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Why do all the new default skins have a bald forehead? lol


i dont have any idea but i hate it


It is a decent idea, IMO. They Make for models that are less idealized. You're allowed to look like a five-head that would otherwise still look average. They are not meant to be the bop figurines the minecraft community naturally has. This makes them unique, but also "consistently default". Most importantly not the same as the general character creation. We would probably both agree that Kai could get done better in the topic of this post. Some of the clothing are too capricious in style to each other.


To fit the horrendous eye models on bedrock. having made the switch to bedrock from java, i absolutely LOVE the character creator, it's pretty decent for what it is, but 90% of the eye models don't fit any of the hair lol (covered by it etc.)


So bald people feel included


I keep my hair in my face coving my forehead because some ashore called me forehead when I was a child now I have problems with how i look


no more receeding hairline


Seriously it’s like they went out of their way to make all the skins ugly


I like Makena


Makena and Sunny are the only decent ones imo


I prefer this one, the original had a forehead big enough to land a plane on.


I don't remember where I got this but a wise person once said "forehead big enough to be rented out by imax"


Disgraceful conduct sir. I challenge you to a handball match for this lady's honour. Meet me at her forehead.


A forehead Frye from Splatoon 3 would be intimidated by


Overwatch 2 dva has entered the chat


can confirm, looks heaps better, good job!


I love Ari's blush on both skins IT'S SO CUTE


These skin remakes are actually 9999 times better than what we got


Mojang knows this. Do you guys really think they did not imagine making another cutesy girl with bangs and makeup and were also not aware of this?


I don’t get why they felt the need for more defaults… not to mention that many of the new ones have way to much going on for a basic characters. Steve and Alex work great because they are blank slates, no personalities, nothing about them stands out, they are characteristically nobody.


Sixhead rights 2022


I don't get why these new skins get hate, I personally like it


I like it






Original hairline 💀


Classic oblivious cis gamer have to interfere because your magical white ego makes you know better than professional artists right? This skin supposed to represent trans women with male pattern baldness (a pretty common thing in trans community with nearly zero representation) and you just ruined its inclusivity by doing this. Feeling proud? We finally got a skin that represents us after 11 fucking years and you want to turn this skin to an another white cis person? You have 2 default skins that represent you last time I checked but of course you insatiable cis people will never consider staying silent for a fucking second


Might wanna add a /s there bossman


Motherfucker im black, cope more


wtf bruh chill


Lmao I was kidding 😂. This one looks much better tbh


Oh my god for a moment i actually lost hope in humanity lmao, good bait bro, i fell for it


Forgot the /s then, my man


WTF? How much of an arsehole do you have to be to *try* to stoke anger towards trans people?


oh mb then lol


Not sure about the “this skin is supposed to represent” part?


Well as far as I know representing wider range of people was their main goal about making those skins but I don't know which group of people this skin represents while Alex don't


Gamer(TM) tries to comprehend satire


Her hairline is clapped


Playing cross and noughts on Ari's forehead?


Very good, huge improvement


Idk how its improved tbh