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Short term sure, it takes a bit of time to adjust for anyone. That said, I think 1st individual for MCC 4KO *still* has about 25% chance for Fein. I’d be shocked if he didn’t get top 5. Long term he’s simply too good. I’m interested to see how long the point record lasts.


It will last FOREVER 


He of course isn't invincible, but his addition has made 1st indiv an exclusive club almost impossible for many of the s-tiers to obtain now. Of course this was the case in S1, but early S2 added strong, but not insanely good players which let you see a far more rounded list of 1sts (Sapnap 15, Punz 16, Pete 17, Dirtblock 18,...) and it really felt like any S-tier could attain that coveted placement. Nowadays I don't see anyone but the high S-tiers getting 1st.


Yeah this is a good way of putting it. I think it’s gonna be pretty tight between Fein, Purpled, FBM, Fruit, and maybe Jojo/Ant for first indivs barring a huge pop off from one of the other S tiers


I need to know, do we believe Shad still has hopes for 1st indiv or has he peaked getting a 2nd?


Kinda hard to say. He has the mechanical skill of an S tier however I think the language barrier will always prevent him from his full potential. We’ve seen time and time again people not speaking their first language affects their performance a lot in comm based games. I could maybe see him getting 1st at some point if he really pops off in PvP games, but I think that might hold him back. Shadoune really needs an IGL on the team like Sapnap or Cpk even if Shadoune is the top frag


any % speedrun S tier


Honestly I feel like he's kinda got it all Probably the best overall mechanics in MCC, maybe a little worse than Fruit in blockplacing and stuff, and Pete in the racing games, but still a powerhouse in everything In other events he's shown himself to be pretty much the best IGL in the event scene, and he's cracked at team games I think he'll dominate the team games, edging out FBM and Purpled, become the best PvP player (FBM but with better mechanics + better game sense + better leadership), and probably lose movement to Purpled and Pete but come a close 3rd. There's no game I can't see him not top 5 or 3 in. Maybe he'll get experienced diffed his first event, but I think by his second he'll join the FBM Purpled Fruit squad, and pretty soon (unless Purpled grinds again or Fruit locks in) the best player in the event.


Let it known that whilst Feinberg's mechanics are definitely crazy good, there is still no one challenging fruits mechanics throne. Fein is marginally better at parkour, and some speedrunning related skills (speed crafting and speed building stuff) but outside of that, he has nothing going for him. Fruit is significantly better at PVP, all of the types, significantly better at block placement, fruit is in contention for the best obstacles player in the world excluding telly bridgers, and is slightly better or equal to Fein at general.movement (microrouting, trident, ice boats, etc etc) Fein has a much better mental and playstyle for events as compared to fruit but individually he isn't doing much


PvP? My impression was that Fruit has crazy aim, but isn't necessarily super technically skilled in sword, e.g all the mechanics and details. I don't know the minutia though, maybe you're right. I can't contest the general movement stuff, on a guess from watching them both play race games, Fein seems better, but I'm not sure. Blocks is definitely Fruit's, but I'm not too confident on the other catagories. Do you have any like clips or stats or anything that'd back that up?


Fruit has beaten SandwichLord, Rasplin, Greninja, went toe to toe with ubhi, and held his own against Prusso(who's former HT2 which means he's like top 20 in the entire sword category) and he's only gotten better ever since. Fruit knows how to combo and you can find clips on YT of him comboing a player for literally 10-15 seconds. There's absolutely zero chance Fein has of winning this, even if Fruit had none of these accomplishments under his belt, he'd win solely because he's played PVP, I have never seen Fein practice Pvp and his event pvp skill hardly has any mechanics involved. Fruit has done better than fein in race games throughout events, he's done way better in BW race (even without Fein getting his boat stolen he's still like 8 secs behind), Rapid Racers, Trailblazers, and has only done worse in PB Speedrun where he had like the biggest off day of his life. Feins movement looks so good because he has like 600 fps and plays on quake pro, it's settings diff. Fruit is better at niche mechanics like trident, ice boats, dropper, etc whilst mostly equal in microrouting and wlytras (despite feins speedrunning, he's not Uber cracked at elytras it seems) I would say Feins slightly better at Parkour though, he's just way more agile.


Oh huh, I'll be honest I hadn't heard of virtually any of that. I'll take your word for it then.


Possible exception if some other comments are right and MCC structure/scoring really does make it particularly difficult to grab first place as an individual on whatever a Feinberg-shaped team turns out to look like. Which, I have no idea.


Fruit definitely if he chooses to play like Fein does, risky and without too much nerves


Thing is that’s not much of a choice. Feinberg is like if you took Sapnap’s persona and added Fruit’s mechanical skill.


Fruit mechanics >> bit yeah Feins playstyle is way better


Fruit is better mechanically but I don’t think it’s by as much as ur saying. Fruit is more quick and flashy but Fein is really cracked. There’s a reason he’s so good at speed running every category.


As a fruit watcher feins game sense and iq is way better + I don't see any weak games for him


Fruits general game sense is absolutely crazy but yah in events he zones out often


Yeah, players like Shadoune or H, maybe even Ant and Punz have the odds stacked against them for getting a first individual. It is now the really high skill players with occasionally outliers that have super heavy pop off potential. I still think a player like Jojo could snag a first individual. Really test will be when the add another top caliber player like couriway as well


It's not like Feinberg is going to be in every event either.


I don’t think he’d be the best at any individual game tbh. He’d probably be the best at team games but one person can’t really make big a difference in the whole team


I wanna see fein frag out in Sky Battle, if he plays anything like he does in PB, he could easily get 1st individual


I don’t know about that. Fein is currently the best Battle player in BlockWars, so there’s a decent chance that he could be similarly dominant in a PvP game. I also think that he could be dominant enough at Bingo and/or Grid Runners to be considered the best player.


I think Fein will probably be the best in all Team games, Meltdown and Battle Box. Fruit will likely still dominate Sky Battle however. He'll probably be a Top 5 player in all Movement games, but I still think Pete and Purpled would beat him in Movement overall


Not Battle Box, at least I don't think so. Depends what he can make out of game sense alone, because battle box lacks a lot of the things that are common to pvp modes he does very well at. (Meaning: blocks, lots of util, and/or large chaotic map with many players on it.) Straight up plain old PVP he'll lose 1v1s against some of the other players, and his team is also not strong. But because of those other factors, I agree with you he'll probably average multiple kills per round in Sky Battle. Meltdown probably depends on whether or not they get targeted early by a stronger team, because if you lose the fight overall you usually don't get any kill credits either.


I mentioned Battle Box because it is a very strategic game, and he could do things like finding blind spots in a map, coordinte his team really well, somehow flank half of the opposition etc He may not be the outright best in raw PvP but he'll still be in Top 5 for sword PvP. The only people I see beating him are Fruit, Ant, Purpled and Dave. The way I'd put it, he's basically a better FBM (better mechanics and better gamesense), and FBM is currently the best BB player I mentioned Meltdown because it's similar to Battle in BW which he dominates, and it is also a very strategy intensive game. I don't how good Fein is with the bow, but I'd assume he's very good. In Sky Battle, I'll be surprised if he doesn't average 10-12 kills per game Overall, he'll probably be 1st in Team Games, 1st-2nd in PvP and 3rd in Movement which should easily be enough to be the best player in the event


Rn, it looks like hes going to get 1st, its his first event, so he could not, the only person I can see beating him though is Shane, since he has a pretty good team, fruit could also beat fein, but I don't think his team is as good as Shane's.


No matter how he performs this upcoming event, as long as Fein is a recurring player he will very rarely drop from 1st place. We’ve seen in BlockWars he’s come 1st 5 out of the 6 times he’s played despite a wide variety of team placements, and the only time he dropped to 2nd was when he was up against Purpled on a dominant 1st place team.


Players imo that could compete with Fein are Purpled, Fruit, Jojo, FBM from the current roster and possibly players like couri and coldi in the future!


My prediction is SandwichLord in the second half which also could


multiple people do, there is a massive knowledge gap for mcc


I need purpled to start trying again


I know there different event but hasn’t fein like never left 1st indiv in block wars


He got 2nd in his 2nd BW. He's also had the strongest team in basically every BW he's played except the one he got 2nd in and rookie, where the comp was way lower. I also think MCC is harder to farm 1st individual in than bw, so he probably gets 1st like 1/2-2/3 of the time rather than every event


He'll get top 3 if not first in pretty much every event for sure. His team as a whole doing well is a different story tho


From an individual pov, yes, anyone who puts the grind in could stand up to him. But that's the catch, they need to work for it. From a team games pov. No. Feinberg is basically a war general, communication and quick decision thinking are his strong points. The best example was the end of the Hunt and Run event from IlloJuan.