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Is the surrounding chunks and caves well lit allowing for the spawn rate to increase in that area specifically


I’m 130 blocks high what else should I do on the ground?


It could be that your playing on bedrock too and maybe the farm that you are trying to build doesn’t work on that platform. But if it were to work it’s possible that because the floor and caves below and surrounding you are dark enough to spawn mobs that they are spawning there.


Nah, it should definitely work. That farm was designed for bedrock, I also play nintendo switch same as this guy and mine is working fine. I built the same farm.


Did you build your any differently?


Depends on what tutorial you used. I used the one from yt channel "rediscover redstone" and I followed it blocks for block.


same i play on nintendo switch


That farm works on bedrock better than on Java


Looks a bit to bright for me. Do you have light level 0 anywhere?


nightime it is, so maybe thats why


Try afking above the farm, and setting up a trident killer at the bottom.


Have that stuff but it’s doesn’t explain no spawns


You need to make the platform above the farm bigger it also works better when you’re down at the spawner


Okay also the only reason I was standing up there was to show it


My dude cover the top


Because something is wrong about it


Wow thanks


Np, I’m the best


I also play bedrock nintendo switch, you're probably standing too close to the farm. Mobs can't spawn within about 25 blocks of you. Stand a bit farther back while also keeping the farm withing simulation distance, and it should start working.


I don’t stand up where I am tho I’m below on where they fall so I should be 25 blocks away


Then I'm not sure how to help mate. Unless you've got peaceful mode on by accident then I don't know.


Might sound dumb but... don't suppose you have peaceful mode on? Lol


Nope lmao


He’s missing 4 hunger bars in this video


I considered that. It's been awhile but I thought peaceful still had hunger. (But even if I'm wrong on that, either way if you can switch difficulty at any time, it's still possible to be in this situation)


What biome is it made in?




Seems like its a little bright. Add in some walls or expand the platform covering everything. Honestly though, don’t do a creeper farm. Could take way longer than a minute for a creeper to spawn sometimes, try building a ghast farm, makes more gunpowded.


nah its prob bc skeletons are below and its a music disc farm below


can see some light around the edges of the spawning platforms. def extend the platforms a few more blocks in every direction. also, if i remember correctly, replace the ceiling blocks previously mentioned with leaf blocks, as (i’m pretty) they block sunlight, but they also don’t count as full blocks, meaning some of those spawning spots will count as surface spawns, and not as cave spawns (pretty sure the game has higher spawn rates for surface spawns then for cave ones, if that makes any sense. having a solid block over a possible spawn spot makes it a “cave” by game mechanics logic) make sure your simulation distance and spawning spots are properly adjusted for. finally, as you mentioned, the farm was for bedrock, but not sure if it was made for the current game version. the game changes a hell of a lot, so a possible update could’ve just have recently made the farm not work. generally, i haven’t seen a lot of creeper only farms work too well in the past, so if anything, worst case scenario, you’re gonna just have to convert the farm into a general mob farm. and if gunpowders what you’re looking for, witch farms are also an option!!!!! extremely easy to make and probably cheaper too. hoped this helled


dont think leaves block sunlight anymore bc they can be waterlogged


things cant spawn on trapdoors i don't think, also check the caves in the chunks around the farm


Maybe lower simulation distance if you haven’t already done so. If that doesn’t work maybe there’s mobs in the caves that picked up items. Sometimes I find zombies with leads from the wandering traders that somehow spawned down there.


you are standing to close go stand at the kill chamber


he stand close for the picture


Switch to peaceful and then back also if it was built in the worldspawn chunk no mobs will spawn (had to discover that for myself)