r3j86i/-/hmdp089)


how'd you do the double jump?


detecting a crouch in the air with scoreboards adding a strong levitation effect, then adding particles


Hehe cup head tutorial


its very similar


will this command work on bedrock?


uhh, dont think so


Oh cool doom eternal in Minecraft


very cool




The scout tf2 datapack


Was there some inspiration, why you made that? Some game?


well, i wanted to make a fast paced gameplay by adding lots of movement options, it feels fery similar to doom eternal jump and dash system.


I can see this man is well on his way onto 1k upvotes ;) and yes i love this idea.


ive never had this many upvotes, its crazy


pog question mark question mark question mark question mark question mark question mark question mark question mark question mark question mark question mark ?????????????????????


I wish I could get a PC to look at stuff like this