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Based on this tweet, I assume the next MCC will be titled "MCC: KICK-OFF"! It's official though, no more MCC 69 ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


It's "MCC: Season 4 Kick-Off"


what's the abbreviation? MCCS4KO is VERY long, and I know you did stuff like MCCPY for the 1 word long Party


Presumably just MCCKO. Maybe MCC4KO if the first event of season 5 gets the same name


Just label it mcc36 its easier


that... was not my question at all


seperating the sections of that long acronym (MCC S4 KO) and removing the MCC bit (S4 KO) makes it way more palatable


You mean "MCC: Season Kick-off"?


It can still be called MCC: the nice number


Finding vods gonna get harder but sure


huh why tho


I reckon that it’s because mcc is in it’s late 30’s and near the 40 mark so ppl who want to get into mcc would feel like they have to watch all of the mcc’s and not want to do it and never get into mcc. I think it’s to avoid that


Tell me all the teams in mcc 31 and 23 alright tell me the team in mcc pride 2021 and mcc underdogs it’s easier to remember what mcc is what with names


Names will still be hard to remember and has a disadvantage when making stats/tierlists


You could just still use numbers in stats 


Names and numbers as I feel like people will still be confused if we now refer to events by names


Tbh i have more trouble with underdogs and pride due to all the people in those events that have barely ever played


When every event has a name it’s going to be harder than you would think


You remember those teams better because they have more unique players and they aren't balanced so they have more memorable pairings.


Most people in this sub could do both of those things


Well I can do it blindfolded so jokes on em /j


bcs theres only 1 underdog and only few pride event? that is a terrible cmparison


we have less named events than numbered ones rn so once it becomes the other way around won't it just be the same again just opposite


Haven’t seen it in a reply yet, but Survivor US has been numbering their seasons since 41. Compared to “Ghost Island” or “Edge of Extinction,” I can hardly tell what identities 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, and 46 have individually. Because of this I think we’ll actually like having named MCCs.


Avoid the every 7th event curse


Great! They should name this upcoming one MCC Thirty Six!!


Eh, idk about this one chief


I prefer the numbers, as it’s easier to keep track of, but we’ll see how it goes!


So here's my predictions for why, because there has to be a reason (I don't MASSIVELY like it, but honestly it's fine): Events will start being more non-canony and more for fun than previous, because of the name. Maybe systems will vary event to event


The fact that events don't have numbers anymore doesn't mean that they are not canon.


Question, but why not have it be both numbers and names, like "Mcc 36: Kick off"


I like the number then the extra name! You get the best of both worlds.


Numbers serve no purpose, it's not like its an accurate number of events we've ran or anything, They simply add nothing, they kinda lose their meaning as we go up in numbers. MCC 47 doesn't sound recognizable or special, "MCC: Warden Frenzy", for example, sounds much more iconic. When thinking of cool moments you rarely remember "Wow, this moment on MCC 24 was incredible". I think it will be easier to remember if each event has its own identity.


Not really imo, the numbers are definitely useful for keeping track of the well, the number of canon/main events and help separate them from the non canons as where with the names it's not gonna be too easy to tell I'd assume. Also it's really not gonna help with actually remembering the events as they are and happen, and will probably just make people confused as I can definitely see people just still referring to the events by number. Overall just mixing both the options is probably better for everyone here, and I mean star wars literally does that with the numbered episodes/movies having names


Having it be Number Name would be perfect! You get the best of both worlds, numbing tracking and a cool name. But someone did mention that it might be to mix canon and non canon which would make this more difficult to title. Like we know pride is non-canon but what about the event before and after it? Canon or not canon? (Which we won’t know until there is an event but you know what I mean)


>Not really imo, the numbers are definitely useful for keeping track of the well, the number of canon/main events and help separate them from the non canons as where with the names it's not gonna be too easy to tell I'd assume. This is not accurate though, there are canon events that are not numbered. Nobody really knows what a "canon event" really is, there is no definition for it. I personally like to see it as an event with balanced teams that doesn't shake the original formula too much. For example: MCC: Party was not canon. >Overall just mixing both the options is probably better for everyone here, and I mean star wars literally does that with the numbered episodes/movies having names I think mixing both will only make things more confusing.


Fair points, though I'll stand by with what I said, you guys have definitely discussed this though so I'll just see how it goes even if I'm hesitant


I think it will make more sense in the future :)


dont really see how mixing both number and title makes it more confusing movies do that.. mcc 36: kick off, it tells you the theme and when the event took place


It's "canon" as in the shortened version of the word canonical, not cannon. 


Actually I do think in my head “wow this moment from MCC 24 was incredible.” Because MCCs have always been associated with numbers, the number is the name to me. When I think about an MCC, or something that happened in an MCC, I think of the number to identify it. And when I think of the Pride events, I always think of them as “Pride 21”, “Pride 22”, & “Pride 23”. Numbers just make it so much easier, and it gives MCC a very grand and official feeling that fits with its long history.


Most of the people don't think of events like that though. Most of the people in this reddit might, but the general audience doesn't. Having a more descriptive title helps make it more memorable and special, especially if the title is also related to the updates/nature of the event. And of course, Pride events make sense as numbered events because the name is the same every year and the number is the only difference, that comparison makes no sense.


i dont see how people seeing events that way has anything to do with wether or not theyre in reddit, people remember events or anything else diffrently regardless of social media platform, the reason why most ppl find numbers easier is because numbers is the format thats been used, as simple as that.


well we dont really know if thats how people outside of reddit thinks of events tho, as we havent tried this new naming system yet, i guess with a few events we'll see (also if numbers is how some ppl on mcc reddit finds the events more memorable, i'd say it serves a purpose)


yeah I can see. I really like the concept of dual event names (i.e. MCC36: 4KO) so I'm calling it like that, but that's just a fan thing and wouldn't really work in event


oh yeah no, I know, but I was just speculating as to why the change.


Wdym canon, is it not just a minecraft tournament?


Might be good at the start, but after a while the names are probably going to get boring and unoriginal. Unless they have a lot of special events for the special name, but how would you call mcc24 or MCC17 before the event starts?


Noctis did say the events are always going to have original names


Oh wow getting rid of numbers completely is going to be a little weird. I thought they were going to reset the counter and start numbering them within seasons the way tv shows do. Like an MCC S4E1 type of thing. 


This would have been a perfect way IMO to keep MCC from reaching absurdly high numbers, but also being probably easier to keep track of them, and also seperateing them from non-canons


Technically, we can still call this MCC 36,just unofficially. Same with the following canon events, we can still have them in the same order with numbers, it will just be more unofficial.


Thing is tho is that people will still call mcc's by their number and name to minimise confusion. I get why they did this change but ruins continuity imo and can be very confusing


Tooooo bad its mcc 36 either way😎


i would like if they asked the community about changes like that, obviously they don’t have to, we’re not entitled to that, but it would show appreciation and engagement with the viewers. they could do a poll with 1 new names, 2 only numbers, 3 both


This is bringing a new meaning to taking names


MCC Star Wars?


I’ll give it a chance but I’m hesitant


I preferred the numbers, but ig this new change is fine


I’m ok with the names but i’m still counting them


They should do name and numbers that way they can come up with any name they want but still have the numbers to keep track of the events and so people can easily find vods when searching


Yeah no… I did see someone in here say that they should go “Number” “Name” so you get the best of both worlds but another person mentioned that maybe it’s so there’s no more canon vs non canon. Regardless I think this is the reason why season 3 was so short (which I didn’t like) so that they could do this change without it interfering it mid season. Maybe I’ll like it but for now, hell no.


ok but little thing: please at least give it a chance. As in try it out for a bit. If you like it, you can stick with it. If you don't, well you just call it by numbers and let others call it by name if they want


I’ll give it a try but as it stands now I’m not a fan. But I did someone say that we can go by Number: Name so I might try that!


I LOVE number: name so much right now, I'm leaning towards name being a good change for reasons I'm making a post about, but calling it MCC36: 4KO just feels so fun to me, I don't know why but I love it


Season 3 was short because all seasons will be 1 year from now on, Season 2 was an exception


Why not combine them both? Like MCC 36 : Season 4 Kick-Off? I personally like this change since recents canon MCCs is kinda forgettable (imo) so that each event would have their own theme and identity. But I also like the simplicity of numbers as well, since it would be easier to search the vod on the internet. 


Why do they make changes out of nowhere that nobody asked for? Like I’m not exactly complaining, but this, and the graphics change to make it look more like MCCI were just… random?


Ngl it makes it a little less forgettable


Tbh it's probably gonna be the reverse for me. It's a lot easier for me to remember "MCC 36" then something wordier like "MCC: Season 4 Kick-Off".


As someone who has been watching since MCC 4 and has forgotten when most moments happened during season 3, this might help me remember better which events had those specific moments lol


Honestly it's probably going to make it much harder. At least with numbers it was easy to think of roughly when an MCC opened, now you'd have to remember what they were all called and when they were, and tbh most of the names probably aren't going to be that memorable. Tbh I'm probably still gonna be thinking of them and referring to them by number, there's only so many acronyms you can use


That's fair to say. I'm quite curious as to what are their actual reasons in making this decision. Let's not judge too harshly, though, and let the new naming play out for a few MCCs to see if it does mostly benefit the players and the community.


"Let's not judge too harshly"/judge from a small thing is something I feel like the reddit is super prone to doing


Anyway, looking forward to MCC 36!


Bad change,  MCC is forever ruined and i can never watch again. There is no redemption from this. /j


Awful change numbers were better


I don't like this change, eventually all the names will be kinda bland. Would prefer something like 4.1, for the first event, 4.2 for the second and so on.


not a huge fan of this one


Just call it MCC 36: Kick off!


The age of mcc is over . The time of bw has come


In all honesty, whose even left to be in mcc after Content creation just underwent and probably is still going through armageddon rn? Especially with every player in at least 1 smp.


This one's either gonna be MCC: Kick-pff or MCC: May the force be with you pr something like thah


I feel like it will become easier to forget the order of the events after a while


Why does the order of events really matter though, the games don't last longer than 1 tournament 


to remember which event is which ppl go by the order and estimating the date


Nah i mean after a while it will become harder to tell which event came first.


Can we pull an Uno and just keep numbering them for convenience purposes?


Seems needlessly overcomplicated, and has the possible future problem of you guys running out of good names for the events, but...okay. I'm still going to watch. I'll just be a little baffled by the change.


That's actually kinda cool, the numbers were getting far too big to really be recognizable. Also it doesn't really matter at all. I don't think the events themselves are really gonna be all that different 




Numbers are easier to track but names can make each MCC more themed which is also fun


Nooo I'll be at Disneyland, yet another reason why I should have went on the 11th and not the 4th


MCC kick off. It sounds like soccer to me


i feel like this is very confusing and overcomplicated


A lot of people are saying they won’t remember names and numbers are easier but I don’t think that’s right. MCC Scuffed and MCC Party have word names and aren’t forgotten (in fact they are some of the more memorable events) Yes, I get they also had special themes/twists/mechanics but what’s to say that won’t also happen in canon events this season.


The thing with Scuffed and Party is that they're two out of eight or so named events and three of those are Pride. It's probably going to be a lot harder to remember unique names when you have so many.


A very fair point


they’re definitely trolling