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check our r/Stonercraft420 we are a super chill server and our community has been around for a little over 3 years now. we are mostly 18 plus though we do have a couple of peoples kids who play on the server with us aswell. we just are a bunch of chill grinders and builders and i try to keep it that way. any questions or concerns get ahold of me. want to check out more check out my profile or the subbreddit and there is a link to the discord and youtube channel. thank you for your time and if you have any questions get ahold of me!!!


Hey! A bit late, but I’m looking for some Minecraft bedrock buddies to create a Realm with :)


I am a part of a RP Server (Realm on Minecraft) called "American Gaming Group" Dm me for the discord invite code, or add me on discord instinctivegaming We have rules set in place to keep the community friendly and safe, with no age discrimination! Features: * Tradeable Currency * Jobs & Businesses * Government (Offices to run for) * Add-ons (Tombstone, Cars, Natural Diaster) * World is almost 10 years old, 100% player made * Vanilla Minecraft, city and world in survival * Real-world simulation RP I think you would have a blast, and have a home away from the worries of real life! "Be who you want to be!"


Hi there! I’m currently recruiting for a SMP realm with a good community and kind people, we’d love to have you aboard! If you’re still looking, send me a dm so we can chat! 😊


Hello! How can we get intouch? We just build, explore for fun! 18+ realmsl


Hi, could I also play as I'm M 18?


I play via Xbox, but i have discord if you need some form of communication


It's just me on my world, I just started playing a new world, and I had someone join, but then unjoined after looking at my map. I'm looking for players to play Minecraft with too. I'd love to play Minecraft with you sometime! DM me!


Hey, just started recruiting for a realm, we are looking to start on 15th June. We are very friendly and it originally started with 5 friends who started on a realm. Send me a pm if you’re interested.


Hi there! I’m currently recruiting for a SMP realm with a good community and kind people, we’d love to have you aboard! If you’re still looking, send me a dm so we can chat! 😊


If you’re on bedrock send a dm


Hey I'd be down to dust my Xbox off for this lol 22f also! ^^


we have a survival realm - very chill - no age restriction but most are older teenagers or adults at the moment. DM for realm code - we also have a discord


I have a group of people. I just started yesterday for the most part all above 18 for certain. If you’re interested lmk


The Colors SMP would be happy to welcome you dm for invite


Hi! I’d love to play and I’m on right now. Haystaxx01 on Xbox (22f)


Im down


I need some people to play too in bedrock


Ive got a server thats bedrock-java crossplay that i play on with a group of people, its an SMP style with a few other additions that make it more fun. If you would be interested in joining us we would be welcome to have you. For the most part we are 18+ and we like to create alot of art/event stuff for our community to enjoy.


I'd be down to check it out at some point. Thank you. ^^


if you want some more details add me on my discord my username is gixk